Guestbook: al31415926

Chauvinist Corner Guest Registration

Total: 111 guests
Name: NOYB
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-08 15:47:00
Comments: I am an 18-year-old girl, and the vast majority of girls my age(myself included) do not agree with your opinions at all. I was not brainwashed by feminists, in fact, my mom was a homemaker. You talk about how women aren't as strong as men. So what? You are probably middle-aged, so I bet that I am more physically fit than you are. I run everyday for five miles, and I have also ran in marathons(some of which I ran for more than twenty miles). I would like to know, do YOU even exercise? Anyway, I don't plan on ever having children, I have zero patience. I have a nephew, and he really made me change my mind about having kids. Nor do I find cleaning a house to be very fun. Maybe most women can be good homemakers, but not me. Why should I be a homemaker when I can do something which I consider more useful with my life? It is not the feminists who are the problem, it's YOU that's the problem!

It is always refreshing to get a visit from a product of the USA's efficient system of brainwashing: the joint venture of the public schools and our Leftist controlled media. They have done such a good job in your case that you don't even think it happened.

1. You are only 18 years old, but you think you have all the answers. And since the other adolescents you hang out with agree with you, you figure your answers are beyond question. When you are 10 years older you will realize how little you knew when you were 18 and I guarantee that you will no longer care whether or not 18-year-old kids agree with your point of view. Why? Because at 18 your brain has only barely reached a nearly mature state, and still has development to go through before it is fully mature. Your life's experiences have been phony, in that they have been controlled and free from the responsibilities you will have to take on as an adult. You go to school, play sports and think that is real life. It give you an egocentric view of the world. All that matters to you is yourself and your wants. Once you have lived on your own and been responsible for taking care of yourself for a few years, and done something productive with your life, you will then realize how little you really understand about the world at 18.

2. You don't tell us what you think of your mother directly, but from your comments you must not think much of her, and how she spent her life. That should tell you something about the influences you have been exposed to. You cast off your mother's role in your life, as being insignificant and something that is not at all worthy of emulation. Either you view her as a very bad mother, or you have been taught to think of all homemakers as useless, and not to be copied in your own life. If it is the latter, you are being quite dishonest in your claim that that you have not been exposed to propaganda that has influenced your thinking on this matter. If it is the former, you have my sympathy.

3. You admit that men are stronger than women, but you are not thinking clearly when you ask, "So what?" Men are stronger physically, and are mentally driven to compete, and to win far more than women. It is the reason that men have dominated all societies that have ever existed, and why they always will. If men all at once decided to make all women slaves, there is nothing that women could do about it. From this simple fact, it follows that it is in all women's best interest to make sure that each generation of boys growing up is taught to respect women and to treat them with honor, never hitting them. It is critical that women have a role in society that gives them status and that utilizes their natural abilities. At the same time it is critical that men have their natural abilities and tendencies directed towards positive activities. Men can best have their natures fulfilled through working to support a family. They will direct their aggression towards competing in the workplace, and they will have their need to lead, supplied by heading up a family. They will be taught from birth by their mothers, that women are not the same as men and must be treated differently. Women, who are naturally more nurturing, best have their natures and abilities served by being the great wives and mothers that they are capable of being. They will manage the house, monitor the children and be the single most important influence in their children's young lives.

4. I saw an article in a magazine a while back where an 85 year old lady ran marathons, running the entire 26 miles. Since you don't run the whole 26 miles, does that mean that she is more powerful than you are? While many women can run, have you noticed that the winner of all mixed marathons is always EASILY a man? Although I am much older than you are, I would be happy to take you out on a racquetball court and show you how it is done, or on a basketball court, in a boxing ring, or in a karate match. I would have no doubt about how it would turn out if I were locked into a room with you, if only one of us could come out of it alive. That is what I am talking about when I speak of men being stronger than women. What makes life good for women, is having men that will let life be good for women. Feminism creates men who don't care about women. Feminism creates an animosity between the sexes that is removing the framework from our society, a society that had made life better for women than it had ever been for the entire history of mankind. More women are being beaten and raped today than ever before in American history, and that is only going to get worse because of feminism and other Leftist causes.

5. It was nice of you to admit the possibility that my page is completely accurate in its assertion that most women can be good homemakers. I never said that ALL women can be good homemakers, any more than I said all men can be good husbands. If you can't do the job, then fine don't do it. If you noticed, nowhere on the page do I suggest that the government should force all women to be homemakers. What I want is for the government to get out of the picture altogether on the issue of working women, and let the society decide for itself what it wants!

6. I am sure that in your mind I am a problem. I do not bend with the times, or go with the latest fad. I do not accept the propaganda that is put out by the media and the controlled school system. Instead I think for myself and that is always a problem for those who are following the crowd. So, if you define "the problem" as something that sticks in your craw and makes you uncomfortable because your belief system is shaken, then I am "the problem" and proud to be so. If, on the other hand, you define "the problem" as the destruction of our families, and therefore our society, then I am certainly not "the problem." Those who thought like me were responsible for creating this society in the first place! They are the ones who made life so easy that it was actually possible for people like you to assume that you have no responsibilities to anyone but yourself. Instead of thanking them for what they did, and trying to emulate what they did, so the next generation can have the same great way of life that you have had, you call them "the problem" and are perfectly happy to destroy this society in order to pursue your own selfish interests. That would sound like you, along with the feminists who brainwashed you, are the real problem, doesn't it?

There is still hope for you. Perhaps one day you will grow and realize how important your mother really was in your life. It is just possible that you will see that there are other things than yourself to be concerned with in life, and you may one day find yourself being a good wife and mother. Stranger things have happened. I at least have that hope for you.


Name: Independent Woman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-07 09:47:00
Comments: I have a question, Al. Let's suppose American turns completely to your way of thinking. There would still be women that want to have jobs and/or careers. There would still be lesbians who would not embrace heterosexuality. There would still be women who have no interest in being married and/or having children. There would still be divorcees and widows. There would still be single moms, whether by choice or by accident or by rape. There would still be wives and girlfriends who are victims of domestic abuse. There would still be wives married to worthless husbands who have no intention of respecting them or their children. What would happen to these women?

This question has an easy answer: Just look that the way things were before, when America was already turned to "my way of thinking." It is my familiarity with the America of the 1950s that makes me so completely certain of what I am saying.

In the 1950s, we had a crime rate that was well below the crime rate of today. There were no school shootings, and the divorce rate was very low compared with today. The average child grew up in a household where both of his real, biological parents, resided. Illegal drugs were nearly unheard of for children. Even legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco) were far less abused by children. Women and children were safe on the street after dark, and the American schools were the best in the world. I am sure that even you can see the difference between that wonderful situation, when compared with the mess we are in today.

  1. There were female homosexuals then just like now. Homosexuality was frowned on by the society and therefore those who decided that they just had to practice it, did it covertly. Since that effects less than 4% of the population it is clear to any clear thinking individual that the whole homosexual subject is merely a side issue that should not concern the mainstream of our population. Take for example, Raymond Burr, the actor that played Perry Mason in the television show of the 1950s. He was a homosexual but kept it to himself and nobody was put out about it. He did not lose his job and he was not abused, he just kept his lifestyle to himself.

  2. As for women who did not have an interest in being married, they existed too. However, their numbers were much smaller then because our society was much saner, and promoted the natural roles for men and women. Girls were taught in school that they were going to become homemakers and they looked forward to being like their mothers, who were for the most part good housewives. When girls are not brainwashed with the lesbian propaganda, and boys are taught to accept their natural role in life, most of the boys and girls grow up to become men and women who will form long lasting marriages, with the men providing "the bacon" and the women caring for the home and children.

    Once again, we are talking about a very small and insignificant percentage of the female population that will be dead set against marriage. For those, like in the 1950s they can go out and get work. There were "old maid" women who were college professors, and scientists and many other things. Their numbers were small and for the most part, they were of no real import as far as the society was concerned but that option was always there.

  3. Single moms existed in the 1950s too. They had homes set up for unwed mothers. It was considered to be something for which a girl should be very embarrassed over and I think that was a very good thing! You should be embarrassed for creating a bastard child, that you will not be able to support, and that you will no doubt have to take charity for to raise. You should be embarrassed for creating a child that will be raised without a father, which is a cruel deprivation. You should be embarrassed for having sex with someone you are not married to, and have no intention of marrying. When society promoted a wholesome attitude about sex, expecting kids to wait until marriage before having sex, the result was that far more kids did wait until marriage before having sex. And of the ones who didn't, most of them got married to their partner, either before or after a pregnancy made them face the consequences of their actions. The "uptight" attitudes of the 1950s is what created the atmosphere that made marriage a lot more certain of working than the loose and stupid attitudes of today.

    As for the women who were single mom, life was hard, like it is today. That is why the lifestyle should be avoided by making wise choices.

  4. The 1950s also had divorcees and widows. Widows were usually cared for by their church and their families. Most people feel great sympathy for a widow. If she is young enough she would normally remarry. That happened to a couple of my Mom's sisters in the 1950s. Others had to tighten their belts and find a job. Their children suffered greatly if that happened and just like today, if the children were left alone, they often turned to crime and got into other mischief. Fortunately, in most cases, there were other family members to help out and take some of the load off from the widow. (It is certainly no better today!)

    Divorce in the 1950s was quite different than today. First of all there were very few of them. The vast majority of children lived at home with both of their real parents. So, while today, over 80% of the children are without one of their parents at home, the reverse was true in the 1950s.

    Think about it. Would you prefer to drive on a road system that was really safe, and prevented the vast majority of accidents, or one on which 80% of the drivers had accidents but was arguably a little better at taking care of injured drivers? Our society is crushing our children with out divorce rate.

    In the 1950s the courts wanted to know who broke up the marriage, because the offending party would be forced to make great concessions to the offended party. If a man cheated on his wife or left her, he would be stuck with big child support payments and lose a big portion of the joint property to his wife. If the wife was cheating on her husband, she could lose custody to the kids and most of her claim to property. Divorce was far less common. There was pain attached to breaking up your marriage, as their should be!

  5. There was domestic abuse in the 1950s, but far less of it than today, because most men were taught that beating up a woman was a unacceptable thing to do. Today boys grow up being told that girls can do anything that boys can do. "Anything" includes being able to defend yourself. Women cannot defend themselves (along with a host of other things) as well as men can. But feminism promotes the lie that they can. To hit a defenseless woman is a disgusting thing to do. Most men of the 1950s believed that. But there is no such thing as a defenseless woman to the man who has been through the feminist brainwashing mill. Hey, women can be policemen, and soldiers. That means women are required to put up their dukes and fight like a man.

    The feminist points of dogma, have repercussions. When you say that women are equal to men, that means they have no special rights, or considerations. They are exactly the same as men, and can expect no favors or special treatment. Men who actually believe that nonsense are far more likely to beat up a woman than those who, like myself, feel that woman are not equal with men, but are special, wonderful creatures that deserved to be treated completely differently than men are.

The 1950s were not perfect. They had many of the same problems that we have today. People are imperfect, and any society that is built by humans will be imperfect. If we were wise, we would weigh the two societies, the one of the 1950s, and the one of the 2000s, against each other. If we did that we would find that the 1950s were head and shoulders above what we have now. Forty years of dropping academic achievement, has had a drastic impact upon our society. Forty years of an increasing divorce rate, leaving over 80% of children half orphaned, also has had a drastic impact upon our society. But in order to satisfy the whims and desires of the small number of lesbians, and other ill adjusted women, we have sacrificed more than 4 out of 5 children to the god of feminism, and we have created schools that have no connection whatsoever to excellence. That is what we should be focused on, not the small and insignificant number of lesbians who are unhappy with their lot in life among normal people.

No system is going to cover all circumstances equally well. What a society has to do is to cover the largest majority very well and try to be as easy on the rest as possible. The feminist dominated system today is doing the exact opposite! Our system is very easy on the small minority, while destroying the majority. That is a very destructive way to run a country. What we are doing to our children is criminal. What we are doing to the families of this nation is unforgivable. Feminism is pulling this country down and it is pretty shallow, and even dishonest, reasoning trying to justify feminism by using as supportive arguments the evils of lesbianism, women who refuse to marry, divorce, widowhood, single motherhood, and domestic abuse. With the one possible exception of widows, every one of those categories has been enlarged by feminism. (Even lesbianism is being promoted today as "safe sex" by some feminists!) This reasoning is like shooting both of your parents and crying to the jury, begging for mercy because you are an orphan. Feminism made these social ills, not only worse, but much worse.


Name: Pontiff Maximus
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Houston Texas
Time: 2000-08-03 18:16:00
Comments: All women are morons. Except your mom!!! When a woman can kick my ass I might consider her an equal. When a woman can be flexible in business and figure out policy books are written on paper and not engraved in stoned I might consider her an equal. When women stop asking how do I look when she goes out to the garden to pick her stupid useless flowers that are going to die in a day or two I might consider her an equal. When a woman stops being emotional I might consider her an equal. When a woman comes home from shopping and says "Honey I saved you 100% I did NOT buy anything I might consider her an equal. This could go on for ever but I won't use up all the space like the previous feminist posts in here that actually say and mean nothing in fact. It is a fact that women are emotionally and physically inferior to the male. They can operate machines invented and manufactured by males like the typewriter but ask one to repair one. How many women even wrote software. And I don't mean stole an idea from someone then had a programmer write it for them to get the women minority load just to go shopping with the money.

The feminists are working hard to produce this attitude in men. They continually beat the drum of equality, as if it were a fact. They force men and women to pretend like women can do anything a man can do. Then with these ridiculous ground rules in place, we are then all forced to deal with the real world, where biology and reality do not care what feminists say, or what the Supreme Court rules.

Women are not morons, they are just different than men, with different talents than men have. Their brains are physically different than men's brains. In business they are at an extreme disadvantage, and I recently saw a feminist on television say that she felt that women would never fill half of the real leadership positions in business because they were not driven towards that role.

I don't get the flower thing either, but I don't care. The smile that a flower puts on my wife's face makes it worthwhile for no other reason. Watching the joy it brings to women warms my heart, just like my wife is warmed by the joy I get from my love of electronics and science, which she has no love for at all. I am so happy that my wife cares for our home, because I live in a tidy, warm and homey place that I could never have created on my own. Together, men and women build things greater than either could build separately. At least they do when feminism gets out of the way and lets them.

Women are nurturing. I remember when I was teaching electronics in the Navy, one of the very few female sailors we had coming through the class, set to cleaning up the instructors' desks and doing general housekeeping duties that she was never assigned. No male sailor ever had the thought cross his mind to do such a thing. But it was a nice thing to do, and women often are like that. That is why they are so great with kids. They tolerate behavior that Dad would punish for, and they care about the little things a child brings to them to share, in a way that only a mother can. Men are inferior to women in this area.

In the areas that you mentioned, women on average are inferior to men, and they always have been. They always will be. But why is that even a concern? Because feminism made it a concern. Feminism is striving to drive a square peg into a round hole, and they are using the government as a hammer to do it with. All of the crazy and destructive side effects from this process are the chips flying from the once healthy society we once had. If the peg and hole are the same shape the fit is smooth and creates few problems. When they differ, the problems are many. So, it was before feminism, where the roles of men and women fit their own capabilities. The divorce rate was very low, and most kids were raised by both of their real parents. Ladies and gentlemen grew old with their families intact. As they grew old, their children and grandchildren were around them and honored them. Today the reverse is true. And families are coming apart as fast they the come together.

Anyone who remembers his childhood, and what his mother meant to him, would never call her a "moron." She was different than Dad, and if you are honest about it, you were happy for the difference. Women have their own kind of genius, and all civilizations have benefited from it. They do not make the best rulers, or the best businessmen, but they make homes the best that they can be. They raise the next generation to be strong and healthy, rather than warped and twisted. For certain areas of life we stand on the shoulders of all the men who have come before us and did their part to make it a better world for their children. But in other areas of our society we are just as indebted to the soft and caring shoulders of the women who came before us.

The point is that women are different from men and should be treated differently than men are. They should have different roles in society and they should be honored for the things they do better than we do, instead of having them forced into doing that which they are inferior at. The real villains in this play, are the feminists who are driving this process along.


Name: Dosen't Matter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-08-03 13:13:00
Comments: Where are these folks you keep talking about? And what are they doing about it? The fact is that Men now enjoy the same Status that Jews did in National Socialist Germany. You sound extremely optimistic, but almost everyday, the newspapers beg to differ as a new Anti-Male law is passed. I personally feel all women (especially of the low income variety) should be given the death sentence when they choose to be single mothers. They are breeding the next generation of criminals. They grow up to be Teenaged men who are most certainly going to end up in Jail, and then men will get blamed even further. Ever watched those "talk shows" where 6-7 men and a woman show up to find out who's the father? Even when all men are acquitted (yes, it is like an acquittal)the sympathy is given to the tart and the men are jeered and booed. Recently, the prosecution finds out after 10 years that a man in texas who is serving a 99 year prison Sentence (99 years, it's an absurd sentence, the death penalty is much more dignified!)actually never committed rape and was falsely accused. The injustice and institutionalized Hatred against Men has shaken my belief in God. And you still think, "Folks are waking up". No Al, they are dead and Buried and Feminazis spit on their graves.And the laws are going to change to trap even single men who choose never to get married.

Some folks are waking up, and I can testify to that from the email I receive. You would think with a web page like I have, I would be buried with hate mail. But most of my mail is supportive. There are a lot of folks who are sick and tired of the oppressive government, and that my unhappy friend is where revolutions are born. You won't find these people in the Democratic party, or even the Republican party. (Both of these organizations are anti-male and anti-traditional America.) The conservatives are working hard to "conserve" the destructive changes brought upon us by the Left in the 1960s. The ones who are waking up are working outside of those corrupt systems.

You may be right in your pessimism. America may be dead, and finished. If things do not change, America will be a third world country in just a few more decades. But I have more respect than that for the American people who built this country, and I have hope that they will once again ignite the passionate hatred of tyranny that created this great country in the first place. I hope to see them throw down the tyrants and reestablish the Manifest Destiny that drove Americans to raise a great nation upon this land. The race is on and we will see whether the Leftist enemies of America can destroy her completely before the people arise to protect themselves. Join with me in attempting to inspire the people to do what needs to be done! What do you have to lose, besides a yoke around your neck?


Name: Independent Woman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-07-25 10:51:00
Comments: Your definition of chivarly sounds like slavery. My ancestors were under that yoke before and consistently lied to that it was appropriate and a "right" to which their masters were entitled. . . .I have no interest in being under any form of it today.

Nice try, but that analogy just won't wash. How many "Husband" magazines are out there on the magazine shelves? Now check out the "Bride" magazines. Notice the difference? Women dream of marrying a good man and having a family. They fantasize about it, with their magazines, and their romantic novels. How many people who later became slaves do you know who fantasized about it, or free men who dreamed of how wonderful it would be to be a slave?

Chivalry, is a code of ethics by which a man gives up to the weaker sex, many of the things he could easily demand or take, because of his natural physical dominance (granted by biology), as a form of civilized and gracious behavior. If Chivalry were truly slavery there never would have been a woman's movement because it would have been easily crushed by the male "masters." Women would never have a prayer of physically challenging men if men seriously opposed them.

The traditional roles of men and women came from biology. The natural tendencies of both of the sexes are best served by those roles.

On the other side of the coin, men and women both have selfish tendencies which are curbed by focusing upon creating a strong family. Men naturally tend towards promiscuity, and violence. The family reigns them in and redirects their competitive and aggressive natures towards constructive and productive endeavors in the work place in order to support their families. Instead of being a drain on society, married men are instrumental in shaping the framework of our society. Women naturally tend to focus upon clothes and beauty items, and shopping for trinkets. A single woman is usually frittering her life away. But put her in a family, and her talents are put to excellent use. She runs the home and guides the children. If she has a good husband who properly supports her, and their children, she will be a major force in shaping the next generation.

Sure, taking your responsibility seriously is a big crimp on your free time. For 99.9% of the people, showing up for work is not something they want to do, it is something they have to do, if they want to eat. We are all slaves to our stomachs. We must eat or we die. If we want to live in a crime free society, we must teach our children to be law abiding, and it has repeatedly been demonstrated that this is best done by a mother at home, backed up by a father who lives in the same house as his biological offspring.

Biology is what demands this, and so if we are slaves, it is to our very nature. Whining about it is really rather useless. Instead, what smart people will do, is to make lemonade rather than crying about all the lemons they have been handed. Women are not men, and men are not women. Women logically will take on the responsibilities that they are best suited for, and men will take on those that they are best suited for. If the Federal Government had stayed out of the way and let things go on naturally, you would have seen how incapable women are of actually competing with men in most occupations. (And therefore would have stopped trying. Just like they stopped trying to qualify for men's professional sports.) Feminism is a sham held up by oppression by the state.

For example, if we had not lowered the physical standards in the occupations that very much need them (i.e. policeman, fireman, soldier, etc.) we would have nearly zero women in those professions. Lowering standards does not improve the quality of the employee who has to meet them. Therefore, it is not that women have suddenly became capable of being policemen or soldiers, but it is that policemen and soldiers have become less useful and capable of performing their jobs. Those who promote women into jobs through government coercion are not interested in protecting our society from criminals, or protecting our country from aggression. They are only interested in their own selfish agenda and nothing else. Instead of being happy with whom they are, they look at men with jealousy, and hate the fact that they themselves are women

There is nothing more disgusting about the feminist movement to me than the absurd, and condescending arrogance that feminists ooze from every pour as they insist that the American citizens do not have the right to hire whomever they choose, for whatever reason they choose, and that the Federal Government is obligated to force the feminist agenda down America's collective throat. They have no reason, or biological support for their contention that the sexes are exactly the same except for the plumbing. There is a tremendous amount of scientific evidence to show that they are wrong. But they still expect everyone to play the fool for their sham.

