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September 9 2003 at 4:40 PM
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Christopher   (Login Roadking99)
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I had lunch with a good friend yesterday. He was quite concerned about me, since he's noticed a shift in my views about women, and a gradual loneliness for the company of the fairer sex. He wanted to sit me down and correct my thinking. He did. In spades.

Now, my friend Don is about my age. He's a life-long bachelor. Excellent job. Home paid for like mine. Two pick-up trucks, including a brand new Dodge Ram Diesel. He also has a drag race car. The works. He loads his own ammo, is a gun freak, and has part of his basement covered with a fantastic HO model raiolroad. Two big dogs- that both hate me. (WHY?)

We have a lot in common.

Don is very anti-marraige anymore, and decidedly anti-female. He wanted to get married, but simply grew sick of the corruption he found in women. He will very calmly look you in the eye, and without any fanfare, tell you he hates women. He means it.

I have never met his mother until yesterday. What an intense lady. She has terminal cancer, but, my God. What a fine woman.

We talked with her about women for quite a while. Don has told her of my loneliness lately, and she gave me a lot to think about.

This is a very well-educated older lady. The comments she made about today's women were startling, considering that it was a woman making them. I was aware in my heart of the deplorable condition of most women, but to hear a wise old woman warning me was deeply satisfying.

Part of me has always wondered if I was being unduly cruel to women. I have no desire to judge harshly, and even less desire to hurt anyone- much less a woman.

She was very frank about the level of immorality and dishonesty in virtually all women today, in particular the under 40 crowd. A new breed, she said. Odd. My mother used the same expression to describe them.

A new breed. Indeed.

I have walked away wiser and far better prepared to deflect the women who walk the streets "seeking whom they may devour", to borrow a biblical referance to Satan.

I can think of no creature more able to "devour" and destroy a man more capably than a woman.

Be very wary, fellows. If I'm in danger from them, considering my age and experiences observing them, most of you are in far greater danger.

I don't think most of you really can conceive of just how cruel a woman can be.

Always remember Super's oft-repeated words, "It is good for a man NOT to touch a woman." I'm beginning to believe that God did indeed inspire those words to protect men.

A woman will only bring you an intense pain that even the death of a family member can't match.

Flee the evil while you can, fellows.

You may not get a second chance.


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Anonymous 2
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September 9 2003, 5:40 PM 

The only power women have is the power you give them.
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Albert D.
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September 9 2003, 5:59 PM 

I agree, Anonymous 209, sometimes we make things to easy for them.
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Albert D.
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September 9 2003, 5:45 PM 

That's another beautiful post, Christopher.

As to me, I am not touching a woman since January, 30th, 1999.

I finally started reading the Esther Villar's Manipulated Man today... The book arrived to me 3 weeks but due to some troubles I had, only just today, a hour ago, I opened it to read... And I find out, in the biographyical preface that Esther Villar is Argentine from German ancestry... I'm twice glad for having learnt it, for these both resons.

Our southern brothers, the "Gauchos", are very conservative compared to us and rigidly religious. Then, maybe if the book drived me too much depressed on that chapters about women's sexuality, I could at least account her assertations about women having no sexual desire for any men at all as a conservative exaggeration which is tipical on those "Gauchos". Well, just wondering a way to consolate myself.

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September 9 2003, 6:29 PM 

I find this angering.

Women are doing what they want and being a little corrupt for a while. So what?

Women have not had the rights that men have had for thousands of years. Women are misusing their freedom a little bit. So what?

I don't condone this bad behavior. But I find it hypocritical that men can hate women simply because women are doing what they want. After all. Men have done what they wanted since the beginning of time.

Can someone PUHLEASE tell me what is evil about women under 40 today?! I am quite lost as to what you find so terrible about young women. They are no worse than young men.
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Albert D.
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September 9 2003, 7:09 PM 


As you asked PULEASE, then I will try to explain it the best I can do:

1 - Feminism released women free for having a work, a salary, a carreer and be the masters of their own lives, and also built their own whealty.

2 - Despite women have now this option, much of them INSIST in the idea that it's the husband the one who owes them the Whealty and the "protection", as if it were "the natural order" of things.

3 - Women compete with men for the same jobs but women are not willing marry a men with a worse job or a fewer income than theirs.

4 - Then, there's a lot of well-succeed women who has big jobs and no husband because they can't find a wheathier husband, and there's a lot of "loser" men (bitch and Deadmandontrape confirm it) who have no wife because the women still want men to "care" and "protect" them, financially too.

Then, this is what, in my opinion is "wrong" about women in "this day and this age".

Women need to get rid of this dependance on men to "care" them, and just only settle for a man IF she loved him, and I mean it for the sake of the mankind's redemption. Also, whenever women go for their own suceess and whealty, and whenever women stop expecting men to be extremelly rich to consider them marriageable men, them will be useless for men being rich to marry a woman, and since they find out that money will no more buy a wife for them, they will be FORCED to turn into really better man instead of trying to "buy" a woman's love with money.

When Christopher write his posts about women being "devouring" people, he means these susiehomakers, these women who see marriage only as if it were a way they subsist under the expenses of a husband regardless if they "love" or have "desire" on this man.

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Albert D.
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September 9 2003, 7:13 PM 

TIPO, I meant "women need to get rid of this dependence in being cared by the men".
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The G
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September 9 2003, 8:42 PM 

" After all. Men have done what they wanted since the beginning of time."

Well that's wonderful, but I wasn't around back then. The women of today weren't around back then either to have been oppressed. So women aren't doing what I used to do, they're doing what someone else used to do. I don't think I'm being hypocritical nor are many men in this complaint.
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Stinky M
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September 9 2003, 6:29 PM 

How can you believe what Super's saying when he gets such obvious and intense gratification from describing, in lurid detail, every time he HAS touched women and gloating and laughing with glee over all his escapades? I mean, maybe he's right, but it's hard to believe he believes what he says himself.
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