What Really Happened with the "Holocaust"


by Dr. E. R. Fields

"Since the Second World War, Jews have been treated with silk gloves. Without Auschwitz, there would be no Israel." - by Nathan Goldmann, the Founder of Israel as quoted from Paris Match, December 29, 1979

The "Holocaust" has given Israel a tremendous psychological advantage over the Gentile world, particularly America and Germany. By exploiting the guilt complex instilled in non-Jews, they have obtained:

  • Over $65 billion in aid from Germany.
  • Over $55 billion in aid from America. Israel, a prosperous country, receives $3.2 billion, (or $8 million a day) in foreign aid - more than any other country.
  • The 45,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia have the highest annual quota after Mexico. They enter as "refugees" without having to prove persecution! As "refugees" they are automatically entitled to full welfare benefits not subject to welfare reform cuts.
  • Nonstop holocaust brainwashing in schools, TV, movies and books has placed Israel and organized Jewry above criticism!

Official Holocaust Figures Reduced

Immediately after World War II, Allied authorities declared that "Jews had been gassed" in all German concentration camps. It later discovered that the many bodies photographed in the camps died during the waning days of the war - from typhus, cold and starvation. Simon Wiesenthal, of the "Holocaust Center" in Los Angeles, stated in Books and Bookmen, April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The Jew L.P. Beria headed the Soviet NKVD secret police from 1938 to 1953. In 1945, he announced that they had discovered a "holocaust" of six million Jews. This conveniently occurred only in camps in Poland! Beria would not allow any outside investigators to examine these sites. The Jewish-owned New York Times reported in 1945 that Soviet Russia supplied the figure of four million Jews having been put to death, "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." However, in July of 1990, the Polish government reduced this figure to 1.1 million and it was accepted by Jewish groups. Despite this evidence, the "official figure" of six million dead was not lowered to three million!

(It should also be noted that Elizabeth Dole, president of the American Red Cross, and wife of former Sen. Bob Dole, revealed that the official death records from Auschwitz had been uncovered in the Soviet Archives. It listed 70,000 deaths from all causes.)

No Holocaust Order Ever Given

The Germans are noted for being meticulous record keepers. There was no attempt made to destroy wartime records, 1,100 tons of which were seized in the U.S. Zone of occupation alone. British Historian, Colin Cross, writes in his biography of Hitler, on page 313: "There does not exist then, anything like a written order signed by Hitler for the extermination of the Jews in Europe."

Madagascar is a vast island off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, then owned by France. Thousands of pages of German documents have been located providing a thorough study of the feasibility of establishing a Jewish homeland on the island of Madagascar. Plans were made for the reimbursement of the 25,000 French citizens who lived there. Even the government of France studied the plan. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, considered Madagascar a possible site for a Jewish state. He also considered Kenya, Africa, the Sinai from the Suez Canal to the Gaza Strip, and a huge area in southern Poland, but they really wanted Palestine.

The German Foreign Ministry on January 25, 1939 issued a document on the solution to the Jewish problem which stated: "The end policy in regard to the Jews is the emigration of all Jews living in the territory of the Old Reich."

In Auschwitz Notebooks, we read that all of the top German leadership supported this plan. "On November 12, 1938, Goring had mentioned the question of Madagascar. Himmler himself had dreamed of that since 1934, a witness assures us. After the armistice of June 1940 (surrender of France), the idea was propounded by the Foreign Ministry and approved by Himmler as well as by Hitler himself."

For these reasons SS official Reinhard Heydrich organized the Central Office for Jewish Emigration on February 11, 1939. Once the war began, this was no longer possible. Thus Hitler ordered the internment of Jews as enemy aliens and deported them to the east. On January 27, 1942, Hitler said: "The Jews must leave Europe. The best thing is that they go to Russia."

Roosevelt did the same thing as Hitler had supposedly done by ordering 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent living on the West Coast interned in concentration camps. In March 1942 Roosevelt accused them of being "security risks." The Japanese men, women and children were imprisoned behind barbed wire fences and armed guard towers in the blazing hot desert.

The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial heard testimony from Hans Lammers as to what he considered the "Final Solution of The Jewish Problem." Lammers was Chief of the Reich Chancellery and personally close to Himmler and Hitler. Lammers said he asked Himmler what was the "final solution." Himmler replied: "The Jews must be evacuated from Germany!" He said that Hitler told him the same thing. In other words, "The Final Solution" was --emigration! When asked, "when did you first learn that five million Jews had been exterminated," Lammers replied that it was "here" at the Nuremberg trials! Herman Goring also told the court that the first time he had heard anything about a holocaust was, "right here at Nuremberg!"