Well, sorry but those days are over. There are more and more folks who are finally standing up and admitting that the Emperor has no clothes. And it is about time too!


Name: Sue
Website: First NOW
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-07-21 08:34:00

Dear Al,

Rape -- the low-life act of grabbing a woman (on her way to or from the store, library, cousin's house) and dragging her into an alley, or breaking into her apartment. But this word (rape) is just one, among others, stolen; its meaning, stretched and WARPED by a certain faction--educated well beyond their intelligence.

This abrasive deed has become watered-down, as just another excuse to put (and keep) men on the wrong side of the "law"(?)-steal his money, his future (job potential) deny him his constitutional right to keep a firearm (to defend himself and his family from real scumbags-half of whom are sucking up our tax-dollars to enact these namby-pamby ordinances (drawn up by their master, who dwells below).

Meanwhile, people have the gall to wonder why young men lack ambition. Well, gee wiz! When an individual's sex is devalued, how's he (inclusively speaking) expected to value himself, his time, his abilities. His very nature dissed, again and again, all over the media-that's hardly an incentive for a young man to cease wasting his paycheck on excuse-juice (at $3.75 a shot).

Al,,, those females over there are fleecers. Hope the young men, who stop at that bar, take care. They don't need charges filed from little chippies, who give it away--(sooooooo often) then get cranked after guys take their fill, and head on down the road, to take more of the sooooo cheap and available, same old, same old….

Can't help but to think, the source of these STUPID "rape" laws originate in the jaded minds of harpies-long in the fang and darn mad, because they've trouble copping a one-nighter (let alone a relationship). I know this sounds mean, but that's the way it is. These college-educated "wimmin", should've had the common sense, the foresight to realize that time is linear-that women get old, and men in their 40's and 50's aren't interested in gray-rooted butch-cuts or rayon stretched loudly over sagging midriffs.

Oooppps, forgot-again! Preparedness only counts for career and post-career financial choi(iiii)ces.


Dear Sue,

You raised some excellent points. I once saw a feminist on television more than a decade ago, who was promoting her then new book. The name of the book was "Intercourse" and there may have been a subtitle as well. Anyway, I can still recall the jacket cover of that book where the word Intercourse was drawn in such a way as to represent that it was a phallus performing a sexual act into a mass of bright colors. The author revealed that her book was about the "fact" that the very act of intercourse is the invasion and humiliation of the woman's body. The author was dressed in a pair of coverall, and other items that would have removed any ideas that a man would ever have of "humiliating" her physical person. She, along with many other feminists believe that a wife is being raped every time her husband makes love to her.

And, while complaining incessantly about rape, they have removed the real bite that the crime has in the mind of the average citizen. When a woman's virtue was something to be honored and treasured, rape was considered a "fate worse than death." And the punishment for it was the same as for first degree murder. Today, with the feminist view of rape, it is a much lesser offense. That is what feminists have done for women on that issue!

While men are now easily threatened with prosecution for rape, or are actually convicted of rape, for having consensual sexual relations with a willing but untrustworthy woman, those who commit real rape and even rape with murder, are back out on the street again to did it again, if they are ever convicted of it at all.

Feminism has said that women are the same as men and that they should be treated exactly the same. And then every one of their actions have been designed to ensure that will never happen. They said that women can do the same job at work as men, but then feminists agitated for laws and court rulings to change the workplace so that women can tolerate it. "Equality" of treatment, meant that all of these new regulations had to be put in place. Suddenly, day care was said to be part of "equal" treatment, which men never asked for before. Suddenly men had to look over their shoulders when they were talking at work, and they had to be careful what they read at work, because these "equal" members of the workplace were not capable of dealing with the masculine environment they were entering. Women were not told to toughen up and take it like men do, (which would have been equal treatment) but instead, "equal" treatment forced the men to act like women. I digress but it needed saying.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Name: Sam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-07-12 10:34:00
Comments: Al,

Regarding your article "The Myth of the Two Income Family," I'd like to comment that the points you make are in agreement with observations in a popular book (a good one) I've read recently--"The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy" by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph. D. and William D. Danko, Ph. D. The authors describe the typical American millionaire as a 57-year-old male, who is married with 3 children, and who earns the great bulk of his household's income. Furthermore, about 50% of the wives of millionaires DO NOT WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME. The #1 occupation of those wives who do work is teacher. The point of all of this is that you don't need a two-income family to even get wealthy, let alone live comfortably. The reason that so many families think they need to have two incomes is because of decades of media-driven propaganda which tells people to burn their income rather than value and save it.

In short, Al's article is right on the money.

Thank you Sam!

Name: Mark
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Surrey
Time: 2000-07-12 07:23:00

The Spectator Melanie Phillips, senior journalist in The Sunday Times, exposes the great conspiracy against men; the victims of a sexism that is not only legal in Britain today, but mandatory. And here she is ..

"ONE of the many mysteries of our age is why the British establishment has declared open season upon half the human race.

Men are being systematically robbed of their reputation, their children and their purpose in life. The people responsible for this sexual warfare are sober women and men in suits-pin-striped, rather than boiler-not to mention wigs and gowns.

If what is routinely thrown at men was directed at any of our fabled victim groups -women, black people, gays-society would stand condemned of the most vile prejudice, discrimination and even persecution. Yet the vast majority of people either don't know how the dice are being loaded against men or, if they do have an inkling, think deep down (or not so deep) that, well, they really do deserve it.

You think this is exaggerated?

Consider the review of sexual offences which is about to be published. Through judicious leaks, the government has indicated that it wants to toughen up the rape law because not enough men are being convicted. So it intends to skew court proceedings against them to make them less able to defend themselves against a prosecution.

Just think about that for a moment. Suppose the government said, for example, that not enough women were being convicted of shoplifting so it was going to make it more difficult for them to mount a defence. Unthinkable, isn't it? That's because the implication that women were naturally shoplifters would be preposterous, that artificially inflating the number of convictions for shoplifting to fit this false stereotype would be grotesque, and that it could only be done by junking our most precious legal maxim that a person is innocent until proved guilty.

Yet this is precisely what is being proposed in rape cases.

The government intends to change the definition of consent to sex, the common defence against the charge of rape, so the defendant will have to prove that the woman did in fact consent.

Lawyers are divided over whether this would technically mean reversing the burden of proof. All agree, however, that it would make it much more difficult for a man accused of rape to defend himself. And that's because the government assumes that all men accused of rape are guilty.

In fact, the evidence suggests this is completely untrue. Home Office figures for 1996 showed that 25 per cent of rapes reported to the police were false or malicious or the complainant withdrew the charge. In a further 39 per cent of reported cases the police or the Crown Prosecution Service took no further action because the complainant and suspect knew each other and so the circumstances were ambiguous; and a further 7 per cent of cases resulted in an acquittal.

Yet the government not only fails to acknowledge this, but also uses statistical jiggery-pokery to produce a false picture of soaring rapes and thousands of rapists escaping conviction.

True, there was a fall in the conviction rate from 24 per cent in 1985 to 9 per cent m 1997. Yet that may be because freer sexual behaviour makes rape claims more untenable. While 'stranger rapes' are very rare, 'date rapes' between acquaintances have soared from 1,300 in 1985 to 5,000 in 1996, almost half of all reported cases.

Rape is without doubt a most heinous crime. Yet most reasonable people would probably think that being jumped on in a dark alley is a completely different matter from having second thoughts, sometimes in retrospect, about a bloke with whom you've gone home after a party or with whom you've already been sleeping.

Anti-man prejudice, in fact, runs through government thinking. Baroness Jay and her Women's Unit constantly fork out the old chestnut that one woman in four is assaulted by her partner. In fact, most British domestic violence studies on which the government relies for such claims are effectively rigged; they ask only women, not men, for their domestic violence experiences, mainly from self-selecting samples of abused women.

Yet reputable international research shows overwhelmingly that acts of domestic violence are initiated by women upon men at least as frequently as vice versa.

Asked why the Women's Unit had made no reference to all this research, Jay replied that the government couldn't get involved in such 'subtle' issues.

Instead, it resorts to unsubtle threats to pursue feckless 'deadbeat dads' for child support, promoting the impression that fathers routinely desert their children.

In fact, many fathers desperately want to continue to parent their children after divorce but find that the courts put huge obstacles in their way, even if the men have acted blamelessly while their wives have not.

Family court judges tend to force fathers to prove they are fit parents, prove they are not violent or feckless. By contrast, they assume that mothers are generally the best parent for the child to live with, regardless of how they have behaved.

Of course, some men do behave very badly towards their wives and children. Divorce barristers, however, estimate that no more than about a third of the husbands they see are violent, and that both women and men cheat on each other in equal proportions.

Yet the courts are institutionally biased against husbands, ousting them from their homes on the slightest pretext, stripping a man of his children and his assets even if his wife has gone off with a lover and his own behaviour has been exemplary.

The judges will also accept a wife's claims that the man is violent on the basis of no evidence, in a system where it is impossible to mount a proper cross examination of her allegations. Yet on this pretext they will deprive a man of contact with his children.

Lack of contact with their children is a source of immense injustice and misery for many fathers. Lawyers say a typical scenario is this.

Mother decides to divorce because she's got a new man. The easiest way to get rid of Father is to claim he's been violent to her or the children. The father leaves or is ousted. His access to the children is governed by a contact order made by the court on the advice of a court welfare officer. Yet the mother has the whip hand in controlling the father's contact. He finds regularly that the children are too busy to see him. When he turns up to see his children, it's often the boyfriend who tells him to push off. Yet somehow the mother seems able to persuade the court that she is entitled to move the contact goal posts without redress.

The new president of the High Court's family division, Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, denied earlier this year that fathers got an unfair deal on contact although, she added ambiguously, a small minority of non-custodial fathers 'gave rise to real problems'.

How could she possibly be so complacent when fathers are routinely denied contact on grounds produced by welfare officers that are so spurious as to be incomprehensible?

There was the father who, in McDonald's, spread his arms to his daughter and said, 'Bet you haven't seen me in a suit before', a watching welfare officer misinterpreted the gesture, decided the child had refused to return the father's proffered embrace, and he was denied all contact with the child as a result.

Then there was the father whose overnight contact with his five-year-old was stopped because 'the child had many milestones ahead of him'; another who was denied contact because he 'had to prove his commitment'; another because 'this is the mother's first child'; another because he was 'over-enthusiastic'; yet another because 'the child fell asleep in his car on the way home'.

One child of 13 hadn't seen his father for eight years because he was led to believe that an injunction against his father prevented it. No one-certainly not his mother- had told him that the injunction would last a maximum of three months and that for most of that eight years he had every right to see his father. And so on and so, appallingly, on.

The disastrous impact of fatherlessness upon children is well-documented. The impact on fathers is less well-known. Some are driven to nervous breakdowns or suicide; others lose their jobs as they try to visit their children who have moved to a different part of the country.

Of course, there are men who walk out on their wives and bust their families. But the majority of men are divorced against their will. The pain of family breakdown becomes unbearable when compounded by the gross injustice of a legal system that under cover of impartiality so often rewards the offending spouse and punishes her victim.

How can this happen?

Welfare officers' conclusions about divorcing spouses are rarely questioned by judges who regard these officers as the only source of expert advice in such cases. Until now, they have been probation officers; henceforth, they will also be drawn from the children's branch of the Official Solicitor's Department and from guardians ad Stem. Yet this reform is unlikely to do much to counter their prevailing ethos, encapsulated by a document produced by the National Association of Probation Officers in 1996.

Entitled 'Equal Rights: Anti-Sexism Policy', this proclaimed that marriage subjected women to male tyranny; that society was based on patriarchal male control over women and children which extended into all institutions that the oppression of women must be challenged in the courts; and that therefore the aim of the welfare officer was to 'challenge the discrimination against women in contested residence and contact decisions'. Such sentiments may seem extreme; but the presumption of male violence which underpins them is now common throughout the family law system.

The Lord Chancellor's Advisory Board on Family Law said last year that the courts should stop fathers seeing their children simply on the basis of allegations of violence by their ex-wives. The board's extraordinary presumption of male guilt was backed by its claim that domestic violence research indicated 'in the great majority of cases the abuser is male and the victim female', and that fathers were overwhelmingly the perpetrators of domestic violence.

Yet the research certainly does not show this.

Most violence against children, moreover, is perpetrated by mothers or boyfriends.

A child's natural father is least likely to be violent towards it. The courts should actually be giving fathers, not mothers, the benefit of the doubt.

Many judges think mothers are intrinsically vulnerable and must be protected as they are generally to be the parent with care of the children. Yet why should this be? If a mother has gone off with her lover, jeopardizing the well-being of her children and demonstrating infidelity to their father, promise-breaking deceit and selfishness, why should she be automatically regarded as the fitter parent to bring up the children?

The answer is to restore issues of conduct to divorce and the subsequent care of the children. The spurious argument that 'children's needs' must come before any other consideration means children are being used as hostages to protect adults from facing the consequences of their own behavior.

Children's needs are best met by having both their parents to look after them; failing that, by living with the more responsible parent.

This may even bring the divorce rate down, as has happened in America in states where mothers no longer get automatic custody.

Men are terrified of being thought prejudiced against women [not on this web site] not least because of an old-fashioned sense of chivalry. They look at the absence of women among captains of industry or Members of Parliament; they look at the football hooligan and the burglar from hell and they think it must be true that men are basically vile victimizers and that women are their victims.

But life's a lot more complicated; and the result of such brow-beating into false stereotypes is that everyone ultimately becomes a loser."

The attack upon the men of our society is specifically intended to remove the power that they once had to oppose oppression. Today the average guy on the street feels helpless in the face of the Leftist takeover of his society. He fears the loss of his job or even his freedom if he opposes the destructive changes which have been forced upon us. This story you posted shows yet another assault upon the very ones who should be the defenders of society, who would be willing to give their lives in defense of the ones who are attacking them. What is wrong with this picture?


Name: Shelly
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-07-05 13:28:00
Comments: I don't agree with anything on your website at all. Women are humans too, and we deserve to be TREATED like humans! We are not slaves, and we are certainly not sex toys! We are rational human beings who are just as intelligent as men! We can think for ourselves, and we can take care of ourselves! We don't need a man to take care of us!


You must mean some other web site. I think women are humans too. I think that they deserve to not only be treated as humans, but as the very special creatures that they are. Women are not slaves, and while they certainly are sexual beings they are much more than that. Women are sometimes rational and sometimes not, and in some areas they are as intelligent as men, while in other areas they are not.

A point of disagreement is that women do need men to take care of them. A woman who is not protected by men in one way or another will be living in constant danger. The men of the police and the military give her protection today and so feminists like you think that is enough. Many women are finding that is not the case. As our society continues to deteriorate, more and more women will realize that men who are their protectors are to be valued greatly when compared with the male predators who will make up the bulk of any society where feminism rules. When men start viewing women as being able to take care of themselves, men no longer give women the special consideration that is needed for women to get along in a society where men are present. In the long run, a woman will be either a special creature, treasured and respected, or a sexual object to be used. Men have a natural biological urge to gravitate towards the latter, but civilization teaches them to accept the former. Feminism is destroying that civilizing instruction and creating men who no longer wish to be good husbands and protectors for their women. You and other feminists will one day realize that you have been used as pawns in the power struggle going on in America and many other nations of the world. These power brokers don't care about women and they never have. They use women as disposable tokens, and once used for their purpose, they cast them on the heap of what they consider unimportant females, who have broken homes, undisciplined children, and a husband who left years ago.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-20 14:55:00
Comments: Hey Al, You don't have any new articles. Busy elsewhere? I have something to tell you, My boss (a 55 yr. old Man , very senior) is actually dominated by his 32 yr. old secretary, she actually shouts at him! My god, he's shit scared of her.He almost had to plead to her to send a fax (it was 4:55, time to go home you know). I sort of hinted to him , and he abruptly changed the topic, I got the message. It's 8:00,and guess who's still in the office, Moi, Anthony and Michael. The women have fled (not that they were any good while they were in the office). It's been 3 months and only one good, intelligent woman (Anna, handles Convertible Bonds and Warrants). All the guys really like her, she's usually with us at lunch time (even though she's really senior) and hates Ally Mc Beal! Nice Lady. However, every single woman on this floor (and I swear I'm not exaggerating hates her, infact they don't even greet her in the morning). Life really sucks, the woman who sits opposite my desk keeps bothering me all day, she's a duffer, really, and she loves to read "People" magazine (and other similar pearls of Wisdom), not only does she not work, she also reads out the articles to me, tell me, how do I shut her up without getting sued.

Welcome to the wonderful world of feminism, where equal opportunity means that women can work fewer hours and accomplish less, but still complain that they are not making as much money. If you call them on it, you are a sexist pig!


Name: Creep, Rapist, What's the difference?
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland, OHIO.
Time: 2000-06-19 09:49:00
Comments: Dear Al,

Read the following article. And please note this "Dignified" Woman's place in Society, if her male counterpart had given such advice to a Man, he would have been arrested.

Judge advises marrying a doctor
Female defendant lectured about men.
A Cayhoga County judge advised a female defendant that she needed a better man in her life, and trying the library of the local medical school was one way to find him. Common Pleas judge Shirley Strickland Saffold –herself married to a doctor –told 19 year old Katie Nemeth at a sentencing this week that she should look for Dr. Right and went on in earthy language to lay out the facts of life as she saw them.

Nemeth had pleaded guilty Monday to misuse of a credit card, a misdemeanor.

Terry Gilbert, Nemeth's lawyer, said yesterday that Nemeth had worked in a store where a customer had lost a credit card. He said Nemeth's boyfriend ended up with the card and made some purchases, but he later repaid the owner.

Nemeth pleaded guilty to a minor charge to resolve the case, and paid a $200.00 fine.

But Saffold went beyond the fine, lecturing Nemeth on how to straighten out her life, according to a transcript of the hearing.

Saffold told Nemeth that every woman in prison she had interviewed told her she was there because of a man.

"Life is about choices," Saffold said from the bench. "You can be with him (her current boyfriend) or you can go sit over in the medical school and act like your studying and meet one of those doctors. You see what I mean?"

The judge advised Nemeth to take a textbook and pretend to read it. "When one of them (medical students)walks by, say excuse me, could you tell me what this means?" the judge said. "You get yourself a date."

"Men are easy," Saffold warned. "You can go sit at the bus stop, put on a short skirt, cross your legs and pick up 25. Ten of them will give you their money. It's the truth."

Saffold went on to tell Nemeth "If you don't pick up the first ten, then all you got to do is open your legs a little bit and cross them at the bottom and then they'll stop."

The judge again urged Nemeth to go to CWRU and pick up a doctor. "Marry a doctor lickety split," she said before imposing the fine.

Gilbert would not comment on the judges remarks and his client could not be reached.

Saffold protested last night that her remarks were taken out of context.

It appears that Judge Saffold gave all her trade secrets away. I wonder if she did something similar to this to land her "judgeship." This really highlights where the feminists are at. I really liked the part about the short skirt and then telling her that once she is in her short skirt, "open your legs a little bit and cross them at the bottom." And she even told her that the men would give her money. Is this a judge or a pimp speaking? This is too funny. Here's a judge, who has supposedly reach the feminist dream of being a "professional," telling this girl to go land a rich husband, just like mothers have told their daughters for generations. Hypocrisy is almost as common with feminists as is lying, which is not far behind breathing as a common trait.

Thanks for sharing this with us. It is great!


Name: Sue
Website: First NOW
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-06-14 15:48:00
Comments: Dear Al and Guests, Yep, serious people are getting fed up with feminism--be it equity, gender, moderate,,,whatever. Have seen more and more websites, newsgroups opposing this moooovement.

There's an active newsgroup, whose purpose is to get the information (i.e. the TRUTH) about Patriarchy-- that it works, has worked and always will work.

For more info, please e-mail me. I'd love to just link it right here--they say, spread the word about the Patriarchy group, but I'm new and I just don't quite feel comfortable with putting the link out on a busy guestbook. Though a good 95% percent of your guests are SERIOUS. The fembot 5%, has me a bit nervous. Thank you, God bless

My e-mail is:


Thanks for dropping by again! I visited your page and it is looking really good. Keep up the good work.


Name: Happy Christian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Land of Jesus
Time: 2000-06-14 13:07:00
Comments: Denouncing the "moral decay" of "postmodern culture," the nation's largest Protestant denomination today voted to effectively ban women pastors and tighten control over its member churches, deeply antagonizing its more moderate and independent-minded minorities.

At its biannual convention held in Orlando, the 16,000 members of the Southern Baptist Convention voted almost unanimously to accept changes to its official creed, the Baptist Faith and Message, opposing women pastors and homosexuality and asserting the authority of the Bible.

Adding the phrase: "While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men" to the creed is largely symbolic. The statement does not address women's ordination, only leading a congregation. There are about 1,000 Southern Baptist clergywomen, but only about 50 serve as pastors. Also, the official creed is not binding on individual congregations, although state conventions can put pressure on local churches.

Internally, it represents the triumph of fundamentalist conservatives who believe the Bible is "inerrant" and who won control of the convention's presidency over 20 years ago. The changes to the creed, made only twice before in the denomination's 150-year history, were made by a group of 15 chosen from among the conservative's ranks, including two women.

But as it resonates in the larger culture, the symbolism is powerful. The Southern Baptists are the largest and most prominent evangelical denomination, and count among their members many prominent politicians. To many, their creed defines the views of religious conservatives in the popular culture. In their last convention two years ago, they echoed in the secular culture by passing a resolution stating that "a wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband."

Many more moderate churches who call themselves Southern Baptist were alienated by the latest changes on purely ideological grounds. Since the conservative takeover, hundreds of churches have drifted away from the denomination to form their own loose network, funding their own missions and seminaries and holding their own conventions.

"This just increases embarrassment for thoughtful Southern Baptists," said Robert Parham of the Baptist Center for Ethics, a new group supported by the moderate network. "By asserting women are not qualified to be pastors it padlocks the Southern Baptists into a nineteenth century castle. And it means we can no longer keep telling ourselves that the fundamentalist takeover doesn't mean anything."

Well "Happy Christian" it is hard to tell whether you are bragging or complaining by this post. In my sub page, The Feminist Christian an Oxymoron I cover the topic of the so called "Feminist Christian." I also cover the biblical view on feminism in my article The Bible and the Male Chauvinist. As the Baptists, who were mentioned in the article you posted, realize, if you are thinking about being a Christian you have only two choices: 1) Accept Christianity and the Bible and reject feminism; or 2)accept feminism and reject Christianity and the Bible. Anything else is a lie.

It is rather amusing reading the Robert Parham quote. He thinks that antifeminist ideas are nineteenth century ideas and somehow connected with castles. Of course feminism is so unnatural that antifeminist ideas are as new and fresh as part of the cutting edge of the newest rational thought, and at the same time as old as man. There is nothing especially 19th century about it at all. It is merely nature at work. The ones who should be embarrassed are the ones who have been tricked into swallowing the deceitful and ridiculous feminist party line. Especially the ones who are claiming to believe in Christ, when the only thing that they know about Him comes from a book that says women should remain silent in church. That is hilarious to anyone who is paying attention at all.


Name: B__ Breaker
Website: Al is a m___f____
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-12 08:20:00

Feminist proposals routed at U.N. conference
By George Archibald

Conservative nations routed liberal and radical feminists at the finale of a U.N. special session on women's rights over the weekend, forcing Western powers to drop homosexual rights, sex rights for children and promotion of abortion from a new five-year U.N. agenda for women's advancement.

U_ Y____ A_____! Useless piece of s___, there's nothing you can do, I almost feel sorry for you "boys".

Oh, did we get our little feelings hurts? Boo hoo. The UN will have to be disbanded sooner or later anyway, since it is too weak to move without help from the USA, and if it ever really became a stand alone force we would have to go to war with it to retain our sovereignty. It is pretty cool to see those pack of Leftists actually backed up for a change. Bravo to the conservative nations, whomever they may be!

Thanks for dropping by, you really cheered me up. Also, your personal comment was very was funny because you leftist girls always start with the vulgarity and the name calling when you have nothing else going for you (which is most of the time). :-)


Name: Guy Ritchie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Leeds, You Know
Time: 2000-06-09 10:09:00
Comments: You know perfectly well why I'm angry. And by the way, I was never happy on the death of the girl (it was Sarcasm), only sad for the boy who will probably be jailed now. Read this from the Observer, it says a lot about your country, Yank. "Hell hath no fury like an American feminist. If you've ever met the professional variety, you will learn that soon enough. You will discover as well that any attempt at rational dialogue with such a person is enough to prompt a torrent of abuse that is now one of the mainstays of the American left. I say this as someone who believes wholeheartedly in equality of opportunity for men and women. You name a political and civil right, and I think women should have it. But my sin is to persist in the naive belief that men and women are actually constitutively different beings, with different biological and psychological profiles that may sometimes demand different treatment. For the better part of two decades now, this belief has been anathema among American elites. Single-sex education is close to illegal. The American military has been turned into an institution in which male aggression has been usurped by female input at every turn. Under the guidance of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court has slowly rendered any different treatment for men and women in any public place unconstitutional. And under the tutelage of an academic establishment wedded to the notion that gender itself is a cultural construct, American education and even medicine have been rendered relentlessly anti-male. At Harvard, a group of sociologists is hard at work developing new school curricula to erase any behavioural differences between boys and girls from early childhood on. The result? Well, the results are in the papers every day. Delinquent males, denied effective discipline in school and forced into female-friendly environments, are dropping out of educational establishments at higher and higher rates. The college population is now 55% women, 45% men. The American department of education reported in 1998 that the reading proficiency gap between boys and girls in school is now close to one and a half years of schooling - with girls way ahead. According to the medical profession, there is an epidemic of "attention deficit disorder" among American boys. There is a crisis of American manhood going on. The bad news is that American men seem to be getting dumber, meaner and poorer as the years go by. The good news is that some people are getting brave enough to say so. A new book, to be published next month, The War Against Boys, by Christina Hoff Sommers, lays out plenty of horror stories of the new educational consensus. Boys are essentially being told that what comes naturally to them - rough-and-tumble play, confrontation, physicality, mischief - are psychological disorders. In one school, boys were disciplined for making guns out of their fingers and pretending to shoot at one another. Seven-year-old boys found kissing or teasing girls are sometimes expelled on sexual harassment charges."

I am not familiar with the case you are referring to but when you say, "Congratulations, Sport !" to someone killing a kid, it sounds like you are in support of the action. I am glad to hear that you are not.

Of course I know why you are angry, it is the same reason that I made my web page in the first place. In my essay, Why Boys Don't Count I discuss many of the things that the quote you inserted here is mentioning. When I started this page up, I was sick of listening to the wacked out feminists spewing their disgusting garbage out through the media, and through the government and the schools completely unopposed. Nowhere was there a voice that was taking a hard-line against the basic ideas of feminism. Even this guy you quoted had to make sure that he was politically correct, and lead in with the obligatory feminist obeisance with the statement, " I say this as someone who believes wholeheartedly in equality of opportunity for men and women." Even when you can find someone who says something against feminism, they bend over backwards to appear feminist at heart. That is what the media has done to my country, and yours is no better my Brit friend. Why? Because the same group of people own the media in both countries and don't you doubt it for a minute.

We definitely have our work cut out for us.


Name: Guy Ritchie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Leeds, England
Time: 2000-06-08 07:38:00
Comments: Thanks to you Bloody Americans! Reuters: "THE European Commission yesterday proposed a gender equality law allowing "positive action" to promote women ahead of men at work. The new code, which amends the EU's equal treatment directive, says women should have "automatic priority" in jobs where they are "under-represented", except in cases such as the Royal Marines, where male predominance is justified. The law will also make it easier for women to win sexual harassment cases in court by reversing the burden of proof. The onus will be on men to prove their innocence when accused of "unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct". The definition of sexual harassment covers anything that affects the "dignity of women" and includes staring lasciviously, making sexist comments and talking about a woman's figure." Mr. Al, I wonder what it will take before men in the USA (and therefore, in the rest of the "civilized world") stand up to this total corruption of justice and the problems they are going to bring, for everyone. Or is it that most US men have simply turned into pathetic, ingratiating little creeps who lick every feminist's boots no matter how bad they smell? I hope America Burns In HELL. All American Feminists will get Cancer of the worst kind if Jesus believes in Justice in this world. By the way, I heard another lad killed a Baby girl, Congratulations, Sport !

Guy ,

Killing baby girls is the one of the most disgusting things that I can think of. If you are so beaten down that you can celebrate that you are already licked. And I do not want anyone to get cancer, even the feminists. If it comes down to war to recover our freedom then so be it but let's not get wallowed down in hate. Healthy anger that moves you to appropriate action is great, destructive hatred will only bring you down. War is the place for bloodshed, and it may come to that, but until it does, we need to find positive things to do to fight these Leftist oppressors.

America is already on the road to destruction. We are displacing the people of America, dismantling our culture and institutions that created this country and replacing them will Marxist egalitarianism. Before the Leftist invasion in the 1960s (about the same time the Beatles did) America was not about equality. America was about freedom and opportunity. Enforced equality destroys both freedom and opportunity, and therefore, Marxist egalitarianism is destroying America. It may not be “buring in Hell” as you put it, but will soon be wallowing in poverty like the Soviet Union collapsed into.

The goal of the Marxist is to sow discontent, and disruption. They wish to cut people lose from their heritage and culture. Marx taught that such people are malleable and easily controlled. That is why the Leftist feminists are pushing for such ridiculous laws to be put in place. Have you noticed that the numbers of women required in the definition of proper “representation” for females in any job is the one provided by those on the extreme Left, and the laws are always based upon their point of view? Instead of focusing upon America and upon women for your hate, you need to study who it is that is driving the Leftists in their cause. Who provides the media support for them, without which they would never have gotten anywhere. Who finances their movement? There is where your anger should be directed.

I have often wondered when the threshold will be crossed. As America is being dismantled, when will the pain of watching your people and your land being destroyed overwhelm the fear of losing your current state of comfort? That is the real issue. At what point will the people be willing to sacrifice their “bread and circuses” in order to regain their freedom?


Name: Gregory Whitman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sao Palto, Calif.
Time: 2000-06-06 12:53:00
Comments: The most discriminated group of people in the "developed" world are heterosexual White men, especially in America. And all we can do is exchange our views on the Internet like a bunch of scared boys.

My girlfriend suggests we all "take counseling to be more sensitive to women's needs" how about that Al?

I was listening to an Internet “radio broadcast” the other day, where a young lady was hammering the feminists pretty good, and she said the following, “Is it me, or does anyone else equate sensitivity training with being crushed?” That is the answer for these totalitarians, force you into a brainwashing session where you can be beaten down into conformity with the party line, at a nominal fee of course.

You should be thankful that the Internet exists. The Marxists would have already had victory wrapped up if it were not for the Internet. If you have not noticed, the media, all of it, is owned by like minded people who have the goal of promoting the Leftist agenda. You will never find a network or major newspaper that has an anti-Leftist editorial philosophy. You will not find a political party that wins, places or shows in any election that does not promote the Leftist egalitarian philosophy. Why? Because in a democracy, he who owns the media owns the government.

So, if you wonder why men have not done more in response to what is going on, you must consider what the costs are. I doubt that you can even imagine a talk show on television where a group of people all are talking about traditional families in a positive light, and the host is not attacking them with a crazed Leftist audience backing them. You will never see news anchormen saying anything against feminism. In fact you know in your own mind that there is nothing that will ever come across any of the “mainstream” media outlets that is in opposition to feminism or any other of the pet Leftist causes. You are discriminated against but that is okay because the media says it is.

The government has promoted the persecution of anyone who stands up against their oppressive agenda. Think about it. As soon as a man stands up and says anything, he runs the risk of being fired at work, ostracized as church and attacked in public. Passing out leaflets is a very low return approach, and you will find that standing on the street corner soapbox will mostly draw members of the opposition who are breaking out the tar and feathers. Until the Internet came along, the males of this nation had no voice for their views. Their government was attacking them, their pastors were attacking them, their schools were attacking them and even their wives were attacking them. There was absolutely no counter voice to what was going on. This was not by accident. It was by design, and you will see that the same people who have gotten control of our media are today working hard to control the internet. They produce “filtering” software that is supposedly to block pornography for “the children” but its real purpose is to block political sites that the Leftists do not like. They are promoting legislation to try and shut down this one outlet for truth. In Canada today there is man who is on trial, not for pornography, or promoting violence, but for merely expressing his opinion on an historical event on the Internet. There are people in jail in Germany today for the same thing. If it were not for the First Amendment today in the USA you would find the same thing happening here.

Of course they package up their oppression with a glossy finish. All unacceptable ideas are labeled as “hate speech” in the media and then it is okay to outlaw it. I mean who is in support of hate? But if all you have to do to outlaw speech is to find the correct label for it, free speech has been done away with. In America today you see that there is no such thing as free speech on television, or in the newspapers. Only one point of view is promoted from them all. (The real difference between the “conservative” and the “liberal” publication is like the difference between a dime and 10 pennies. They may look and sound a little different but they add up to the same thing.)

So thank your lucky stars that the Internet exists where real freedom of speech still thrives and there is just a small chance that enough men will finally get the idea that something must be done before it is too late.


Name: Anthony
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-05 12:25:00
Comments: " The secret of success in life is for a person to be ready for their opportunity when it comes. " — Disraeli ( I didn't know Disraeli wrote in P.C Language!

No, PC language would say, "You must take every opportunity your government hands to you, but you do nothing on your own.


Name: Irfan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: sharjah, U.A.E
Time: 2000-06-05 08:15:00
Comments: Dear Brother Al, I feel sorry for U.S.A. I am doing my undergraduate studies here (UCLA), and can't wait to go back home. The problem is Demographics. Slowly U.S.A is turning "Grey" and the population has to be replaced by Poor countries like India Pakistan and China. Your Men have given too much to their womenfolk. If men had not invented Sanitary Napkins and Birth Control, Women would still have been at Home. Any country with a negative sex ratio (54% women) cannot remain at the helm of world power for very long. You have the technology and the arms, but the people who run the technology will not be American in the next Decade (even today it's hard to find an Non-Indian I.T Professional). Perhaps, it is history taking it's toll, the power has to shift back to Asia and the Middle East. But I feel really sorry, Men here lead very harassed lives. I hope white men grow some B___ (no offence , honestly) Best of Luck.

The problem certainly is Demographics, but it is not merely the graying of America. It is a problem brought about on purpose by those on the Left. They have "convinced" (through the oppressive tactics of our government) Americans not have children, and to dismantle their world class school system in order to create the educational nightmare which exists today.

I, like you, hope to see American men rise up and take this country back from the Leftist egalitarians and return us to the land of my forefathers. Things look bleak at the moment, but there is always hope.


Name: Alicia
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-06-05 08:28:00
Comments: Stupid little wimp, hiding behind a "Macho Website". B___ to you. You know the best part, I know it's a woman's world in the U.S.A, U.K, Australia, NewZealand, and western Europe. I love it. There's nothing you can do about it d___ face. Women have the support of Politicians (we are the majority of the population), U.N, the media and most of the men too! You've had your fun, it's our time now. Honestly, I think life will be better for Men under women. We also fight in the army (it's not just men who die now), we earn equal incomes, and with us in the police, there's less police brutality. Those are the facts, I know life must be tough for men now, scared little dweebs, and the very thought delights me. PS: Read Time, even the Embryo belongs to the Mother, Good luck a_____, you'll need it, you are staring down a tunnel with no light at the end.

Ah yes, a case of full blown feminism is in evidence here. Note the anger and hatred expressed openly. Note the advanced symptoms of repeated name calling. Dementia Feministia has set in and fully blocked reality to her mind as she dreams of power, where none exists. It is very sad to see when the condition goes this far.

It is a "woman's world," in this subject's mind, in countries where nearly all of the power positions are held by men, as they have been in all societies that have ever existed. If she were joking it would be a humorous idea to advance, but since she is serious, we must admit that we are observing the clear indication of the complete distortion of perception by her condition. And to fairly wallow in joy at the idea of women dying is the sign of a very strange and abnormal shift in ethical perception and loyalty quotient, for she is ecstatic at the idea of those of her own group who are being killed. The number of females who have died in battle as "soldiers" are so insignificantly small as to be hardly worthy of mention, if it were not so absurd that any women were ever placed in that position.

Note also the joy expressed at that which is completely the reverse of reality. She is delighted at men being scared, and small. Of course if men were actually frightened by feminism, they would do with feminism what they have always done with anything that they have been frightened by. How many wolves do you see in any major city? Lions, tigers, alligators, or poisonous snakes? When man finds something to be truly threatening, he wipes it out. Since feminism still exists, it is obvious that man has not yet been truly threatened by it. It is most fortunate for this particular subject, in her hallucinatory state. All sane people admit that women are on average, smaller than men. To be delighted in the smallness of men is like being delighted by the brightness of night or the darkness of day. She is a very sad case indeed.

The normal female brain is very advanced in vocabulary manipulation, which allows its owner to be quite adept at choosing the correct words to express her ideas. In the case of advanced feminism, however, it nearly always causes a crippling of that portion of the brain which controls word selection, and they invariably fail to find clear expression in normal speech. Study this "lady's" post and note the repeated need to fall back upon the weakened language skills coping technique of using obscene and vulgar terminology to fill in for the unknown correct terminology, or to create unnecessary emphasis. Most pathetic.

One can only hope that she will seek help while there is still time.

Name: Lauren
Website: oneiric
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: here
Time: 2000-06-04 23:54:00
Comments: Hello, Your page is very informative, and I've learned a lot of things about feminism I didn't know already. I suppose I can't really classify myself as a feminist or anything else dealing with "who's better than who". I believe that all people are created equally and that we all are here to contribute to the world what we can. Everyone has their own unique talents and abilities, and we should put them to good use so that society today can benefit from our highest potentials. I've enjoyed my visit to your site, and I wish you the best of luck with it in the future. :) Take care, and God bless you.

Lauren, thank you for the kind wishes. Of course no two people are created equal. That is a common myth that has been abused beyond belief. We are all created unequal, thank goodness. We are different and therefore have different abilities and talents. We have different desires and goals. Different things make us happy. That is why having the government forcing us to treat each person as if he were some machined part, coming off an assembly line, and interchangeable with all other parts, is ridiculous, counter-productive and even dangerous.

Men and women for thousands of years have put their differing talents to good use so that society could benefit. Though almost no one actually reaches their "highest potential," I would say that probably the largest number of the people who have, were mothers who were homemakers. If you read the biographies of most great men, they have become who they were to a great extent because of what their mothers taught them in their youth. I do not know of any other role, occupation or station in human existence that has been held in such high regard as that of mother. To insult a man's mother is worse than to insult the man himself, and will lead to aggressive retaliatory action quicker.

I am certainly glad you enjoyed your visit to my site. Come back anytime.

-Al- .

Name: Charles Williams
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: UK
Time: 2000-06-04 19:27:00
Comments: Never seen your site before. I hope you'll take a look at It's a UK site, but the ideas almost mirror yours.

I have one suggestion - a powerful one, I think - and this is for people to make it clear to politicians that when they moan about crime, violence, poor education, poverty etc, it is THEY, the politicians, who are responsible. That's what we pay them for. We give them BILLIONS of dollars and they fail us all the time! Many men are indeed dysfunctional, violent, poorly educated etc. But whose fault is that if not those with the power? And who is getting all our money to resolve these problems? Charles


I dropped by that site and it is really quite good. I will have to get it added to my links page.

You are right about the politicians. They are responsible for what is going on in our society, but we must remember that we get what we vote for. Taking that to the next step, who is it that we vote for? And why do we vote for them? Ah, now that is an interesting line of thought. Why is it that a George Bush or an Al Gore or a Bill Clinton manages to first of all end up on the ballot, and then later actually end up in office? If you follow the process, you will note that he who gets good press, gets elected and he who gets bad press, or even worse, no press, does not. That is the reason that all candidates are so similar and why no candidate really gives a hoot about what the majority of people actually care about. The candidates are intent upon getting the stamp of approval from the press first and foremost. From there they can fight it out with another pre-approved candidate, and the people are left with two choices that are worthless.

Even when a conservative is elected, you will see that liberal programs and ideas continue just as if a liberal was elected. Under Ronald Reagan, social spending, and egalitarian based oppression went on unabated. The problems never get fixed because no candidate that is willing to fix them ever makes it into the light of day. Why? Because the press would squash them immediately if they tried to run. There are millions of people out there who agree with my view on feminism, but find one candidate for national office who would stand up and say he thought all official support for feminism should be stopped at once. Just one. Of course you can't because any such candidate would be called so many hate filled names that he could never even get started. The nightly news, every time they spoke of that candidate would connect the "honorary title" of sexist to his name. "Today the right wing sexist candidate Joe Blow spoke before an audience of jeering protestors." There may have only been one or two protestors, but the media would make them a mob. The next day they would say, "The extremist candidate, Joe Blow, an avowed sexist, who is trying to gather in votes from the far right, attended a money raising breakfast in New Orleans this morning." No mention of issues, or discussion of ideas. All that the malleable voter will be exposed to are the hateful labels and obvious disgust that the media holds for that candidate. Cancel out one more candidate.

What we really need to do is to inspect who it is that actually is controlling that liberal propaganda machine in America. How is it that we have so many newspapers, radio stations, magazines, television stations and networks, and yet not one of them has a pro-traditional America stance. Not one. They all are PC all the way. Even the "Politically Incorrect" television show is hosted by an extremely left wing, PC clone. Think about it next time you watch the news, or read a paper. How is it that they are all the same, with pretty much the same political view of things? How is it that they are all merely different shades of Political Correctness? In a land of supposedly free speech you would expect to see a whole range of views being seriously expressed on television and in the newspapers. If freedom of speech were real you would find stations and major papers that had an anti-feminist editorial position. But you don't. Where are the outrageous anti-PC stations and papers? Since the media control our elections, and therefore our government, it might do us well to find out who the owners are, and why they hate traditional America so much. Just a thought.


Name: Sue
Website: Plain Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-06-03 18:29:00
Comments: Dear Al, I keep checking your site for more essays. See what you started! Sue

I am sorry. :-) I am writing for a couple of other web sites, and my wife's web site and so I have not done much with this web site in a while, except for this guest book. Since you asked so nicely I will try to get another one up this month sometime.


Name: Sam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arlington, Virginia
Time: 2000-06-03 11:45:00
Comments: Al, in reading the guestbook entries, I've noticed that the most obvious thing about the detractors is that they tend to resort to name calling since they really can't think of anything to refute your arguments. Maybe, for educational purposes I'll try and help them out a bit.... Al, what do you make of the fact that traditional female roles, such as being a homemaker, are not valued as highly in modern times as they once were? What is the motivation today for a young woman to be her husband's helper when such work is no longer considered to have much status generally? Thanks for your response.

Sam, as I have pointed out in my articles on the web page, feminists hate traditional women more than they hate men. The reason of course is that in order for feminism to succeed in its goal, men and women must be identical and interchangeable in all ways. The homemaker is a nurturing and caring person that is more interested in her family than moving up some corporate ladder. She is different than man, and that is not acceptable to feminists. Therefore, they have attacked the homemaker continuously, calling her names and describing her in the most demeaning fashion. From feminists we have been told that homemakers are stupid, uneducated, slaves, donkeys, and without ambition, drive or merit.