Auschwitz was a massive military-industrial complex of 39 camps of which 19 mainly employed Jews. The factories at the "Monowitz No. 16 Camp" alone employed 126,000 workers. Holocaust expert, Leon Poliakov of Paris, in Breviary of Hate, page 134, in 1979 wrote that the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto was one of the Germans' "most important supply centers. The second in economic importance was the Lodz ghetto because it manufactured all kinds of goods, and, in particular, its textile industries constituted support of great value to the German economy."

Heinrich Himmler feared a typhus epidemic in the camps. Eastern European Jews were very unhygienic and were often blamed for the spread of typhus. On December 28, 1942, Himmler ordered that, "the death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs." (Source, Reitlinger's book, The Final Solution.) On January 20, 1943, chief inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks, answered Himmler, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates." (Source, Nuremberg Trial Document No. 1523.) The death rate had indeed been reduced from 8.5% in July 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943.

On April 17, 1943, Hitler asked Admiral Horthy, regent of Hungary for, "100, 000 Jews to work on a new pursuit plane program." (Source, Reitlinger's book, Die Endlosung, 1956, page 478.) In May 1944 Hitler personally ordered that 200,000 more Jews be put to work in construction and "other important military works."

The Jews were vital to the German war industry. It would have been counter productive to exterminate them. In fact, the SS arrested Karl Koch, commandant of Buchenwald, for mistreating and unjustly executing some prisoners. After being found guilty by a military court, Koch was sentenced to death and shot. If there was actually a "holocaust" he would have been honored instead of executed.

Schindler's List features Commandant Amon Goeth, who in reality did abuse prisoners. However, the film fails to inform viewers that he had been arrested by the SS and was in prison awaiting trial at war's end. Most of the gruesome pictures of bodies we see in "made for TV" holocaust dramas are those who died of starvation and disease during the final chaotic months of the war. An example is Dachau. Some 54 died in January 1944 and 101 in February 1944. When food and medical supplies could not be delivered due to Allied bombings, 2,888 died in January and 3,977 in February 1945.

The Impossibility of Mass Gassings Auschwitz had no mass graves. The cremation of four million bodies would have left 15,000 tons of ash which was never found. Many tons of coal would have been necessary for such mass cremations. Initially, the Soviets told conflicting stories about how the six million perished in the camps under their control. At first they claimed that the inmates had been "steamed" to death. On December 5, 1945, a Communist judge issued the following "Accusation No. 6" against defendant Hans Frank at Nuremberg:

"A large boiler for the production of superheated steam was injected into the interior of the rooms. The doors are closed hermetically and the long asphyxiation of the victims by the steam begins. At the start, screams came from inside, they die down slowly; after 15 minutes, the executions are completed."

This story was not believable. It was then changed to allege that trucks were backed up to the "death chambers" and carbon monoxide gas was pumped into the rooms. This claim too was "forgotten" and the Soviets then charged that the Germans changed the "steam chambers" into "gas chambers."

The Soviets came up with a novel idea of how the Jews were exterminated at the Belzec camp. "The Jews were ordered to undress as though to take a bath. They were led in fact into a building that could hold hundreds of people. The water was filled up to their necks. Then a powerful electric current was sent into the metal flooring and within a few seconds all the Jews, thousands at a time, were dead."

Soviet prosecutor L.N. Smirnov actually read this accusation into the record at the December 19, 1945, session of the Nuremberg trial. This story finally evolved to execution by "Zyklon B" gas. This was a widely used pesticide to kill lice which was the biggest health threat in the camps. Had the Germans actually wanted to perform mass exterminations, they had products one-thousand times more deadly such as Sarin and Tabun nerve gas!

Austrian Engineer Walter Luftl issued a report in March 1992, in which he found that, "Zyklon B is utterly unsuited for the purposes of systematic mass murder."

Fred Leuchter, America's foremost expert on executions, took a team of investigators to Auschwitz in 1988 and reported: "I traveled to Poland to investigate the alleged execution gas chamber facilities at the three concentration camps of Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. My forensic analysis and subsequent report proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that there were no gas execution facilities operated by the Nazis at these sites."

Leuchter also examined the capacity of the so-called "gas chamber building" at Birkenau. The Nuremberg Tribunal's document No. L-022 stated: "1,765,000 Jews were gassed at Birkenau between April 1942 and April 1944." However, Leuchter found that even if used at full capacity "only 105,688" persons could have been "gassed." His team scraped forensic samples from brick, mortar and concrete to find traces of cyanide compounds which would be present for centuries. They were submitted to the Alpha Analytical Laboratories of Ashland, Massachusetts. In March 1988, the Alpha report found that no cyanide elements, consistent with what could be expected to be found in a gas chamber, were present.

A retired German judge, Dr. Wilhelm Staglich said: "The extermination thesis stands or falls with the allegation that Auschwitz was a 'death factory.'"

Fred Leuchter's finding: "We have provided the definitive proof that there were no execution gas chambers utilized for genocidal purposes by the Germans at these wartime camps. The simple fact is that the holocaust story is not true."

How Many Jews Actually Died?