When the movies, schools and government also continually promote this completely false stereotype, it is no wonder that women are ashamed of being "only a housewife." They feel like they need to do something more to properly impress the other women who are avoiding their own responsibilities to their families. It is a little bit like a law-abiding, honest man apologizing to a con man because he doesn't rip people off.

A mother who is a homemaker works as hard or harder than anybody. She does a great work, and an important work, and our society is feeling her loss greatly today. A homemakers should hold her head up high and proudly say, "I am a wife and a mother, who is nurturing my family and raising the next generation to be strong, honest, educated, and well-mannered." It is only the most important job on earth. Feminists realizing this, understand that they must make this critical job look bad in order to justify their destructive cause in the eyes of most women.

The feminist mind shows its true nature to anyone who wants to see it, as it continually takes the wholesome, productive, critical role of homemaker and holds it up to ridicule and hate. A woman who is to proudly be a homemaker today must be a very strong minded individual, to look past the propaganda and see the real value of what she is doing. A man too must be able to move past the lies and rhetoric that he has been exposed to, in order to properly appreciate the role his wife is fulfilling in making a home for their entire family. He must shoulder the difficult burden of supporting his family, so that his wife can be free to raise their children. All the while they must stand up under the constant barrage of hate and anger from the feminists and their disciples in our society, many of whom you have seen dropping off a sample of their mindless hate in this guest book. Traditional life is not for the faint of heart in the current feminist saturated environment we live in, but it is the most important thing a couple starting out today can do!


Name: Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 2000-06-03 04:39:00
Comments: Nunya is typical of the weak minded feminist foot soldier. Hate all men just for the sake of it. If men are so stupid why are their I.Q.s higher than womens on average? I myself have an I.Q. which is way above the level required for genius status. I am sure that Al's wonderful wife is not only very smart, but has a wonderful personality too, unlike the majority of feminists who seem to think that they can beat the one thing that is going to destroy their own pathetic and destructive movement, common sense. People like Al and Amit are part of a growing tide of sensible people, male and female, who are seeing political correctness and feminism for what they are-full of lies, suppression and hate.

Paul, have you ever noticed how the Leftists try very hard to belittle IQ test results? The fact is that there is no other test that can be given to as correctly predict job performance (even one that is specifically designed to test job related skills!) than an intelligence test. The Leftist controlled courts have banned the use of an IQ test as part of the job interview process, despite this fact. They claim that the tests are culturally biased or otherwise flawed, but when push comes to shove, IQ matters. Then, they love to use the word "stupid", which really means having a low IQ, as if low IQ is a reasonable concept but high IQ is not. Excuse the digression, but this is yet another area in which common sense is blatantly attacked by the Leftists.

You have put your finger right on the button. Common sense is so sadly lacking in every Leftist cause, that it is only by distracting people away from using it, that they can continue to survive. That is the root cause of why they are such great name callers, and dispensers of ridicule. There is no possibility of calm and rational thought, founded upon common sense, when the whole discussion is about emotionally charged labels and whether or not they apply. This juggling act they are attempting cannot be continued indefinitely, and when it falters, we will see the whole thing fall down around them.

Thanks for your intelligent, and insightful post!


Name: Phoebe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: France
Time: 2000-06-02 12:32:00
Comments: I believe that you've been wasting all your time spent in both building this website and thinking about feminism since you are a man and it has got nothing to do with you whether we women think that how we would like to be or what we would like to do. What we want and what we get depend on us and if you could just be in peace with the fact that we ARE in certain things better than men, you can do something more useful like helping people in the third world countries or think about how to save young generation from drug addiction rather than wasting your time. Whoops, I think I've just wasted my time as well telling all these patently true rubish.


It is nice you have something to believe in, no matter how misguided it may be. This page has been far from a waste of time. Over 26,000 people have visited it and that means it is of interest to a great many folks. Of course it is not the most visited web page on the Internet, or even the most visited of my web pages but it has certainly been worth the time that I have invested in it.

It is rather silly of you to suggest that feminism has nothing to do with men. Men are affected at least as much as women are by the feminist movement. As children they are no longer raised by their mothers but by strangers employed to simulate mothers. As students they are condemned for being what they are, and as adults they are discriminated against for who they are. Their children will be deprived of a mother’s care as they grow up. They will almost certainly have their marriage end in divorce. They will be far more likely to see their children turn to drugs or crime because of the side effects of feminism. At work they will be forced to deal with people who are too sensitive for jokes or other normal male behavior, and they must pretend that they believe other than they really do in order to be promoted or even remain employed. All of these things are things which specifically effect men, and are therefore very much a man’s concern.

What you women want may depend upon you but what you get depends upon men and their malleability to your desires, as has been the case for the entire history of mankind. Women are physically too weak to force men to do their bidding so they must rely on their femininity to coerce men to accede to their desires. This has traditionally been through the role of husband and wife interaction. Feminism has tried to upset that apple cart by getting the government to be their “husband” and have him force their will upon others. As long as men are content to sit still for oppression, your feminist desires will be forced down all our throats. However, oppression has a way of breeding revolt, and there is this little matter of a backlash that will not be pleasant for anyone when it happens.

The third world is moving into the USA at a rate of well over a million a year, and so we will not long have to send money to other countries in order to help third world countries, we will soon be one. But that is another issue. And what do you think I am doing by fighting feminism on my web page? If our families are to survive, we must focus on keeping them together and that means to oppose feminism. If our kids continue to raise themselves then we will continue to see outrageous and illegal conduct in them. That effects everyone , men and women. In order to save kids from drugs we must eliminate feminism, and start having children supervised by their mothers again. This is something that mankind has known all along. The way you shape the young mind effects the way the teenager and even the adult will act. Turning that job over to someone else or ignoring it altogether as feminism is promoting, is a formula for disaster.

Thanks for stopping by, and it is never a waste of time to provide me with an opportunity to show how damaging, oppressive, and pure “rubbish” feminism really is.


Name: khowyei
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: planet earth
Time: 2000-06-02 08:05:00
Comments: Total waste of webspace!

To those who want to continue to simply, and unthinkingly, promote the feminist dogma I am sure my page would appear to be a "waste of space." Of course to anyone who likes to use their brains, and think for themselves, they will find a discussion of these issues to be interesting and useful, no matter which side of the discussion they are on.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-31 14:08:00
Comments: Nunya goes looking for Stupidity to our website ! Isn't that stupid ?

Al would never call your spouse any such names or insult him (or her, whichever is the case), but from frustated women like you, that is to be expected.

Next time, try to give logical arguments (even if you think men are stupid-your father is a man, by the way) not cuss words.


I think the funniest thing about the "ladies" who drop in, call names, and leave is that they show how shallow their thinking is. It shows that they believe in the propaganda that they have swallowed, and they are running in terror at the idea of it being challenged with the facts. Feminism is their religion and it must not be challenged. In fact many of them are so ignorant that they think all people subscribe to their silly beliefs and that only a crazy man would disagree with their sacred dogma. When someone stands against them they go into the "witch hunt" mode of operation. They would love to be able to use the rack and the stake to eliminate all opposition to their religion. But since that is illegal, at least for now, they are left with nothing to do but hysterically call names and throw fits.


Name: nunya
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-31 10:50:00
Comments: This proves my theory that stupidity is thriving among the male species. The unfortunate thing is that your wife seems to be just as stupid as you are. Perhaps it's osmosis. Or inbreeding.

I suppose that you consider it "intelligent" to be rude and uncivilized in your comments.

Besides being the most wonderful woman that I have ever met, my wife is also one of the most intelligent. My wife's IQ is above that of the average doctor, and yet, in your complete ignorance you try and label her as "stupid."

And of course you try and label me as "stupid" as well. I have already dealt with that ridiculous accusation before in my guestbook (it is about all you feminists can come up with). I find that the only effective weapon that feminists (and Leftists in general) have, aside from the totalitarian actions of the government, is name calling. You call people who disagree with you "sexist," "stupid," "inbred" and/or "Neanderthal," as if passing out those ridiculous labels were somehow an argument in favor of your cause. To those who are perceptive enough to identify these tactics for what they are, it only weakens your case, which was already extremely anemic.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-25 13:42:00
Comments: Dear Al, Hi! It's me again! I salute your resolve to fight on. What's the point? Are we achieving anything? I've moved from Graduate school to a major Investment bank. It's shocking to see the number of useless Women in the office. They know nothing (I mean it, One didn't even know how "Beta" is calculated and she's been with the bank for 4 years), listen to music or talk on the phone and promptly leave at 5:00 p.m.! I along with the other "Brutes" stay till at least 8:00p.m., our Boss notices the times that we "Sign Out". God Save this Country!

And our Bank is starting another new initiative "Opportunity Now" to have at least 40% women in Managerial positions! I ask only one question, how are US organizations going to make money this way? There's a limit to the work that can be outsourced to India or China!


The point of fighting on is that when people see that there are others who agree with them, they will be less likely to stand quietly by as the Leftists continue to promote their lies to the public. When the television tells them that feminism is great, they will realize that they are not the only ones who know that is a falsehood. When they see their company promoting quota goals like your company is doing they will realize that the only point of that is to promote feminism, not women. A company does not need quotas in place to hire the best people for jobs, but only the less qualified people. If folks think about it, they will realize that quotas, by definition are going to destroy the natural order of things. If your company needed more women in their workforce to compete it would hire them automatically without goals or quotas. The superior female candidates would naturally be hired because of their wonderful qualifications rather than their sex. But it is just the opposite that is going on. Quotas force managers to hire people with inferior qualifications, simply to fill them. Since it is pressure from the government that creates these quotas, it is important that we note, this process is not fair, free or constitutional, but our government, which dishonestly claims to be controlled by our constitution, could not care less.

Your situation at work is so typical of what goes on all across the country. While there are very hard working women, very few are as dedicated as men are to their jobs. They miss more work, and work shorter hours. They take more time off for their kids, and they are more likely to quit for family reasons. This should tell us something about them being there at all, but instead we have companies bending over backwards trying to hire more of these lesser employees. Why? Big Brother demands it.

On our current path we will not have to worry much longer about how much work we can ship out to India or China, because we will be in the same economic condition as India and China. That is the wonderful New World Order that President Bush spoke about, and President Clinton, along with most other politicians today, is striving to implement. Nations are passe, along with prosperity. You might as well smile now, because it is only going to get worse.


Name: Alie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Planet Sane Earth, unlike you
Time: 2000-05-21 14:59:00
Comments: Wow. My god. You are stupid! I didn't think people as dumb as you existed in this world! Did your mother beat you are something? Or was it that you were rejected early on in life by a strong woman, so you associate "feminists" as "bad"? Honestly. I am 16. I go to church (Catholic) every Sunday. I live in a house with both of my biological parents, who care for me and who work hard at both their jobs and as parents. But here are some things that I just do not understand about your arguments: You say that women need to stay at home with their children. Well, why can't the men stay home with their children? And the thought that abortion is killing babies is so extremely one sided--you are obviously not a doctor or a scientist (you are too dumb) so what would you know about whether or not fetuses are actually humans? There is so much more, but I think I am going to end this by saying that you are probably an old man who is not worth the time I spent typing this.


Your post was quite entertaining. It is a clear indication of the current state of effectiveness of the feminist propaganda effort. You are right in the mold with other feminists, where you can do little more than call names. You called me dumb twice, stupid once, old once, and also suggested that I was beat and rejected as a child. You have been programmed well. No thought, just vitriol. If you can't argue, call names. You are a perfect feminist clone. The leftist attempt to destroy the influence of those who are older and wiser, who would carry on the culture, the heritage and the wisdom of previous generations, has been exceptionally effective with you as well.

Of course I am not dumb. As I have stated on several other occasions in this guest book (You might try reading a few of the entries. It would be educational for you.) I am in possession of a great deal of external evidence to the contrary, so that accusation is nothing but noise, which destroys your credibility. Just because you disagree with someone does not make him dumb, nor does it make him stupid. You make no points for your position by throwing mud, at least not in this guest book.

The fact that you are in a very small minority, being a child who lives with both of her real parents, is interesting but that is all. Since feminism hit our country, the percentage of children who are raised by both their biological parents has fallen below 20%. That means for every one like you, there are at least 5 who do not live with both of their biological parents. So, your case is an exception. I am glad for you that it is the case but it says nothing about feminism. Before feminism hit, the vast majority of kids lived with both their real parents.

Bill Clinton also goes to church. So what? Have you studied the Mafia at all? Many of their members are Catholics who go to church each week. Stating you go to church means little or nothing as far as this discussion goes. There are a great many feminists who are trying to break down the many Christian churches because they know that those churches are their mortal enemies. They are quite active in their churches! The same is true of other faiths as well, although the progression of destruction has not yet been as effective there.

If you had taken the time to read my page, or even this guest book, you would realize why your question about why not Mr. Mom, is silly. Men are different than woman are. If you would have read the article on my web page called THE BOTTOM LINE you would realize that the female temperament is strikingly different than the male temperament. Women can do a far better job with children than men. They have demonstrated that for thousands of years, which you would know if you had actually studied history, rather than that feminist drivel they have fed you in school. In the book Brain Sex which I reference in THE BOTTOM LINE there is a great deal of scientific evidence that female brains and male brains are physically different, and that is why they function differently.

In my article about abortion, the only point that I made was that two children who are equally developed, one inside the womb and one outside the womb, are equally valuable and equally worthy of the right to live. That does not take a Ph.D. in biology to understand. Even a 16 year old should be able to understand it.

But let us take it a little farther still. Here are a few facts that you may or may not know. The tenor of your post leads me to doubt that you do:

  • When an abortion occurs, which is always after 6 weeks, (almost no woman even knows for sure that she is pregnant until she is at least 6 weeks along) the child has a heart that is beating, and his brain is producing measurable brainwaves. When they are deciding whether or not an adult human is still alive these are two of the most important items that they check. When an abortion is done, it stops a beating heart and destroys a working brain. It is obviously taking the life of a living being.
  • The unborn baby has his own DNA from the moment of conception. All other cells in the mother's body have only her DNA, but the baby does not. It is a separate human life from the very beginning.
  • A newborn infant is not human by your feminist standards. It cannot speak. It cannot walk. It cannot reason. It doesn't even look much like an adult human. It cannot even roll itself over. It is completely dependant upon others for its survival.
  • The only difference between a one cell zygote and an adult man is time. All humans were zygotes at one time. All human zygotes, if their existence is not somehow terminated, will become adult humans. If you kill the zygote, or the developing human at any other point along the way, the adult will be removed from existence. To kill a child of any age is to kill the adult it would have become.
  • Prior to the feminist movement taking over, the AMA condemned abortion as the slaughter of human life, and abortionists as the lowest possible scoundrels. Those views were held by the vast majority of medical doctors, who as you will note, agreed with what I am saying.
Remember that any truth is extremely one sided. It is true and therefore nothing else will do.

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to see what the feminists have done to a 16 year old mind. It is sad, but it must be faced.


Name: A "happy traditional" woman
Website: Never had one and never will
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-10 17:32:00
Comments: "Save your pity for yourself. You are the one who will have to live your life under the yoke of feminist bondage. You will have to suffer the divorce, and collapsed relationships that feminism brings to it adherents. If you have children, they will suffer from your ignorance and neglect. If you do not have children you will remove your contribution to the gene pool of the future, and therefore will have nothing to say beyond your own selfish existence. I truly pity you. " ------
I had the "very good" idea to stay at home with my children for seven years. Now I have to live with with my parents and my children because my husband became alcoholic and violent. I doubt I will get a job or an allocation from my husband soon... So don't waste your pity on this poster and keep it for me and my children.

Your post has two component to it. I will deal with the last first.

It is a very sad fact of life that alcohol destroys lives. I wish this were not true but it is. Many men have had to deal with alcoholic wives and many women have had to deal with alcoholic husbands. Believe it or not, it happens to all types of families whether or not they are traditional. Nothing is perfect, including traditional marriage. If you marry an alcoholic, or anyone else with emotional problems you are going to have a sad life. With the way kids are being raised today, there are a lot more people with emotional problems today. So, I do pity you, not for being a "happy traditional" woman, but for making a poor choice in your marriage partner. It is a very difficult choice to make, and seldom do folks use their heads as much as their hearts in making it. In today's society, your situation is so common that you will find little sympathy from the general populous. You are just one more statistic to go along with all the other statistics. That should tell you something about where our society is headed.

The other component of your post is your trying to make it sound as if your life somehow makes feminism more logical or acceptable. It is like trying to say that since you had a car wreck, and were injured, it therefore makes sense for others to walk in front of a car on purpose. You may find this hard to believe, but there are a great many feminist mothers who live at home with their parents too. In fact feminism breeds divorce, and causes more pain and suffering like you have gone through for more people than ever before in our history. Today, over 80% of kids in the USA are not raised by their real mom and dad at home. Over 80%! When I was kid I hardly knew anyone whose parents were divorced and not living together. The few that I did know stood out like sore thumbs and everybody pitied them. There were alcoholics then too. There were divorces then too, but the numbers were extremely small when compared with today. So, don't tell me not to pity the feminist, or their children. They will almost certainly need it sooner or later.


Name: moniker
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-05-09 05:31:00
Comments: In response to "The Hidden Factor" -
Encouraging, ahem, forcing women of high-intellegence (or men) to engage in over-breeding is a complete waste of the gifts of which they have been blessed. Any INTELLIGENT soceity knows that quality comes before quanity. A large family, regardless of the IQs of the parents and their progeny, is no such place to nuture intelligence. A family of 12 would fall into a feed-and-clothe routine, with barely any time at all for the parents to nuture their children's minds. In a smaller, more logically-sized family, say of four children or less, the parents wouldn't have as many children to TEND to, and more time to teach and intellectually nuture their children. Having a generation of geniuses born in bloated families would not increase the standard of living. The increasings of over-large families would suffocate resources and quality of life would fall drastically. Farmers would not be able to supply enough food to feed the seething masses of humanity. Bellies would go empty.

1. "Encouraging" is not "forcing," no matter how many fake coughs you use to try and cover up the word switch. A society can very well encourage intelligent women to reproduce without forcing them to do so.

2. Of course there was no mention of "over-breeding" in the article "The Hidden Factor," and so your "straw man" argument is merely noise.

3. The article did not speak to education but to intelligence. The two are completely separate. You can put a monkey in a classroom for 20 years and he will be no more intelligent than he was when he went in. The same is true of people. You can educate, but you cannot create intelligence. Intelligence, as a base starting point, is strictly a biological quantity. (Of course you can decrease intelligence through diet or damaging the brain in other ways.) You may have 12 intelligent children who never become educated, but they will have the potential to be educated, and their children will too. Therefore, the potential of the society is increased by their presence in it. Education is merely knowledge of various sorts. Intelligence is the ability to manipulate that knowledge.

4. Where did you get the number 12 from? Certainly not my article. You mentioned as an alternative, the number 4 which actually would fit nicely into what the article was saying. Right now those with high IQ's are having about 1.5 children. That is a suicidal birth rate. It will, over time extinguish any group that continues to reproduce at that rate.

5. For the sake of argument, since you brought it up, anyone who saw the movie, Cheaper By the Dozen will realized the spurious nature of your argument. An intelligent set of parents can do wonders with a dozen children. Also, as the older ones grow, they become contributors to the family rather than just takers. They help financially by getting jobs. They help with the younger children's homework, and in supervising the younger children. Thanks to the feminist movement, and other Leftist causes, the piggish government has driven the tax rate up so high that a large family will have to struggle to make ends meet, but I know several families who are doing just that. It can be done.

6. It is absurd to claim that the high end of the intelligent spectrum reproducing will somehow suffocate the food production capabilities more than the low end, which is reproducing in huge numbers right now. Twelve intelligent children are going to be far more able to fend for themselves without turning to crime than twelve stupid children will. That is a fact of life. IQ and crime are inversely related. Also, the intelligent children will be far more likely to make valuable contributions to society than stupid ones would once they grow up.

7. The idea that America could not afford to feed its own children, when it is allowing in millions of foreign immigrants into this country without having any trouble feeding them, is ridiculous. The United States is not in the throws of a population explosion due to its birth rate. Right now the native born Americans are not even reproducing themselves. These women are not having 4 children. On average they are not even having 2 children.

8. While you try and use your wild claims and numbers to cover up the facts, there remains the point of my article, still standing untarnished: if you inspire all the most intelligent women to not reproduce, while the less intelligent women do reproduce, that will have the net effect of removing the genes of the most intelligent women from the gene pool, and over time that will decrease the overall intelligence of the society.

Thanks for the scenic misdirection in at attempt to skirt the issue.


Name: Love
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-23 11:54:00
Comments: "You are trying to repress anyone who wishes to live life in a traditional manner. You want to sue companies who promote family men over single women. You want to punish companies who do not hire or promote enough women to suit you. You want to disassemble any and all male institutions in order to promote your agenda. You want to take little girls who would be happy as homemakers and brainwash them into doing something else, anything else."

Actually, i've never tried to do any of those things.

Of course not! You just sit back and support others who do, which is the same as doing them yourself. You are so busy patting yourself on the back for being such a wonderful person that you do not take the time to think about what those of your movement are doing to obliterate the freedom once guaranteed by this great nation, or the devastation that you (your movement) have inflicted upon the lives of those who live in it.


Name: Sue
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-04-20 19:17:00
Comments: Read your recent article, on how feminism is luring the 110+ IQ'd women away from the marriage altar, to the direction of the cucumber-hued office-suite-and how if this trend continues, our nation could become dummied-down to 3rd world servility. While the article, pushed a button-as if the mensa minority are the only ones that count-I am smart enough to realize, our best female minds should not be constrained into thinking that having a "power-b____" job is the only thing that counts. But I also believe there's more to this evolutionary flatulence-and, as with the vapors from a junkmeal, should be gone by morning (we hope). While it doesn't take a sub-particle physicist to develop a love for learning--or to pass on that love--feminism neither encourages love or learning, period! Feminism is too busy jeering and legislating away (is that constitutional?) the fairy tales, adventure stories, poetry, classics…the things the REST OF US grew up with. Feminism (male and female) is replacing this wonderful stuff with weak TV plots and those STUPID (she)wanabee-warrior(rock)videos. 'Am so sick of seeing butch-haircuts and sneaks, I could just puke--but opinions are like…everybody's got one-but only the commu/atheist ones count. Yea, that's another bender--and they think the rest of us are too flamin' stupid to pick up on. I am just yet another average woman, who is beyond FED UP, and, for whatever it's worth, is doing something about it.


p.s. God bless you and your wife, may you both enjoy many more years together.

I certainly would never say that only very intelligent people matter to a society. My article merely made the valid point that given enough time of the application of the feminist philosophy, the ultimate result would be a decrease in the overall intelligence of the members of the society. The time scale for the result to be noticeable, would be large enough so that I think feminism will have long been dead of natural causes before any measurable change in overall intelligence could occur. However, if feminism were allowed to continue indefinitely, the repeated removal of the highest IQ genes from the pool would have an effect. This is not a burning issue today, but merely an interesting side effect of the feminist movement.

The television is overwhelming in its ability to herd people like sheep. The vast majority of people in our society get nearly all of their news, the bulk of their entertainment, and a large percentage of their thoughts from this device. (I have been amazed by the number of office conversations I have heard where someone has stated, word for word, something that I had heard on the television news the night before, but the speaker was speaking as if what was coming out of his mouth was his own idea.) I have not watched any regular television entertainment shows for a very long time. I grew sick of all the politically correct, leftist propaganda that saturates every one of the shows, along with the simplistic, predictable plots and jokes that are always there. It is beyond a mere waste of time. It is a program of mental manipulation to create conformity of thought. For example, you will never see a program that is blatantly anti-feminist being created today. Is that because there are no people who disagree with feminism, or who would enjoy seeing the feminist point of view being poked fun at? Hardly! The television follows a code of "ethics" which includes promotion of leftist ideas, and exclusion of all counter ideas, in its entertainment programming. (You could easily produce a long list of other topics that will only be presented in the PC way on television.) When millions of people all watch the same propaganda every night, there is a shift in the way those millions of people think. Given the large number of people who subject themselves to this propaganda for several hours a day, there is little to be surprised about in seeing increased support for leftist ideas in our society.

Thanks for your kind wishes and for sharing your thoughts in my guest book!


Name: Love
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-19 17:24:00
Comments: i'm just happy knowing i'm a better person than you. i'm very glad to know that i am not trying to repress other people. the most obvious thing that can be gathered from your page is that you are threatened by women. you claim that everything wrong with the world is the fault (and yes, you do place this much blame on it, it's impossible that you deny that) of women trying to achieve their highest potential. you claim that it's only natural that men work and women raise children. you seem ignorant to the fact that the world population is increasing steadily and if this is all every woman does, the world would be overpopulated beyond belief in a matter of years. that's a very obvious problem.

the majority of jobs that require hard labor are held by men. yes, men's bodies are better suited for this type of thing. but you know what? women are generally more balanced, more precise than men. this makes them better engineers, doctors, and anything else that requires a stable hand. now it's simply ridiculous to say that it's more natural for men to have these jobs. it's very obvious that the person more suited to the job should have it.

you know, perhaps your site could make some decent points if you weren't so caught up in trying to keep women at home, because yes, that makes it very obvious that you are threatened by women, probably because so many have achieved so much more than you.

You and President Clinton. You think you are better than everyone else because you "care." Your "goodness" is only matched by your "humility." Upon what do you base this claim to being a better person? Because you are "not trying to repress other people." That claim is a complete falsehood. You are trying to repress anyone who wishes to live life in a traditional manner. You want to sue companies who promote family men over single women. You want to punish companies who do not hire or promote enough women to suit you. You want to disassemble any and all male institutions in order to promote your agenda. You want to take little girls who would be happy as homemakers and brainwash them into doing something else, anything else. That is repression! You think that because you are promoting the desires of the leftist women, that you are promoting the desires of all women. And you have such little regard for the women who wish to be homemakers, that you consider them absolutely nothing. They are non-persons to you because you claim you suppress no one, when in fact you suppress them.

And to make another point of clarification, while you are trying to repress people, I am not. I have never attempted to promote any law that would force women to stay at home. I have never encouraged any woman or man to sue anyone to make things be the way I feel they should be. I am only promoting the facts, and the logical results of those facts. I show that kids who are not supervised by their mothers, but are sent to day care, or left on their own, are worse off for it. That is a fact. If you choose to disagree with the facts, I am not going to get congress to pass laws to make you toe the line. I am not trying to repress people. Feminists are trying to repress people. I am trying to wake people up to the stupidity of feminism and the horrible price we are going to have to pay for embracing it.

While I am not trying to repress people and you are, I am not such a egomaniac to make the ridiculous statement that "I'm just happy knowing I'm a better person than you." What kind of person would make such a statement? Only a liberal. They are only concerned with fooling everyone into thinking of them as "better people," even though they don't care at all how many lives they destroy with their selfish and self righteous agenda.

It is simply outrageous that anyone would make the absurd claim that women could hold a candle to men, let alone be superior to them, in the fields of engineering or medical doctor. I, along with nearly anyone I know would welcome fair competition in those fields, instead of what we have now. Now, the government insists that schools accept a certain number of women in those areas, regardless of their abilities. Anyone who has studied the evidence would realize that most women are not equipped for the engineering field. It has been overwhelmingly demonstrated by many tests, (see the book Brain Sex) that the female brain is completely inferior to the male brain in the areas of math, science and spatial perception. This is a scientific fact. It follows from that, that if a fair competition is held, the vast majority of the best engineers will be male: today, tomorrow and forever. A similar argument could be made for the profession of medical doctor. Fair competition, and offering the job to the best candidate is what the leftist, like you, is fighting so strongly against, all the time during which you dishonestly claim that you are fighting for "equal opportunity."

How can I be threatened by women? If you took the time to go through my guest book you would see that I have had to respond to that ridiculous charge over and over again. It would appear that you feminists are individually not capable of generating an original thought. I should just set up a copy and paste for your posts because seldom is there anything new. I am not threatened by women. What is a woman going to do? Is she going to take my job away from me? Not in this lifetime. There are a great number of men in my company who are doing a similar job as I am. Do you know how many women are doing it? One. That is it. Nation wide, from coast to coast, only one woman is doing the job. It is a high tech job that women do not naturally have the aptitude for. So, where is the competition that I am supposed to be afraid of? Where is the threat coming from? There is none. Professionally, women could never touch me. At home I have a wonderful wife who agrees with my views on the roles of men and women completely. She sees you as a very confused person. (I am saying it nicer than she did.) There is no threat at home. In fact there is no place in my life that I am threatened by women. So your claim, is completely bogus. At least you are consistent.

I blame feminism for a great many things. Of course I do not, as you falsely claim, blame it for everything that is wrong with our society. The vast majority of what is wrong with our society has come from the leftist takeover of our political, educational, and religious institutions and I certainly would never deny that fact. Women who attempt to "achieve their highest potential" as homemakers and mothers are never a problem with me, so your statement is progressively appearing to be more and more shot full of holes. What irks you is the fact that I am holding feminists responsible for the damage that they are doing to our society. When a child is abandoned in order for a woman to have a career, and that child as a result becomes a liability to society, it was the feminist act of pursuing a career that is to blame. You can pitch a fit and cry all day long about it but you can not remove one speck of the guilt from off that woman's shoulders, or the shoulders of those who helped entice her into making that choice.

Once again I have to hear this ridiculous overpopulation charge. You call me ignorant, when it is instead your own failing. Right now the native population of America is not even reproducing itself. Our native population is actually falling. The only reason that our overall population is growing, is because of immigration. The only people who are overpopulating the planet are the third world countries, and that is mostly because Western medicine and food have made it possible. The people in the USA are not having too many children, or even close to it. Of course that is besides the point. We are producing some children and those children deserve to be raised correctly. Women who have children have a responsibility to those children. Complaining about the population explosion will not remove that responsibility.

I am not "trying to keep women at home." I am not promoting any laws that would force women to remain at home. The only ban on working women that I promote is one of sensible restrictions based upon standards of necessary ability for any given profession such as for the military, police and fire department. What I promote is freedom and it galls you. You can't stand the fact that someone actually is willing to stand up to your agenda and identify your point of view for what it is: oppression! You want the federal and local governments to promote women in the workplace, as they have been doing for the last 30 or 40 years, at the expense of the freedom of all those who disagree with you. You want feminism forced down every traditional throat of this country, and that is the definition of oppression. What you feminists want is unconstitutional, and must be opposed for the totalitarian tactic that it is.

I, along with our once free society, am threatened by feminism, not by women. Why does feminism threaten me? Because it is being used by the leftists in our society to increase the power of the government and to decrease the freedom of our society to function in the manner that it would naturally tend to. That is oppression, which steals our freedom. That is what I am really fighting against on this web page.

Also, on my page, I identify the absurd aspects of feminism for others to see. I show the horrendous results of accepting feminist doctrine into our society. You find that express of the truth so terribly threatening that you simply must lash out at me, making wild and incorrect accusations, in hopes of squashing the truth that I am promoting.

Thanks for helping to highlight the evils of feminism for us all to see.


Name: Love
Website: candyflesh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-17 16:45:00
Comments: if you honestly think my entry was so empty, you're obviously too stupid to understand the parables of it. that's obvious by your little articles that try to sounds reasonable and intelligent. you're not, and you're being mocked heavily for it. yes, we're all just laying back, knowing you'll die soon and we'll all lie easy knowing you cannot plague the internet with your childish crap any longer. really, using petty attacks to reply to your guestbook entries, without even notifying the entrante. i'm sure you live under the assumption that justified, but you have yet to prove it. i see young girls cutting your argument down, successfully, in your guestbook. you'd think an ardent chauvenist would see that as failure, but no, not a stupid one. the stupid man never sees when it's time to drop the flag, when it's time to save face. joke's on you, sweetheart (that's a sexual reference, don't let it get to your head). why not give up now like a good little boy?

In my guest book I have to deal with all sorts of confused people. I get the adolescent child who parrots what her mother or her teacher has told her, and has not yet had the chance to think a real thought on her own yet. I get the brainwashed, hard core lemming, who is completely intent on following the rest of the fools over the cliff. I get the lesbian who is panting so profusely to become a man, that she no longer has any control over her own thinking process, but you are a special case.

Go back to my main web page and read what it says directly below the buttons for signing and reading the guest book. Too complicated for you? I will put it here for you so even you can find it:

I respond to all signers, so there is a great deal of additional material here!

Unless you are completely illiterate, that is notification in advance that if you enter anything in my guest book it will be responded to. That statement of intent has been there for close to two years. Even though you were so careless as to miss the warning clearly posted on my web page, if you had only bothered to read any of the entries in my guest book you would have noticed that each of them have been responded to from me. So, your accusations are as devoid of merit as are your points of "argument."

Coming from someone like yourself, the accusation of stupidity is a compliment. Not only do I "honestly think [your] entry was so empty" of real content, I will prove it! Let us look at your deep, profound, and parable filled entry:

now, i'm really not sure why i'd want to become a man, if they are this jealous of women. are you afraid to post this entry in your guestbook? i thought so.

As you can see, not only was I not afraid to post your entry once, but now it is up twice. That makes your last two sentences look pretty ridiculous, in addition to being demonstrably, and completely, wrong. That leaves only your first sentence for any consideration at all for content. I have already pointed out that there is no sane reason why you would want to become a man, since it is physically impossible. So that first phrase is either absurd, or insane, or both. The only thing left is your assertion that men are jealous of women. You support that accusation with no facts or arguments. There are not even any reasonable inferences that can be derived from it, because it is disconnected from reality. I am not jealous of women. I do not know of anyone who is. So, your statement is empty of meaning.

Since you frown on stupidity, it would do you well to remove your own and learn the definition of a parable. (Although that technically makes you ignorant rather than stupid, sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between the two.) It is a story that carries with it a moral. When the listener hears the story it will bring the moral into clearer focus and make it easier to remember in the future. For example the old story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. That was a parable. Your post, on the other hand, had no story, no moral and no content. There was no parable, let alone "parables."

In my guest book you will often see young girls mimic what they heard in their school propaganda. While they, like you, love to call names and spit out cliches, they have no substance to their beliefs. They, like you, are so brainwashed that they could not see a fact if it bit them on the nose.

The feminist never fails to fall back upon the only weapon they really know how to use: name calling. You three times referred to me as "stupid," and when that was not going to be enough, mockingly referred to me as "sweetheart," and "little boy." You may think that is impressive, and perhaps to your adolescent friends it may be, but here you are not dealing with some inexperienced teenager. I know that I am of above average intelligence from IQ tests I have taken, technical training that I have both taken and given, and from numerous other independent sources. Therefore, calling me stupid only shows your own inability to judge intelligence. The other two attempts at insult, are nothing but an indication of your lack of ability to deal with the facts of my web page, and therefore you are reduced to name calling.

The feminist is always asking me to "give up," as if truth was just going to go away because they don't like it. Tough break lady, but that is not going to happen. Also, your feminist hatred came to the surface and exposed itself for a moment. That is always refreshing, because it lets others see how sick your philosophy is. You wish me dead in hopes that my knowledge will disappear with me. But alas for you, truth is truth, and relies upon no one man to perpetuate it. A thousand years from now, when your feminist heroes will be unremembered, there will still be male chauvinists, and there will be women who are mothers and homemakers, and there is nothing that you can do about it. The joke is therefore on you!


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-15 21:23:00
Comments: Al, This message is for Sidney, the “DUDE” who wants to enlighten you (my, what impeccable English!). Hey Sidney, if Women are equals, why don’t they beat men in atleast something? I can swallow the argument that In vocations requiring Strength, Men dominate, but the Brains are supposed to be equal, so why not in chess? Maybe, because like the W NBA and the L PGA, they don't have a Ladies' only Chess Championship!!"


It is interesting that there is a separate category for female chess players, and while their play is quite good, it is always a little short of the play of the best men. The geniuses with the very highest IQ's are always men as well. Where women excel, feminism is trying to numerically diminish their presence, and where they are inferior, the feminists are trying to numerically increase their presence. When someone honestly answers for themselves the question, "Why do they do this?" Then and only then will they truly understand feminism for what it is. They will then see that feminism has nothing to do with promoting the status of women, or improving their lot in any way. It has absolutely nothing to do with improving our society in any way. It is nothing but a power play by a relatively small number of elitists and nothing more.


Name: *kara*
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 2000-04-15 18:28:00
Comments: my father and my brother are both male chauvinists, and i am a feminist. you portray feminists uncorrectly. you make them seem like harsh, heartless, unfeeling, destructive sharks. i beleive that men are equal to women, and that they should have the same role in society. does that mean i support abortion? NO. and its often due to sexist pigs such as YOU that women get abortions. their boyfriends/husbands dont feel as though they want the responsibility of a child, so they encourage the woman to have an abortion so they will not have to deal with it. yes, there are women who get abortions so they wont have the responsibility. that does not mean that the "feminist religion" forced it on them!!!! you also blame feminism for divorce. well, yes. feminism has taught females not to take abuse and rape from their husbands, and to LEAVE if they need to. so, would that mean that you support domestic violence? there are so many loop holes in your chauvinism... as for your theory that feminism makes people dumber, thats BULL, im afraid to say. just because someone is feminist does not mean that they will have an abortion just to pursue their careers. i am sure there are people that do, but well, you stereotype. a lot. BUT, you being a chauvinist, its not that surprising. you also think that women WANT to be sex objects!!!! what is wrong with you!?!?! women wear short skirts and high heels because of society's depiction of women as sex objects; they want to feel attractive, yes, but they dont want to be viewed as "sex objects". what is a sex object, anyway? anyone can be a sex object. women are just often portrayed that way because of society's twisted perception of what how women should be. if a woman wants to be sex object, she should. if she doesnt, she shouldnt. i think that is true feminism. i dont think it has anything to do with being a homemaker, or being a lawyer, its all about what the woman herself truely wants to do with her life. i think a homemaker can be a feminist. i also happen to know a lot of feminist men. yes, feminist men! what a concept! and YES, i know men who want a woman to go out and work, and they can be the stay-at-home dad. ever think of that? you say that your chauvinism 'respects' women. hypocrit. yes, you respect them sooo much, that is why you openly write about them being sex objects. and to say that women are better at raising children then men are is a ridiculous stereotype. there ARE women who have abandoned their families, you know (and it wasnt because of the "feminist movement"), and men are left to care for the children. these kids are just as likely as any other kids with single parent families to grow up to be "violent", or whatever it was you tried to put the blame on single parent mom's for. my parents are divorced because my mom wouldnt take crap from my dad. i'll be honest, my mom is definately not the best mother. but because she isnt, does that mean i will grow up to be a serial killer? NO , it DOESNT. i happen to be very intelligent, and although you DO make SOME interesting points on your webpage, your discrimination against both men AND women is degrading to both sexes. i hope that one day you will eventually realize your ignorance, and grow from it.

// kara

ps-i truely pity your wife...(if you actually have one, that is.)

It is interesting that you have such a low opinion of your father and your brother. It probably says more about you than anything else you could say.

It is clear that you have not read very much of my web page since you make the mistake of trying to convince me that there are men feminists. I have had to point that very thing out to the dull witted feminists who continually fail to make the distinction between women, and feminists. My page is pro-women and anti-feminist, whether the feminist is male or female, matters not at all. It is the destructive philosophy of feminism that I am against, not women.

Feminism is the driving force behind abortion. Whether you personally are in support of abortion or not is of no consequence. It does not relieve you from your responsibility for supporting a cause that has slaughtered over 30 million children in the womb. While there have always been men who are scum and willing to let their babies be killed by abortion, they never joined together and created a political machine which promoted legalized abortion, and which caused abortion to actually become legal. Feminists did that, and feminists must take the full responsibility for their actions. If you are a feminist, you are responsible.

The feminist religion is quite flagrant in its promotion of abortion to women, as if it were their right to be able to kill their children. While women may not be "forced" to have an abortion by the feminists, they are thousands of times more likely to have an abortion today because they have been brainwashed by the feminists into believing that it is not a bad thing to kill their child. You can pussy foot around that issue all you want but the fact is that abortion is legal today because of feminism and for no other reason. Feminism stands guilty of the murder of over 30 million babies.

You create a simple and stupid straw man in trying to claim that all, or even a significant number, of the divorces that the vast majority of marriages today are ending in, are because of rape and abuse. That is absurd and you know it. Even with the divorces, and women leaving their homes there is more abuse today because of feminism than there ever was before. Men today are taught that women are tough. They can be soldiers, and cops, and firemen. Women are equal in every way with men. So, men who believe that nonsense, have started punching women out, like they would a man. And the feminists go around acting like they have done those poor ladies a favor. That is pretty sick.

It appears from your post that you did not read many of the articles that you are trying to comment on. You say that feminism will not make the people of our civilization dumber, but you completely missed the reason why you are wrong. If the most intelligent women have careers instead of babies, then their genes are lost to the gene pool. That will cause a downturn in the intelligence level of any society which embraces feminism. It is unavoidable. In the past, intelligent women had large families. Today, it is mostly the uneducated women who are having large families. The obvious result of this process is a gradual, but unavoidable, decrease in intelligence in the community.

Your rambling and disjointed statement on women being sex objects is muddy at best. A woman who wears short skirts is viewed as a sex object by the majority of men who look at her dressed like that. She would have to be stupid indeed not to realize that. As I have said many times before, women who dress as sex objects wish to be sex objects. That is not all they wish to be, but unless they are very stupid, they know that is what they are. Women can be very attractive without dressing like a street walker. There is a real difference between beauty (being attractive) and playing to sexual arousal.

It is a shame that you spent no time reading my guest book before you wasted your verbiage upon such repetition. I have repeatedly said that feminist men are as bad as feminist women. I have said that single men are not better parents than single women. I often wonder if all feminists share a single brain cell and pass it back and forth among themselves, because they all say the same thoughtless things.

I am not surprised that your parents are divorced. Viewing the rest of your comments I am forced to think that your comment that your mother was taking "crap" from your dad is as ridiculous as the rest. I was not there to see for myself, so we will have to pass by that single event, which is completely beside the point of my web page.

You make the same silly mistake that virtually all the feminists do. You think that if you can point out one case where kids turned out normally after a divorce, or after a mother abandons her children for a career, then that means that all kids will. That is the same as saying that just because one smoker does not die from smoking related illness, no smoker will die from smoking related illness. The fact is that kids who are abandoned by working mothers, on average are going to be worse off than those who were not. Get over it, because it is not going away.

Perhaps, oh very intelligent one, you will one day be able to couple some education, and some wisdom together with your massive mental capabilities and realize that all people who lived before 1970 were not morons. For thousands of years humans have realized that there are differences between the sexes. Men and women are not the same. They have different capabilities. The vast majority of women are infinitely more adept at dealing with children than men are. The extremely small number of men who can effectively be a "Mr. Mom" are not worth considering. As you would know if you had bothered to read my guest book, I have made it clear repeatedly that society cannot logically shape itself around the miniscule minority at the expense of the vast majority.