The World Almanac for 1947, in quoting figures supplies by the American Jewish Committee states that the world Jewish population in 1939 was 15,688,259. The New York Times of February 22, 1948, stated that the world Jewish population ranged from 15,600,000 to 18,700,000, excluding some 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine. How could the Jewish population have increased so rapidly after losing six million during World War II? Walter Sanning, the author of Dissolution of European Jewry, says that no less than 2,200,000 Jews had emigrated out of Europe leaving 2,847,000 Jews residing there at the height of the German occupation in June 1941. After the war, 3,375,000 Jews, according to the Red Cross, applied for holocaust reparations. This figure included many of the emigrants. Thus, the actual number of those who died at the camps from all causes ranges between 150,000 and 300,000.

"Holocaust" Silences Opposition

Hardly a week goes by without a new holocaust story in the media. Bernard Postal wrote in Jewish Week, July 14, 1979:

"Not until the Holocaust, did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an open factor in national (political) campaigns. The Holocaust puts a taboo on overt anti-Semitism among upper-level statesmen and publicists."

Zionist spokesmen have often boasted that, "The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian conscience results in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews."

The Red Cross issued a massive, three volume, 1,600 page report on the camps after the war, part of which reads: "In the final moths of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims." ... Gen. Kaltenbrunner. . . Allowed the Red Cross to distribute relief packages and one (Red Cross) delegate was authorized to stay in each camp (as an observer). Does this sound like a holocaust?

What About Real Holocausts?

Why doesn't the film industry or news media produce documentaries about the numerous true holocausts during the century such as:

The Soviet Holocaust of Christian Russian Kulak farmers. (1924 - 1930) - 15 million exterminated!

The Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers, (1930- 1933) - 7 million starved to death.

The Holocaust of Russian political prisoners, (1919 - 1949) - 12 million perished.

The Pol Pot Communist Holocaust in Cambodia (1975) - 2.5 million slaughtered.

Armenian Holocaust by the Turks, (1915) - 1.5 million people killed.

Bear in mind that the Jews are the only racial group with an organization like the World Jewish congress which wields fearsome power!

Dr. E. R. Fields



Also, what follows is worth attention and it's from the most interesting web-site (And a religious web-ste at that) I have seen to date regarding this mysterious force that no one seems to see. (No one sees it because they don't know a "Jew" when they see one.)


In a newsletter, dated February 1984, and the newsletter did not have a name on it, I received it with a bunch of other newsletters, it says;

For your holocaust files;

The St. Louis Globe Democrat, of August 22, 1983, reprinted a quote made in 1933, before World War Two, by "The World Congress of Zionists." They estimated Germany's Jewish population, at 565,000, now that was in 1933. Now perhaps someone will tell us, where Germany got the five million four hundred and thirty five thousand additional Jews, a few years later, in order to kill the six million Jews, in the so-called Jewish Holocaust. Simple logic and mathematics show that the whole "Jewish Holocaust story is the greatest hoax of this twentieth century. (Note---see book titled "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century .)

The Jewish Holocaust hoax was only concocted, to play on Christian guilt, so that German Christians, and other Christian Nations, would pay billions in reparations money, to the "Red Khazar, Jewish, Zionist State called Israeli."

The book called "The Diary of Ann Frank," was another hoax, that was foisted on naive Christians. It was a book supposedly written around 1941, by the young Jewish girl who supposedly went to her death, in a German concentration camp. When the original manuscript of this book was studied, it was found that the original Diary of Ann Frank, was written in ball-point pen. History records, that ball point pens, were not invented until 1948, seven years after the supposed diary had been written. Since ball-point pens did not exist in 1941, then it stands to reason, that the diary of Ann Frank was not written in 1941, as the Jews say, but in 1948 or later, years after the Second World War was over. Obviously, the Diary of Ann Frank was concocted by Jews, to back up the myth, that 6,000,000 Jews, died in the so-called Holocaust.

Recently, in Bonn, West Germany, the legislature, or whatever their ruling body is called in Germany, passed a law making it a crime to say, that the Holocaust didn't take place. They passed this law in April of 1985.

More and more people are finding out the truth, through simple logic, that the Jewish Holocaust, is a hoax. The Red-Khazar-Jewish controlled German government, is becoming paranoid about this hoax being exposed, so they are legislating "Thought control," to stamp out this truth to cover up this hoax.

In other words, if the so-called Jewish Holocaust is a lie, but by legislation initiated by Mystery Babylon, these German people are ordered by force of law, to believe this lie. Under the light of truth, the holocaust hoax will not stand on it's own merits. It is true then that, "all the darkness in the world cannot put out one little candle," the candle symbolizing the truth. The race of people, who constantly led, and are leading persecution against the Apostles, the Saints, and the Body of Christ, and had untold millions of Christians, put to death, are the Red-Khazar-Jews of Mystery Babylon.