There is nothing degrading in being a mother or a housewife. My wife is a just such a person, and so is my mother. My grandmothers, and their mothers were as well. Each and every one of these women was honored and respected by their families and their communities. What is degrading is for someone like you to come along and claim that they were somehow less than you are. That is insulting and just plane wrong. The hand that rocks the cradle has more power than any other in the long run.

Contrary to your confused assertion, wisdom is not ignorance. If it were, you be wisdom itself.

My wife always gets a good laugh at the unthinking and unknowing feminists who mockingly extend their pity towards her. Since she is very happy, and after nearly 24 years of marriage, she finds your comment ridiculous and bred from ignorance. Save your pity for yourself. You are the one who will have to live your life under the yoke of feminist bondage. You will have to suffer the divorce, and collapsed relationships that feminism brings to it adherents. If you have children, they will suffer from your ignorance and neglect. If you do not have children you will remove your contribution to the gene pool of the future, and therefore will have nothing to say beyond your own selfish existence. I truly pity you.


Name: tremor
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: illinois
Time: 2000-04-15 00:42:00
Comments: hmmm.....INTERSTING... you know,its awefuly UNCOMMON in this age to find people who dont live by that PC garbage. I like your site. let the feminists have their way.. they are a dying breed.. I LOVE WOMEN but and I DO NOT think ANYONE is SUPERIOR we are just DIFFERENT..where would we be if it wasnt for men though..CULTURE,TECHNOLOGY ect.. we had a great influence where would all these d*kes be? MUD HUTS? WORSE.. CAVES? in truth WOMEN do contribute alot to civilizastion BUT we cant live without each other.

Well said! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Name: Sidney
Website: Fabrications In My Ears
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-31 20:30:00
Comments: Dude somehow I figure that there was something seriously wrong with your childhood or something. There's something that obviously is making you think that women are inferior to women. You need to wake up, women are just as good as men if not better. Sure you can go on and on about how women are the causes of school shootings and such, with your analytical writings that are filled with a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. You're gonna be wrong in the eyes of the majority of the people that read this. Your views may be 'right' in your head. But if you stepped outside of yourself, you'd think "whoa look at what an a______ I am." Peace out dude. I hope you wake up and realize some of the things you're actually saying.

Yes, by the thinking of today, there was something seriously wrong with my childhood. I had both of my real, biological parents living in my home with me. I had parents that cared about me and supervised my activities when I was growing up. I had parents that taught me respect for my parents and for my elders in general. Yes, by your feminist standards, I had a very wrong childhood, filled with love, rules and attention.

As far as inferiority goes, I have discussed this over and over again in my guest book. I do think that women are physically inferior to men for sports, lifting and other things. It is not a vague “some reason” that makes me think that. It is fact, pure and simple, and everyone who has the slightesly open mind agrees with that. So, in some things women are not nearly as “good as men” are. It would be dishonest to think otherwise. When it comes to raising children however, women are far superior to men and that makes them better than men in that area. The point is that women are different than men and therefore should be treated differently than men. Pretty straight forward.

Yes, I am sure that you find all reasoning that you disagree with, or cannot understand, to be “mumbo-jumbo. As I continue to point out, and folks like you continue to let sail right over their heads, I do not blame women for school shootings, or the other problems of society. I blame only feminists, and that includes many men as well as women. When feminists leave their children unattended in order to have a career, they are responsible for the results of their actions. Your whining about it will not change the validity of that fact.

Whether I am going to be “wrong in the eyes of the majority of the people that read this” or I am going to be right in their eyes, matters not a bit to me. What matters to me is whether I am right or wrong with respect to reality. Most people who read this will probably be folks who sit down nearly every night for their brainwashing session from their television. Anyone who is reckless enough to do that, is not someone whose opinion I am going concern myself with. When you intentionally expose yourself to propaganda you are going to be manipulated into the “party line” point of view. That means you give up your right to form your own views and you turn your will over to those in control of the propaganda.

If you compared my views, with those of the average people before the leftist take over of our country, you would find that my views would be mostly middle of the road. You do not care about that fact any more than I care about what the majority of the brainwashed masses today think. What matters is the truth, not public opinion.

It is amazing that people have reached the point today, where someone who actually thinks for himself is considered such a threat. You called me a vulgar name because I think for myself. You are acting like a lemming, a sheep. You are terrified of being different than the crowd. Anyone who does not go along with the group is bad to you. You must blindly attack independent thinkers as the enemy.

Unfortunately for you, it is not I who is asleep and who needs to wake up to realize what I am saying. You are sound asleep, letting others tell you what to think and say. You have been assimilated.


Name: Love
Website: candyflesh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-31 20:00:00
Comments: now, i'm really not sure why i'd want to become a man, if they are this jealous of women. are you afraid to post this entry in your guestbook? i thought so.

You cannot “become a man,” (unless you are a male child who will one day grow up), so it is just as well that you do not want to. Respecting the differences of women is not being “jealous” of women.

Your entry is essentially empty, devoid of content. Why would anyone be afraid of such a lame attack? Read the earlier entries in my guest book if you want to at least see some real efforts to attack my web page.

The only entries that I delete from my guest book are ones that contain obscene language. Even those are not always deleted. If I have time, I will edit them, rather than deleting them, if they contain something worth discussing. -Al-

Name: Vet's Wife
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-03-23 12:54:00
Comments: Dear Al, Just read some accounts of women who had abortions--and of their boyfriend's bailing on them afterwards. The stories were sad, but not surprising.


Th' ol' lady,
best stay on th' pill--
'cause if she don't,
her butt, to the mill;
an' 'ey, she works,,,
send her th' bill.

Abortion is nothing but an attempt to use murder to wipe out mistakes, and to avoid responsibility. For many men they act like they are very caring and understanding as they hold their girlfriend's hand through the abortion process. Then, when it is over, they breath a sigh of relief and hit the road. The fact that a human life has been taken, a human heart has been halted, is lost in the process. Because the child has not yet made its appearance outside of its incubation chamber, it is considered to not yet exist. And the "fathers" who so intently pretend to care about the "mothers" before the abortion, often drop the pretense afterwards, and simply walk away.


Name: Melissa R
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-20 16:27:00
Comments: Hey Al. I just wanted to add a message to your book. This is sure to get the feminists in an uproar.

In 1973, a sexology researcher, Dr. John Money, in a well received and much publicized research paper, argued that gender roles are plastic and formed chiefly by conditioning. His paper centered on an anonymous child whom the researcher referred to as "John". When John was only a few months old, he required an operation to repair a botched circumcism. The operating surgeon accidently amputated John's penis. Under the doctors' advice, the parents allowed them to make the child a girl (as is often done in similar cases, because it is easier to fashion female than male genitals). The doctors removed his testicles and remaining penis and surgically constructed a vagina. Johns' parents raised the child as a girl, and even later, gave her female hormone treatments never telling her the truth of the tragic accident. Even female psychiatrists were engaged to help reinforce the childs' female identity.

Dr.Money wrote a paper about the child, ignoring a number of warning signals, and reported at an early age he (now a she) had well adapted to the new gender role. Feminist researchers, writers, and the popular media, cited the case of John as glowing proof that gender roles were purely the result of environment rather than biology. In 1997, Dr.Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii-Manoa in Honolulu published an in depth follow up on the case of John. They revealed a startling turn of events in Johns' development.

Even as a child, John repeatedly attempted to urinate standing up. His mother tried to show him how to put on makeup but he wanted to imitate his father shaving instead. He rejected dolls and dresses and sought the company of boys and trucks. At the age of 12, he was given hormone supplements to grow breasts. He grew instensly unhappy and considered suicide. Finally with no knowledge of his real sexual identity, at the age of 14, he refused to continue the hormone supplements and simply refused to live as a girl any longer. At that point, his tearful parents told him of the surgeon's tragic mistake. Although he was understandably bitter, his dominate emotion was relief. He said," For the first time I understand who and what I am." John requested male hormone shots, had a mastectomy and ultimately, a phalloplasty to fashion a penis from skin grafts. John later married, adopted children, and is quite well adjusted.

All in all Al this story of John proves that females and males are not equal. It is not the environment which shapes who u are but purely biology. No matter how hard the media or the feminists push the idea that girls only like dolls when they are shown them, it still shows true what I had to say. John is a prime example. Thanx for letting me share this with you.

Thank you for taking the time to share this with us!


Name: Kristina
Website: n/a
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NYC
Time: 2000-03-18 20:24:00
Comments: Women *want* to be dominated? Women *want* to be put down, denied citizenship and independence, and treated like nothing more than sex objects? And you're blaming women for, basically, all of society's problems (which, since we live in a male-dominated society, have been caused by men). You come off sounding like a sexually repressed, insecure little boy.

Kristina, this is what they call creating a "straw man." You list off a bunch of items, some of which are outright lies, and others which are distortions of fact. Then, since nobody will agree with that false straw man, (not even me!) then you have no trouble knocking him down, and thereby doing away with the idea (my web page) you are attacking, as being totally ridiculous. Nice try but that tactic is a feeble weapon against anyone who is paying attention at all. Then, as a final topping, a dash of name calling is thrown on, to complete the tirade. Rather than discuss what "you come off sounding like," let's look at your dishonest and distorted points one by one:

  1. Women want to be dominated? While there exists a whole category of sexual deviation where some women, who call themselves "femslaves", actually do want to be physically and emotionally dominated in a relationship, they are not the norm. The normal woman does not like to be dominated in that sense. The normal woman does like a male that is a leader, but one who takes her opinions, needs and desires into consideration at all times. If you wish to distort the meaning of the words, you can equate leadership to domination, but that would be dishonest. They are not the same thing in reality. Leadership brings the best out in others, and makes them feel good about themselves. Domination crushes the ego, and makes them feel bad about themselves. A good husband who is the head of his family, and a leader, never crushes the ego of his wife or children. He does all that he can to promote high self esteem in all members of the family.

  2. Women *want* to be put down? This one is so far out of bounds that it can only be labeled a complete falsehood, with no connection to my web page. I never said, anywhere on my web page or my guest book, that women want to be put down. In fact I have clearly pointed out that women are sensitive, thoughtful creatures who should be treasured and cared for, listened to and appreciated. Never, ever, would I promote the idea of putting women down!

  3. Women *want* to be denied citizenship? Again there is nothing on my web page or in my guest book that would suggest that women want to be denied citizenship, or that men should deny them citizenship. They have been citizens of this country from its inception, and always will be. It is absurd to suggest otherwise. Prior to the 19th amendment, women did not have the vote, but they were citizens. I think that is the way it should still be. Some women agree with that, and some disagree. However, nobody that I know of is suggesting that women should be denied citizenship.

  4. Women *want* to be denied independence? You don't say independence from what. All people would like to be free. There are some facts of life that must be faced however. The term "independently wealthy" applies to only a small minority of people. Other than that exclusive club, all people are dependent upon either someone else, or working at a job to make ends meet.

    You may want many things that would be destructive to have. For example most men, if not all, have a natural instinct to "chase women". Several industries, which are quite solvent by the way, rely on this tendency. In a stable society, it is destructive for men to give in to this tendency. Therefore, they may want to do it, but if they are good husbands, they will hold that tendency in check, and keep their desires restrained. The same is true of an "independent" woman. If she dumps her responsibilities in order to run as she pleases, it will be destructive to her family and her society. It is self-discipline which allows an adult male or female to set their own wants aside to create happiness for their families, and thereby create happiness for themselves. A stable person will do this. A destructive one will not.

  5. Women *want* to be treated like nothing more than sex objects? Here is a distortion of what I said. I never said that women ONLY wanted to be treated like sex objects. You twisted what I said. Many women do wish to be thought of as sex objects. Not only as sex objects, but as sex objects nonetheless. Any woman who wears a short skirt, or a low cut blouse is going to generate many sexual thoughts in nearly all the men that they meet throughout the entire time they are dressed that way. Unless they are of subnormal intelligence, they know this is true. They could avoid being thought of as a sex object by dressing modestly, but they chose not to. Therefore, they must desire to be thought of as sex objects.

    This is a basic aspect of the sexual interplay between humans. Females are "hunted" by males, and therefore they wish to be attractive "prey". A man aggressively goes after a woman, and a woman attempts to appear desirable and worthy of being gone after. In the animal kingdom the same type of interplay goes on continually. Just because a woman desires to be a sex object at one level, never means that is all she is, or all that she wants to be. And just because a man views her as a sex object at one level, does not mean that is the only thing he sees about her, or that is all she is to him. Men and women are complex beings, and they have many compartments. To identify a single compartment for what it is, does not in any way remove the importance of the other compartments.

  6. You're blaming women for, basically, all of society's problems. Nonsense! I do not blame women for any of society's problems. What blame that I do assign on my web page, is blame to feminists, both men and women! I do not even blame feminists for "all of society's problems." I do blame them for the problems that result from children being abandoned by their mothers, in favor of a career. Things like teen crime, school shootings and other children related issues are feminist related and only a dishonest person would deny that feminism played at least part role in them. I also blame them for inserting women into the military, police force and fire fighting departments because women weaken each of these organizations and will ultimately cost human lives. There are a great many problems in our society that have nothing to do with feminism. Many of them are caused by Leftists, who happen to be feminists as well, but their stand on feminism is not what led to these other problems, but rather it is their Marxist views and activities that are at fault.

  7. Since we live in a male-dominated society, basically, all of society's problems have been caused by men. Men certainly are not perfect and they have made some very serious mistakes. For one they gave women the vote, which has driven our country right into the arms of socialism. If men had never given the vote to women, feminism could never have inflicted its terrible wounds upon our children, and our society. That was indeed men's fault. While more and more of the blame is being correctly shifted over to the feminists, as they have more time to work on destroying our society, there is still plenty of things that men can be justly faulted for. I have no problem with men being justly accused of wrongdoing, why is it that feminists don't accept the blame for what they have done do you suppose?
Your final comment is not worthy of reply, for it is based upon ignorance and nothing more than an attempt to sully the character of someone with whom you disagree. You should raise yourself up above such tactics and deal with facts and ideas, leaving name calling and insult to those weak minded folks who have nothing else to offer, unless you are actually one of them.


Name: Giselle
Website: Transgender Links from Yahoo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-18 14:03:00
Comments: This is a serious question: Where do those who have surgically changed their sex fit in your view? Should a born woman who has taken hormones to develop a more masculine body still be a housewife? Should a genetic male who has surgery and hormones to become indistinguishable from a genetic female still go out into the workforce?

Those who have surgically, and chemically, deformed themselves in hope of becoming that which they are not able to become, are pitiful, sad human beings. They, like those who suffer from other forms of homosexuality, or those who suffer from pedophilia, and other perversions do not fit into any normal society. They are in need of help which falls outside the scope of normal society. As I have repeatedly stated in this guest book, society cannot be created and shaped around the bizarre, the perverted or the strange. Society must set its rules and standards based upon normal human behavior. That is why feminism is a failure and universally causes damage to any society which embraces it. Feminism is focused upon the abnormal, masculine minded female, while ignoring the normal, feminine minded female.

My page is focused on what a society should do to make the largest number of men and women happy. In order to do that, we must set aside the demands of the abnormal men and women, or we will suffer the destruction or loss of our society. The evidence is already in. As we have distorted our society to make it comfortable for the lesbian, we have made it very difficult for the normal heterosexual woman. As is always the case with the Leftist causes, the very small percentage of society which has been left out, is used as justification for completely dismantling the system and building a new system which promotes some minority of people, and leaves out the huge majority of people. To any sane mind that approach is totally irrational.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-15 20:34:00
Comments: r Al, This was a headline in one of our national Dailies: Sister trio set to march into Army Pankaj Jaiswal (Lucknow, March 15) COME SEPTEMBER, Rakhi, Roli and Ruchi Chauhan are expected to be directly commissioned as officers in the Indian Army. The three sisters from Lakhimpur-Kheri today left their adopted city of Lucknow for Chennai to join the Officers' Training Academy (OTA) there. The Chauhan trio is among 51 girls who came through the Staff Selection Board (SSB) examination this time. Rakhi, Roli and Ruchi will be the first set of three sisters to get direct commission into the Indian Army, and that too through the same course (Women's Special Entry Scheme) at OTA. When M.S. and Usha Chauhan pip ranks on their daughters' shoulders at the passing out parade (POP) this September, it will be a very, very special moment for the family. Captain Mridul Kumar Singh (28), the brother of Rakhi, Roli and Ruchi, won a Sena Medal for his role in Operation Vijay in Kargil. Indeed, it was Mridul, currently posted in Bikaner, who had inspired the girls to opt for the Army as a career. Papa Chauhan, a Lakhimpur-Kheri farmer, had himself been keen to join the Army long ago. Now finds his ambition fulfilled through his four children. Said mama Chauhan: "We made sure that our three daughters did whatever they wanted to." Rakhi (24), Roli (22), and Ruchi (20) were educated at St Bosco Convent, Lakhimpur-Kheri, and graduated from Yuvraj Dutt PG College there. Rakhi also studied personnel management at Lucknow University. "All girls have hidden talents. One must discover, identify and nurture them. Girls must stop being liabilities to their parents. When they grow up, they should support their parents the way boys are expected to," Rakhi said today. Said Mrs Chauhan: "They should bring up their daughters so that they can contribute to the nation and fulfil their ambitions." Recounts Ruchi, proudly: "When we were preparing with boys who wanted to join the Army, people mocked us. But our parents asked us to ignore their comments, which we did. And today we are achievers and they are nowhere." Of course Mrs Chauhan forgets that her son Mridul nearly lost his life after suffering from multiple gunshot wounds during the Kargil War, and that her daughters will never risk their lives in active combat. To this she said "My daughters are as brave and strong as any man, and will prove their worth to the Nation when the Time comes.

.................... What do you think Al, isn't it hilarious?

Amit, I do find it ridiculous. Feminism is interested in the appearance of equality, not the reality of equality. The fact that these girls are in the military makes them soldiers, not performing the job of being a soldier, because they cannot do it properly, and never will be able to. They will disrupt the male bonding that is normal in a military organization and be a perpetual distraction to the men in their unit. They will not only personally perform at a subnormal level for a soldier, but they will also cause the men around them to perform at a lower level than they would otherwise.

It is a sad commentary that the parents of these 3 sisters have bought into the lie that being a wife and mother is not contributing to the nation. It is through the propaganda that promotes such deception that feminism is able to spread so far and wide.


Name: Mr Hanky
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Europe
Time: 2000-03-15 12:01:00
Comments: Howdy, I'd like to know if you got some anti-feminist quotes for me from famous people. In my class the majority are women and some of them are feminists. We (men) are constantly being discriminated in our class. They hang feminist cartoons on the walls and I'd like to respond to that with some anti-feminist quotes (or cartoons). I'd be pleased if you could give me some quotes or something. Thx in advance, Mr Hanky Btw, love yar site!

Name: Veteran's Wife
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-03-08 09:07:00
Comments: After it finally dawned on me, (June 98) that Women's Lib isn't,,, that feminism's unnatural, it’s just a plain old sham and a scam... Since then, have been able to comprehend (at least some) books and essays, which previously, I’d considered way above my league. Oh, the Freedom--being able to concentrate, to be as God created--it’s wonderful. ‘Am NEVER bored. And yes, contrary to the whinings from pundits-of-peeve, a wife can (if she chooses to) have time to think--and keep a reasonably clean house, and cook reasonably palatable meals.

It is always a joy to have you drop in and share your thoughts. Imagine that! Being free to think and reason, to be intelligent, and still be a good housewife. That is the truth that the feminists have always tried to hide. They have painted every woman who ever existed in the past, who was a good wife and mother, as being stupid, unthinking, enslaved, unhappy and beaten down. How absurd! And most Americans today sit still and let their mothers, grandmothers and all their female ancestors before them, be slandered unmercifully in this fashion. It is disgusting. I am so thankful when women like yourself come forward and set the record straight. Thank you!


Name: alli
Website: [dismaldesire]
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: hell
Time: 2000-03-08 06:57:00
Comments: this can't be serious. feminists being encouraged to have abortions? lol.

While you are enjoying your idiotic laugh, whether out loud or otherwise, perhaps you might try using the area of your anatomy between your ears for a change, even though it is probably terribly atrophied due to lack of use. Can you find one other group of people on earth who promotes abortion more then the feminists do? Of course not. Abortion is a feminist sacrament, which is fiercely defended by these children hating totalitarians. They promote abortion as a "woman's right" as if killing children is the most natural thing in the world. The right for a woman to slaughter children in the womb is just as much of a right to feminists as are "life", liberty and the pursuit and happiness. (I had to put that life in quotes, because feminists are hedging on that one pretty badly.)

Think of it! A RIGHT to KILL:

  • Not to kill in self defense, which is, if you thought about it for a moment, what a baby would be justified in doing, if he could kill his executioner "doctor," or the mother of his who is trying to kill him. Of course no feminist ever thinks about it that way, at least not for very long.

  • Not to kill an enemy invader, as a soldier would but to kill their very own child.

  • Not to kill a criminal, as an execution would be, where a man who is guilty of taking another's life is justly punished, but to kill the most innocent creature on earth, an unborn baby.

If that is not encouragement to have abortions, nothing could be. By way of comparison, the handful of back street abortions, were very few in number before the feminists did their work. The tens of millions of dead babies grow larger in number each year, and that is all on the shoulders of the feminist. I imagine you are ROTFL over that bloody fact. Why is it, do you suppose, that in movies you always find the villain Laughing Out Loud maniacally when innocent people are being murdered?


Name: Carolyn Flores
Website: Date Rape Story
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Portland, OR
Time: 2000-03-05 17:33:00
Comments: Al, as you know I think your writings on the subject of feminism (or should I say, anti-feminism) are outstanding. However, I am wondering how you feel about feminism as it relates to the problem of false accusations of rape? This issue is of particular interest to me and I don't see it specifically addressed on your site. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on this subject.

Welcome back Carolyn. I have noticed that feminists are as duplicitous on the subject of rape as they are on sexual harassment and other issues. They only care about such things when it increases their power, and otherwise they do not care at all. Whether or not there actually was a rape, matters little to them either. It was quite an education, watching the feminist hypocrites dodge and weave to avoid dealing with the fact that Bill Clinton, a man determined to increase the feminists' power, was admittedly guilty of what they have for years been describing as sexual harassment with Monica, and he was also accused of rape by a woman (and women never lie about rape, according to the feminists). The feminists disappeared. They could not be found. But let an ordinary man be falsely accused of rape and the feminists are all over him, screaming for his hide. It is clear from their actions that, to the feminist, women do not matter nor do men. The only thing that matters is the increase of their power over the citizens of this land.


Name: Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 2000-03-03 00:56:00
Comments: Your last reply was absolutely great Al. I too am sick of being labeled a fascist by certain people because I dare to be anti-feminist, anti-Communist and definitely anti-abortion. Then there are others who label me an extreme leftist because I want to see a "United states of Europe" based closely on the original principles of the U.S.! I am stuck in the middle and seemingly cannot win, but one day when we have won all our causes, and feminist's have to answer for the slaughter of millions of innocent children and the destruction of true democracy we can look back and be proud that we were the original few who dared stand up for what is right against tyranny.

Thank you Paul! I am already proud to be one of those standing up for what is right, and I am happy to have you standing with me.


Name: Vana again
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-03-01 19:31:00
Comments: Al, I just read the two new articles you posted this month. I honestly have to wonder why you even live in this country. If you lived in Monoco, taxes would be 3% of your income. Hell, if you lived on the Virgin islands, you would pay no taxes. If you lived in practically any part of Latin America, no one would mind your chauvanism (plus low taxes). Well, I understand you've got a job here and all, but I hope you raised your kids to learn another language, so that they could move some nicer country. I personally, don't have a problem with you here or anything like that. But come on, for the sake of your own happiness, why do you (and all other really right wing people) even bother with this country? You guys are not supposed to wait for the government to change its laws to accomodate you (that's what leftists do).

I suppose you should be pitied for writing something so absurd, as if it were serious. However, my guess is that you have put a lot of work into your intentional ignorance, so pity may not be the appropriate response. In any case let us look at your offering.

You wonder why I live in this country? Such arrogance is hardly to be believed. My ancestors have walked this land for over 350 years. My people have built this land, creating from an untamed wilderness, filled with savages, the greatest nation that has ever graced this planet. So, this land is my rightful inherantence. That is why I live here.

I do not care what the people in Monaco pay in taxes, or anything else about a country that is nothing but a tourist trap and has fewer people in it than a decent suburb does. (29,712 people in 1992.) You think that I should give up my land, still the greatest on earth, in order to move to a French speaking minor gnat of a nation, with less than three-quarters of a square mile of land? The British Virgin Islands have even less population. Perhaps YOU would like to move to Red China, where your views are more in keeping with their traditional politics, and their population is even greater than the US? Such a line of "reasoning" as you propose, is fit for the dumpster, and you know it. So, we will leave it where it belongs.

It is interesting that you are in such support of paying half your money in taxes, fees, and fines, and you find opposition to any further increase in those thefts of our money to be way out of line. How is it that you are outraged by anyone wishing to keep a fair share of his own money? What gives you the right, through the government with which you are obviously sympathetic, to touch one penny of my money for your agenda? Nothing! That is what. And your anger at my objection to being robbed clearly shows your true designs.

I am striving to preserve this nation so my children, and grandchildren, will not have to learn another language but can continue to speak English as their forefathers did. It is Leftists like you that are trying overturn that situation.

It is so gratifying to realize that you, in spite of your absurd suggestions, don't have a problem with me staying here in my own country which was built by folks very much like myself. How very generous of you to say so. And your simulated concern for my happiness, though dripping with sarcasm, is just as gratifying. But since you asked, let me tell you why I "bother with this country."

This country has led the world in scientific advancement. This country has a history of freedom for my people. This country has traditionally opposed those who, like yourself, have striven to create totalitarian oppression of those same people. This country still has the potential to return to the ideals of its golden age and to recover from the overthrow of its government by the Leftists in the 1960s. That is why I bother with this country, and always will.

YOU want to tell ME what Leftists do? Take a good look at the Bolshevik revolution. Look at the 20 million people they slaughtered even BEFORE Stalin began racking up his really serious murder numbers. Look at the slaughter every Communist government has been guilty of whenever it came to full power. Leftists do not have a history of waiting for anything. The only thing that kept them from killing their enemies in the USA was the fact that those who opposed their Leftist ideals were still in the majority. They were forced to work slowly, as they have done, not because that is what Leftists want to do, but because that was the only road open to them. I know the Leftists very well. Truth is perhaps the thing most repugnant to them, because it is a great danger to their cause.

You think that I am "really right wing." That assertion shows very clearly where you are coming from. What I propose would be supported by close to 100% of our founding fathers. If they disagreed at all, they would be even farther to "the Right" than I am. Because of the Leftist revolution in the 1960s our nation has moved so far into the radical Leftist camp that the founding fathers seem to be radical Right wing wackos. That is what I am fighting against! If you took the average man or woman on the street in the 1950s, you would find that they would line up very closely with what I have written on my page. Again, that demonstrates the drastic, and destructive changes that have occurred in our nation since the 1960s. When compared with the vast majority of historical American thought, I am far more mainstream than yourself. And you ask ME why I bother with this country?

One additional point on the Leftists, they most certainly did not wait for the laws to accommodate them. They were actively breaking laws throughout the 1960s, rioting and disturbing the peace continually. They closed down schools, and disrupted every event and institution that they could. As I said, the only thing stopping them from outright military action was that the other side was stronger. The problem with those of my ilk, was that they were too passive, and caring. They did not want to seem to be thoughtless and heartless. They wanted the other side to be heard. What they never realized was that once the Leftists got into power, the majority opinion would never again be given the opportunity to be expressed openly in the mass media. We have been conquered, but not yet subdued.

I stand with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and others of the founding fathers in promoting true Americanism, devoid of the philosophy of Karl Marx. Those of the Left, like yourself, who have undermined this great nation are always angered when anyone points out the fact that they have done so. No matter. We of what is labeled "the Right," who were once considered middle of the road, but who are staunch Americans, patriots all, will continue to oppose you until you have been overcome. That hopefully makes it clear to you why we bother with this country, and what our intentions are. -Al-

Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-28 10:52:00
Comments: Greetings Al, Your guest list is becoming impressive (and I am not referring to the dyke's sister).Sam is dead right, in the name of an "affirmative action policy" men are really handed out a raw deal. I am suffering from the same in Business School. Since "teamwork" is supposed to be key in organizations of the future, Teams of men and women are formed for graded assignments. Believe me, not one deserves to be in Business School on merit. Especially in Finance they are all lost, the professor should not be blamed if he thinks he's talking an alien language! Since our (the men's) grade is also on the line, the "Ladies" are secure in the knowledge that the men in the group will burn their night oil to get an A. Even in the exams, they somehow manage at least a B, how no one knows how, as the grading is purely at the discretion of the professors. What's the point, all of them will land jobs(because they are "equals", and "Oh, so deserving"!), and their kids will go to day care centers. They know they are not a patch on the men, and they love the fact that they are treated as equals, if not superiors(most Harvard Business School cases refrain from using "He", either it's "them" or "She").

PS: Al, even Dennice The Menace has gone P.C., His mother goes to work now!!

Amit, you have put your finger on a point that is a common trick used by the feminists. They love to put women into a team with men. That leaves the men in a position where they have to carry the women along in order to succeed themselves. It has become so common anymore that most men do not even realize that it is happening. In the military they do that all the time. Can you imagine a unit of women trying to go up against a unit of men? It never happens. They always intersperse the females into both groups so that their weakness will be covered up. In every case that studies have been done, females have demonstrated a complete inferiority in performance of military combat tasks. What has been the answer to this by the military? To stop running studies! They bury or ignore the old studies and proceed as if they never existed.

Feminism is a cause built up with smoke and mirrors, lies and myths. The unfortunate thing is that the results of feminism are not merely lies and myths, but instead abandoned children, broken families and chaos in our society.

There is very little that is going to be tolerated, of traditional America, by the Leftist media in the future. Every part of the media is under constant pressure to change, in order to more closely align itself with the PC ideal. A stay-at-home Mom in a major syndicated comic strip, stands out like a sore thumb to the Leftist feminists. How dare the author of that strip defy their will?!

Most Americans don't even realize that freedom of speech in newspapers and television is a complete myth. The technique that the Leftists use is to allow someone who is not PC to say a few words, and then have 3 or more PC pit bulls attack everything that he says. Then, when someone who is promoting the PC line is on, he is unopposed, or opposed in a "straw man" fashion that is so weak that it easily torn apart, and therefore really is promotion rather than opposition. I defy anyone to find a single occurrence of an anti-feminist having his say unopposed, on mainstream television during the last decade. Rush Limbaugh is the closest thing I can think of, and he purchased his own time! Of course it must be kept in mind that he only attacked the lesbian side of feminism, late at night, where most people would never see him. Also, it is important to remember that he is a quasi-feminist who actually supports many of the basic tenants of the feminist movement. The media has no place in it for those who are not PC! How very limited is any so-called free speech that has no access to the media! If it were not for the Internet, free speech would be dead.


Name: Michelle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-26 17:41:00
Comments: Are you saying that a man can't love his child like his wife can?! I'm a feminist and I don't plan on having kids because it's not my kind of thing. Having a kid is not cheap, and takes a lot of responsibility. You seem to forget that everyone is different. We all have our own likes and dislikes. No one is the same. You have to realize that not every woman is gonna feel that she belongs at home or in the kitchen...And I would like to respond to what Madchen(what kind of name is that?!)said in your guestbook. First of all, I've got a boyfriend. I am FAR from a "in-the-closet LESBIAN"... Just because a woman thinks that she is equal to a man, or just because she doesn't obey his commands, does NOT make her an "in-the-closet LESBIAN". And there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, my cousin is a lesbian and is the sweetest, nicest, funniest person you could ever meet.

Michelle, yes I am saying that a man cannot love his child like his wife can. A woman loves her baby like a woman, or in a feminine way, and a man loves his baby in a masculine way. A woman wants to cover the child with protection and let nothing of the world harm him, while a man wants that child to grow and master the world. If a mother and father take their young son to a park, and the son runs over to the monkey bars, Mom wants him to make sure that he doesn’t get hurt and Dad wants to know if he can make it to the top. Both parents do not want the child to be hurt and both parents want the child to reach the top, but the greatest amount of concern of is each is as I said. The child needs both kinds of love. And that is why single mothers make such a terrible job of it, but a child, especially a young child simply must have a mother, because she loves her baby like no one else can. Women have been doing that job for thousands of years and it is instinctual. They do it differently and they do it better than a man can. If you check out the animal kingdom, you will find mother and child is basic to survival of any species.

If you had gone through my guest book, you would find that you feminists are simply clones of each other saying the same stupid things. You all say that I have forgotten that people are individuals. That is absurd but you keep saying it. How many of these different women you speak of are athletic enough to play professional sports with the men? None of them. When you watch female sports is clear that even the best of them are severely inferior in ability to the men. The point is, that while normal women are different from each other, those differences fall within a range of behavior that is normal for women, and that range is not the same range that is normal for men. The book Brain Sex also describes your unfortunate condition. You should read it. You will find that a female brain in the womb, if it is not exposed to the proper hormones at the proper time can develop in abnormal ways. It may become masculine, and not like children like yourself. It can even become lesbian, which the same process but to a different degree. Unfortunately for your theory, women who have gone through such a process are not the same as men, or equal in ability to a man, but instead merely doomed to live in frustration at being driven to be a man without the equipment to be able to pull it off. It is sad, but our society cannot be constructed in such a way that punishes the normal women, in order to satisfy the wants and desires of you and those like you. Remember, that my objection to feminism is not that female feminists are trying to compete with men, because that is a ridiculous desire, doomed to failure. What I object to is the government assisting women in that attempt, and in promoting the feminist agenda in our schools.

FYI, If you had looked it up, as I just did, you would have found that there is an actress by the name Madchen Amick, who played Shelly Johnson on Twin Peaks.She is a very beautiful woman.

Your depiction of women being inferior to men, virtual slaves, running around following orders is distorted and filled with hate. Women who are homemakers are doing a critical job for their family and for society in general. They are not inferior, and they are not slaves. A good husband is not a domineering slave driver. The feminists wish to promote that myth in order to try and convince women who want to be homemakers that they would be fools to attempt it. It is a lie, that is directed at the goal of killing the role of homemaker, so that the abnormal masculine minded female will not appear to be abnormal any longer in our society. The end result is the abandonment of our children, and chaos in our society as those unsupervised children grow into uncivilized, self-centered adults.

Ted Bundy was the sweetest, nicest, funniest person you could ever meet too. That doesn’t mean that there was nothing wrong with him. Lesbians definitely have something wrong with them. If all women had that same thing wrong with them, the species would die out. Fortunately that is not the case.


Name: Madchen
Website: Institute for Historial
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 2000-02-26 00:33:00
Comments: I am a woman and I like to be dominated by my man. Feminists are the kind of women that don't want men to open doors for them and don't want help from men in opening jars because they want to prove that "a woman is equal in strength to men". Well I as a woman, love it when guys open doors for me and offer to help me. And I don't mind being labeled as the "weaker sex" because in a lot of ways we are and that is just fine with me. I am glad that I am NOT equal to men. I wouldn't want to be. I think women that want to be equal to men are in-the-closet lesbians.

Madchen, Thank you for dropping in and signing my guest book. In our society today, thanks to the tremendous amount of effective propaganda that we have been subjected to, it crashes against the accepted party line to have a woman speak the truth about what she really feels, as you have. Women demonstrate with their actions that they prefer a man, who is a man, strong, and dominate. That does not mean, abusive or manipulative and most women, unlike the feminists, can tell the difference between the two. A man can be powerful and yet gentle. He can be dominate, and yet understanding. It is one of the glorious mysteries of our species the way a man and woman, who are so different, can mesh so perfectly in a loving relationship. A normal woman will not only appreciate a real man, but she will yearn for one, until she finds him, and then cling to him once she has. As you pointed out, the feminist has no use for a real man, because she wants to be one herself.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing the views of a real woman.


Name: Sam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia, USA
Time: 2000-02-24 10:34:00
Comments: Al, I just finished reading one of the new articles on your page, "A Leftist's Response to The Feminist Invasion, " and one word kept coming to my mind as I read your arguments: POWERFUL! As I read through every one of your points, nodding to myself "Yup, Yup, that's right ...," it dawned upon me that the arguments of the man you were responding to represent, in a nutshell, every bit of the nonsense that the media and government have been showering upon the American people over the last few decades.

I sometimes wonder--just WHAT IF views like yours get aired with equal time as views like the leftist you were responding to, on a major T.V. network during prime time? It's incredible this man actually believes some of the things he says. For example, get a load of this: "The totalitarianism you see is actually a constitutionally enforced set of rules you (by virtue of your citizenship) have agreed to live by." Now that's got to be one of the most hilarious lines from a leftist I've ever read! (In case anyone blames me for taking the man's quote out of context, the "totalitarianism" he refers to is equal rights for women-- as if American women did not long ago achieve equal rights for all practical purposes. The TRUE totalitarianism that Al CORRECTLY points out is that of the government enforcing society to accept SPECIAL rights and privileges for women over men)...

Anyway, all of this goes to show how warped one's ideas can become when one submits unconditionally to the altar of an egalitarian political ideology. The perfect antidote to this is an excellent link on your page that I believe everyone should visit: The Domain of Patriarchy at This site shows persuasively that in human societies, on the whole, men will inevitably be socialized for leadership, and women will be socialized for domestic and nurturing roles. Life is like that. Physiological and psychological differences between men and women has made it so....

As far as I'm concerned, there is no reasonable dispute that-- statistically speaking-- women are incapable of competing with men for leadership roles in business, government or the military. In my own work organization, I have seen irrefutable evidence that men not only work far longer hours than women, but outperform women in a wide variety of quantifiable tasks IN REGULAR WORKING HOURS. However, because my employer has an affirmative action policy to meet a certain quota of women, less qualified women are hired over more qualified men and are kept employed and promoted to managerial positions even when their performance is inferior! But alas, the leftists in my organization have kept the truth under the belt and I'd probably be fired immediately for voicing the truth openly to my employer....

I'd like to suggest that managers and supervisors who visit your page and generally agree with your views should, as a MORAL DUTY, oppose, to the extent possible, affirmative action policies or any other government pressure to hire and promote less qualified women to meet quotas or some kind of statistical representation. In a free society, and an efficient marketplace, people should be hired and promoted based on nothing else than MERIT. If that means top-level managers and executives are 95+% men, then SO BE IT.... Al, more and more men and women are coming around to the truth. Keep up the good work.

Sam, thanks for your input. I think you make some very good points. I would like to say that in a free society, people should be hired and promoted based upon nothing but the criteria that the company decides is best for the company. It is up to the company to determine what it considers MERIT. If it has the opinion that men are better workers than women, it should be able to hire only men, or promote only men to any position. If it feels that women are better workers, then it should be able to hire only women, or promote only women to certain positions. The thing is, in a free society you choose what you are going to do with the company you created, and the government lets you do just that. If you are forced to be "nice", "caring" or "fair" you are not free. As a free man you have the right to do what you please, as long as it does not interfere with someone else doing what they please. You do not have the right to pollute the water system of the town where your factory is operating, but you have the right to hire whomever you please, for whatever reason you please. You do not have the right to crush a competing company by using illegal business practices, but you do have the right to run your own business as you see fit.

Of course that free society that I am referring to is not the USA. In the USA, you do not have the right to hire anyone, or refuse to hire anyone based upon your personal wants. The government will determine for you what type of person is right for your company. For example, you will hire females, and you will promote females in what the government considers adequate numbers or you will be subject to discipline or even closure of your business. Merit is completely besides the point. Freedom is the last thing on the government's mind. The Leftist agenda is all that matters, and nothing else.

The craziest thing is that freedom, when it exists, applies to all equally. It is the ultimate right to choose what you are going to do. It will allow you, no matter who, or what you are, to start your own business, and to hire whomever you want. It will allow you to excel to the level of your own abilities. No group of people in a free society can be held down, because they can use their own talents and their own freedom to launch their own solution to their own problems. All they have to do is to try and they will succeed. Freedom is the ultimate equal opportunity employer.

But the Leftists hate freedom. They want everyone to be just like them. They want all to act in a manner that they approve of. They want you to think just like them. There is no room for freedom in their plans. Just like they did in the Soviet Union, they want to control everything, right down to who owns what and who can do what. Who you hire, and why you hire, is their business, they think. In fact there is no part of your life that they think is outside of what they consider their business. You will be a "right thinking" citizen or you will pay the price. Look at college campuses across the nation, and see how many professors have lost their jobs for not being Leftist enough for their particular institution. Look at all the opposition there has been to students who want to create organizations on campus affiliated with the Right. Those who control our media and our government today, do not hold freedom close to their hearts at all. They are completely obsessed with making all citizens Politically Correct, whether they like it or not, and freedom be dashed.

Thanks for signing the guest book and sharing your thoughts!


Name: Dominic Tagliaferri
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: NY
Time: 2000-02-23 18:19:00
Comments: I'm speechless. Thank You.

You are welcome!


Name: Allison Albaugh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlanta
Time: 2000-02-17 14:21:00
Comments: Thank you for your wonderful website and the power of your convictions. You are quite rare among men today!

Thank you Allison! I really appreciate you taking the time to show your support for this page. I hope that my page will do a small part in helping more men see what their natural role should be in our society, and to be great husbands to women who appreciate them for it.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-16 08:23:00
Comments: Dear Al, You seem to be attracting some weirdoes to our site. Madam, before you do decide to insult me, at least check your grammar, That's Misogynist, not Mysoginist. And by the way, I do not think you are a Misogamist .You need some brains for that. I do not intend to start any war, as I believe wars are fought between equals (you know exactly what I mean). The "crap" about Gentlemanly frame of mind is the following: when we start treating you people as "one of the guys" without extending any special privileges which women have traditionally enjoyed for God Knows how many centuries, you will realize and accept your inferiority (or that you are "different"). It is not my intention to dominate women, only the weak minded seek to physically dominate, I wish for our society to come back to the natural order of things, with each both sexes having well defined roles. I have never slighted those women who have been wonderful mothers, for I too, owe my existence to a womb. But latchkey children will come back to haunt you when they become Adults. As far as Careers are concerned, name one woman who is # 1 at anything in the world (even cooking, sewing etc.)? However, you have the spineless U.N backing you up. This will come full circle, believe me. Finally, do you know that the condition of men is much, much worse than women in Afghanistan? 14 year old boys have to fight for the Taliban and captured Boys of the Resistance are tortured in jails. When one is not even able to look at women (courtesy, Burkas/veils) what harm can you do to them? Women can get away with murder in Muslim Countries. Anyway, go to hell, I'm not going to waste precious energy in communicating to you what I really stand for. My rapport with Al is vital, please do not intermit it. Regards, Amit.

Amit my friend, you will find that people will visit this guest book who disagree with what you have to say. The number one thing to keep in mind is to fight with ideas not names. Whether someone goes to hell, or doesn't go to hell, is not ours to determine. Whether someone has brains or not may be indicated by a short post in a guest book, but may not provide the definitive answer as to whether they do or do not.

You have made some very good points. Women are inferior to men in certain areas which includes the area of war, both physically and emotionally. In the home, when a man comes in from a long day at work, he is glad that a warm woman awaits him, and not a man. In this case the woman is superior to a man. While the term "inferior" is one of those words that clashes with the accepted PC terminology list, any two things which are different, such as men and women, must have one that is superior and one that is inferior for certain purposes. Otherwise, they would not be different. A gold ring and a gold necklace, are different. For finger apparel a necklace is inferior, but for the neck it is superior. In price one of them may be superior but in sentimental value the other may be superior. A master at the piano may be terrible at chess, while the chess master may not know one note from the other. Difference demands superiority and inferiority which is determined only when judged against the task or purpose to be undertaken.

Politically, feminism has done great harm to our society, and it will take men with passion against that movement to overthrow it. So, I commend your passion.

Your point about Afghanistan is very well taken. The average American knows little about the world except what the media box tells them. They have their little minds nicely washed and formed in just the right manner to please the Leftists in charge. Do not expect much more from them.

Perhaps your most important point is concerning the return to "the natural order of things." What makes feminism so disgusting is that it goes completely against what is natural. We have names for women who want to take charge of a man, and they are not pleasant names. As I was growing up, it was common to say that a woman "wears the pants in that family," when a woman began bossing her husband around. Women as well as men did not respect either her or her husband when a woman did that. It was not natural. It is just as unnatural to have women in supervisor roles over men, or in the boardroom. A return to the natural order of things would be quite refreshing. If we could just get the jackbooted foot of the government from off our necks long enough to make it happen, it would be wonderful!

Thanks for dropping in again.


Name: vana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-15 20:03:00
Comments: Al, this is not really for you (sorry). This is for Amit. What the hell does he want? to start some war with women? He is simply a mysoginist, and he needs help. What is this crap about the "gentlemanly" frame of mind? No, really, men should go ahead and be jerks instead of nice guys. Something really fantastic would come out of that. You know, men ought to fight with iron and blood for dominance and rule women with an iron fist. Amit does not belong in any civilized country and he should move to Afganistan or something. He just proves how stupid some men become without the proper emotional guidance from women.

Vana, Amit does not want to start some war with women. He feels, as do I, that such a war would be too lopsided in favor of men to be worth fighting anyway. Being a gentleman is not what Amit is attacking. Backing down, and being a "gentleman" when feminism makes its demands, is what he wishes to stop. He would like to see male leadership in our society, like we once had, before feminism took over. The blood he is talking about is real blood shed by real men, in real battles that women did not have to participate in, while the media gives them the same credit for it as the men receive.

Also, you must remember that Amit comes from a country that has not been ravished as slowly and as deeply (yet) as America has been. In his country the change has been very abrupt, and there are many people there who remember what it was like before, and who do not like the changes. It appears to me that Amit hates feminism, not women.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 2000-02-15 08:46:00
Comments: Dear Al, I'm happy to see that like minded people like Paul are finally speaking their mind,, even though I know you will edit the "obscenities."

Dear Paul, Tina is no Feminist, she is (and I'm dead sure) just a very, very ugly woman who is single and lonely and is therefore nursing this extreme hatred for men. I know the type.

But your point is well time you thank the "men and women" of the U.S Army (or any army on earth, or any life threatening occupation), just think Women never die, never suffer, only "gentlemen" do. Paul, the point about pregnancy is trivial, women are joining every field after Men have figured it out and simplified the whole process, even warfare these days is rarely face to face (unlike the US CIVIL WAR where teenaged men died like dogs and their arms and legs were amputated without Anesthesia). Men continue to fill jails and Unemployment lists, I guess there's nothing we can really do...we must get out of our "gentlemanly" frame of mind.

Amit, We have gentlemen like Paul drop in and speak their minds from time to time, and we have had a number of outstanding ladies drop in as well. I hope, like you, that many more of us begin to speak up more often.

I too am tired of hearing the news say, "The men and women of the armed services." I even heard some moron the other day say it about an earlier war where no women were in any way associated with combat. The reason they are so quick to phrase it that way is because they are very good at propaganda. Very good indeed. They know that if you hear something over and over again, you come to accept it. It is not a question of convincing you of the rightness of what the propaganda says, it is only a question of conditioning you to expect what the propaganda says. That provides a pre-molded form for your thinking process. Any thought you think, read or hear, will fit into the form or it will clash with it in an unpleasant manner. You cringe, you shutter, at anyone who has the guts to proclaim boldly that something which is not PC is true. That is why so many folks completely lose control when they stumble across my web page. I dare clash with the propaganda and they do not know how to deal with it.

There is far more intent in your nightly news to promote the Politically Correct propaganda than there is to inform you about what is going on in the world. There is far more concern in the hearts of the writers of most shows about the PC agenda than there is in entertaining. It is a fact that number one, before all else, the foundation and structural supports for any show that hits the air must be PC. If that is not the case, the show will never air. (Perhaps the most misnamed show on television is "Politically Incorrect," where the host is one of the most PC people on TV.) So, they will take every opportunity to promote women in non-traditional roles. They will do it often, and with a gleam in their eye.

We do need to stop worrying about being a gentleman in the face of feminist opposition. The feminists have relied on the gentlemanly nature of men for over a century at least, as they have promoted their destructive cause. They whined and whined to get the vote. The men, wishing to be gentlemen, gave it to them. If those men had used their heads, instead of being gentlemanly, they would have seen where that mistake would lead us in America. We have given up much of our freedom, and our government is feasting on our incomes in evermore greedy bites, all to pay for the Marxist/socialist programs that are so much a negative part of American life today. It will only get worse, as our families are destroyed by feminism. More and more women will be left alone with their children and the piggish state will be more than happy to take your money out of your pocket in order to give it to these women. Each year the problem gets worse, and the female vote simply drives the process forward.

With each step that feminism took, men gave in to let it happen. That is a fact and cannot be ignored as a significant contributing factor to the process. Men must stop backing up and start walking forward again, taking charge, as they traditionally did. Men must be the leaders in their own home. Men must be the leaders in government and industry. The myth that women are simply wild about weak and sensitive men is refuted by the simple fact that the stronger, and less sensitive a man is, the easier it is for him to get a woman. (The "strong silent type" is someone that women have dreamed over for generations.) Biker gangs, are some of the worst offenders in abusing women, but they never have any trouble filling their harems. What we need, are strong men who are sensitive to the needs of their women. Men, who are leaders, but who are caring husbands, normally have no trouble getting, and holding onto a wife.

As I understand what you are saying, you want men to stop giving in like wimps, and start taking charge of our society, at all levels, as they used to do in the past. In order to do that, they must give up their current, weak-kneed, wimpy attitude, where they are more frightened of being called a "sexist" than being called a "wimp." Or as you phrased it, they must give up their "'gentlemanly' frame of mind." I couldn't agree more!


Name: Paul Mc
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Scotland
Time: 2000-02-15 05:25:00
Comments: Well Al, it seems that Tina is a true product of feminism. Man hating for the sheer hell of it! Who does she think the majority of people were that voted Adolf Hitler to power? Yes it was women. And of course she failed to mention the small fact that countless millions of men died fighting the nazis. Just watch "Saving Private Ryan". How many women do you see charging up the beaches, on D day, having their guts blown out and killing other people? If not for these "evil men", little tough talking b____s such as Tina, would either be dead or enslaved. And who does she think is going to kill off all men? Women? Well I think it is safe to say that in a hypothetical war between men and women, men would quite easily be the victors. Also, she uses the same old "childbirth hurts like hell" statement. She forgot to mention that childbirth these days can be rendered painless with drugs, or even sending the mother to sleep while the baby is delivered. I will return Al. Best wishes, Paul.

Tina may have been just trying to pull our chain, or she may be as sick as she sounds.

I remember a series of books written a few years ago, by a man named John Norman. They were about a planet named Gor, where women were pretty much all slaves. They were branded, had a permanent collar put on them and treated like merchandise. John Norman put forward the idea that all women secretly yearn to be slaves, and to be put under discipline. If all men were as Tina claims that is exactly how planet Earth would be today. So, your point is absolutely valid. Obviously men are far from the animals that Tina (or Norman) thinks we are. Men protect women, from the few men who really are animals. That is why we have policemen. That is why husbands have traditionally been the protector of their wives and daughters. Those acts of civilized behavior, and of love for women by men, have been the staple of Western civilization for thousands of years.

Childbirth is a tough experience. I watched both my sons be born, and it is was not fun for Mom in either case. But it is also a fact that Mom's memory of that experience faded fast, and the joy of having the little guy with us at home was more than full compensation for the ordeal. Women were made to have babies, and I will never argue against the fact that women do it better than men would. You do best, that which you are designed for. I am glad that they have made childbirth a bit easier for women today, but it is still no picnic. But I defy anyone to match that look that a new mother has when she holds her newborn, with any other emotion or joy in life. If there is anything in human existence that is pure giving, pure unselfishness, it is a mother's love for her child. That is why day care is a curse, because the child is taken from the pure love of a mother, and given in replacement the forced civility of a paid employee. That is why latchkey children are bound to be problem children. Mother and child. Child and mother. They are made for each other. It is the cycle of the ages, the real history of mankind.

So, men who hate women, and women who hate men, are fighting against the very biological process that gave them life. Men are gifted in ways that help them provide for, protect and lead a family. Women are gifted in ways that help them rear, nurture and mold a family into a whole unit. This intermeshing of the feminine and the masculine, while producing, protecting, loving and educating the next generation, is the magic of the family. The magic that feminism is aiming to destroy.

Thanks for dropping in and sharing your thoughts Paul!


Name: Tina
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: With Satan
Time: 2000-02-14 17:41:00
Comments: First of all, yes, I do have an extreme hatred for men. You are all greedy, selfish, adulterous, perverted, evil, wicked, ugly, mean, etc., etc,. The man is the devil, he is the reason why the world is so awful like it is. Hitler was a man, Stalin was a man, serial killers are all men, school shooters are all male, most criminals are male, etc. Men are all the same, they are all evil, and they should all be destroyed. The world would be a much better place without human males. Second of all, men may be able to lift heavier stuff than women, but it is a proven fact that the strongest muscle in the body is in a WOMAN'S body, the uterus. YOU try giving birth to a ten or nine pound baby...

So much hate. You attack Hitler who was, worst case, responsible for maybe 60 million deaths. You attack Stalin who was responsible for about 100 million deaths. School shooters and all mass murderers combined, are probably responsible for less than a thousand deaths. You on the other hand want to kill 3 billion males. And you call men evil. You hypocrite! Go get some help, you are truly ill.

BTW, do you know how many women there would be if there were no men? Zero. -Al-

Name: Brent Moritz
Website: Toledo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-14 16:55:00
Comments: What the hell, after everything, you still support the b_____s who have ruined the lives of millions of men world over?

Brent, where is this coming from? Perhaps you have forgotten about all the millions of wonderful women who have given happiness, joy and completion to their husbands, who have been loving and caring mothers to their children. In every part of my page I have supported women who are homemakers and mothers, who are giving birth to, and raising the next generation. It would be insane to turn on women with hatred, when they are the ones who give us all life. No sir, I do not hate women, and I never will.

If you are asking if I support women who cast off their family obligations for career or some new love, and then rob their faithful husbands of money, children, and their happiness, of course I do not. Anything that breaks up a family is an inherently bad thing.

I hope this clears things up for you.


Name: Hayden Scott
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Columbus, Ohio
Time: 2000-02-08 11:05:00
Comments: Al, Worry not, something unnatural cannot exist for too long. And if it does, then perhaps we are wrong somewhere. By the way, have you ever noticed that the kind of friendship that exists between men does not and cannot exist between women. This just shows how petty and deceitful their whole gender is. As far as the dude who talks about PMS, periods etc. PAL, have you noticed the attitude of the police towards men as compared to women, do you know how many teenaged men are in jail these days, how many die everyday in occupational deaths, how many get fired everyday for speaking their mind, how many die in WAR, how many get ruined after losing their children , money and all self-esteem due to the wretched divorce laws? We get hurt too, only we are conditioned not to cry, or to even think about it. And get this, women can never, never, dominate, we will be getting back pretty soon at all the feminist nonsense by our own movement. All the injustices that are done to men in the guise of Feminism is going to accounted for someday.

All the best AL, may you succeed.


Hayden, thank you for the good wishes. We must remember that women are not the villains in this scenario. Women, for the most part are good hearted people. They want good things for others. That is why they are so easily duped into supporting things that look like they are beneficial, when in actuality they are destructive. The female vote has been a disaster for this country, not because women are evil creatures, but because they naturally search for security, and they naturally wish to nurture those who are down on their luck. Socialism and Communism pretend to offer great security and great support for those down on their luck. It only follows that women would naturally vote for things that would promote the deadly and destructive philosophies of Socialism and Communism. Because of that, it is no surprise that our nation has been moving more and more towards Socialism since women got the vote. We have the big Federal government involved in everything today, where it is oppressing us all, to an ever increasing degree and the female vote has been instrumental in the growth of that monster. Again, not because women are evil or stupid, but because nature has given them a temperament that is wonderful for the home, but a disaster in the political world. Actually, men are at fault for ever giving women the vote and it will be up to the men to take it back.

Women do approach friendships in different ways than men do. The book Brain Sex shows this very clearly. Women, define themselves very much more than men do, by their relationships. Even "career" women do. Masculine friendships are inherently different than female friendships, because men are inherently different than women.

I love women. I admire women. I do not consider them petty and deceitful as a gender. Oh yes, there are many examples of such women but not all women are like that. I do not believe that most women are like that. While women often focus on different things than men do, it does not make them petty. They naturally have a different priority list than men, which makes them confusing to men, and vice versa. I think that feminism is filled with many women and men who are actually evil in intent. However,I in no way feel that way about women in general. A good wife and mother is the highest form of life on earth to me. There you find love, unselfish, giving love. What can rise above that?

Men have been harmed greatly by the feminist movement. The divorce laws were created in an era when women were homemakers and completely dependant upon their husbands. If husbands dropped their wives for younger women, that was unfair and the laws protected the woman from that unfairness. What went wrong with the divorce laws was the move towards "no-fault" divorce. It removed the protection that the man had before. If his wife started cheating on him, a husband was the offended party and the wife lost her status as a protected woman. He could get custody of the kids, and not have to pay her support any longer. Today, it doesn't matter if she is completely at fault, she still gets the benefits of being the "injured" party. That is a travesty of justice and must be rectified.

When you add to this the extreme increase in the number of divorces brought on by feminism, it becomes very clear that men are being harmed very greatly today. At the same time women are being harmed by being left in a situation where they have to vainly try to fill the roles of mother and father to children who do not deserve to be half-orphaned that way. Feminism has been a "cure" that is a thousand times worse than the disease which it was mobilized to fight.

I hope, that when the accounting takes place, that there are men in charge who realize that only the feminists have been the culprits, and not all women. For I will fight as hard to defend women against unjust retribution, as I am fighting now against feminism. I am sure you feel the same way.

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts!


Name: Geraldine Shipley
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Pocono Mts. of Pa.
Time: 2000-02-06 06:29:00
Comments: I agree with what you are saying. This was my view of marriage, I wanted nothing more than to be allowed to stay home with my children. Unfortunately, my husband did not respect me, had no qualms about hitting women,threatened us with a gun etc.. I had to get us out of that. But, even though I was divorced I was lucky and got a job teaching so I could be home with them when they were out of school. I had to work since he did not pay child support.

Name: Naeem Iqbal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pakistan
Time: 2000-02-05 00:57:00
Comments: Of course not, Al, bro. I do not support men beating wives at all!! also as instructed by you I also read the axioms again, and found myself agreeing with them. I also noted with much gratitude that you took time and trouble to correct my poor English in my first letter. Much obliged. I'm not a native speaker, sorry.

Just an observation, Al. Are you aware that feminists not only hate men but they are also very uncomfortable when they see two men getting along well. They will do whatever they can, use any available tools, psychological or any other type, to break up the friendship of men. Imagine living with such perpetual malice, hatred, and conspiration. I will probably never meet you, but if you get this mail just know that I will always admire your honesty, boldness, and the strength of your convictions.

Naeem, I was certain that you did not support the beating of wives, but I mentioned it to dissuade those who are looking to find fault where no fault exists.

Feminists are a very confused group of people. They know that women and men are different, and they know that any reasonable person would expect society to treat those differences differently. So, from there the only option is to go for the unreasonable to be able to still promote their insane cause. Nothing they is too surprising. Their anger and their hate is probably the most striking feature they present to the world. Nothing good can come from such people.

Thank you very much for your kind and supportive words.


Name: A Male Feminist
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-04 05:35:00
Comments: i have been reading letters here, and some of them give the impression that women have the world by the b____, and men have become so disadvantaged that sites like urs are now needed to "balance" the world. never forget the fact that nature itself has put women to disadvantage substantially. imagine having to bleed every month. Phew!! somehow get the feeling it must not be fun--and that is, may i remind, without PMS-, imagine having delicate, and a lot more vulnerable bodies. the responsibilty of carrying and then delivering babies. pressure to look "beautiful" just to be on par with other females. sometimes i cant sleep at nights so i go driving 100s of kilometers, stopping at the darkest and strangest of lookouts to enjoy the views of my beautiful city from all angles, at all hours of the night-completely alone. then i ask myself this: would i be able to do this if i were a woman? the answer is not only no, but hell no. the example might not sound like much but makes a point. that being a woman brings its own set of limitations and problems which we men cannot appreciate. sometimes i miss my morning tea and the caffine imbalance wreaks havoc on my mood. imagine what effect unavoidable chemical imbalances must have. I still beieve women have raw deal.

It is interesting that you come to my page, a page designed to point out the flaws in feminism, and point out many of the very same things that I do, while at the same time claiming to be a feminist. Let's go down your points one by one:

1. Those, whom you refer to, that are upset, and who have signed my guest book, are upset at the destruction that feminism --not women but feminism -- has inflicted upon various societies around the world. Yes they have sometimes made the same mistake that most feminists do, in using two words like feminism and women, as if they were interchangeable. Of course they are not. It is like trying to use the words icicle and water interchangeably. Yes, feminism talks a lot about women, but there are far more women on this planet who are not feminists than those who are. An icicle hanging from a roof, will be made up mostly of water, along with some contaminants, but it is not representative of all water. Most water is liquid and resides in the oceans, not frozen hanging from a roof.

2. I have never forgotten for a second that nature has made women different than men. My page is filled with that fact and the results of that fact. It is completely absurd to ignore that fact, as feminists so ardently try to do. They demand that there are no significant differences and that men and women should be treated the very same, and have the same roles in society. That is completely insane!

3. Yes, women have far more delicate bodies, and they hold the future of our race in their wombs. That is why they should be protected by their fathers, as they grow up, and by their husbands when they are adults, instead of being thrown to the wolves to compete with men in a man's world. It is ridiculous to set up a society where childbirth is a secondary role for women, and having a career is the primary one. That is a suicidal approach for such a society.

4. The pressure to look beautiful is sexual. It is tied together with the winning of a mate in order to reproduce. Since women are weaker than man, and the species requires some system in place to reproduce, the stronger male must provide protection for the weaker female, and provide support for her and their children. That is the natural way that humans have developed as a method of survival. For a man to sacrifice his freedom, his efforts, and possibly his life, for a woman, nature has made it so that women are physically appealing to men, or beautiful. The more beautiful she appears, the more likely she will attract the attentions of a male who will be willing to hang around for the long haul. This has gone on for thousands of years and isn't likely to change real soon. Even the feminists of the 70s have now given up their manly coveralls, and no-makeup look in favor of more attractive attire.

5. Your point about limitations on women has been understood, by myself and most other anti-feminists all along. We never forgot it, the feminists did! Feminism has caused the rape and murder of many women by convincing women that this is a new era for women, and women should be able to do anything that a man can. Some poor women were fooled into believing that nonsense and paid the ultimate price for it. Women must be protected by males. Feminism denies that fact, but it does not make it any less true.

6. I am amazed that you bring up the point on hormones and emotional imbalances, subjects for which male chauvinists have been booed and hissed at for mentioning all along. You speak like the most avid male chauvinist. You point out that women are significantly different than men, weaker than men, and emotionally erratic, as compared with men. All of these things are true. How you move from there to the point where you call yourself a feminist is beyond logic to follow. What logically follows from your points is that society must treat women differently than men. They must have a different role than men. They must be protected by men. Patriarchy, properly administered, has been the primary and traditional solution to this difference in the sexes for thousands of years. In the United States, throughout its history, women have been treated like ladies, and with respect by the vast majority of men. They have not had to become cannon fodder like men. They have not had to die young from heart attacks, black lung disease or other ailments, because they overworked themselves supporting their families like men have. Males die at every age at a higher rate than women do, even as children.

So, your points all support my point of view, and condemn the feminist point of view. Thanks for stopping in and sharing them with us.


Name: Chuahaan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Delhi, India
Time: 2000-02-03 11:19:00
Comments: I hate to Admit , but the Pakistani is dead right,…The culture in our country has become totally perverse, we could have learnt from your example and not have burnt our fingers. Things will change only when America comes full circle. But you are doing a good job, Al. I'm sure 99% men secretly agree with you, but very few (like Me) have the guts to actually support you.

I think you are absolute right that the vast majority of men agree with my position, in the privacy of their own thoughts. It is a sign of how weak men have become in this age that they will believe one thing and live another, on such an important issue as this.

Why do you suppose it is that the whole world is following what the USA is doing today? America reached where it was by doing something completely different than what it is doing today. Feminism had zero to do with what made America powerful. Very little of what is considered Politically Correct would have even been tolerated during America's rise to power. All of this absurd nonsense came along after the fact. It is going to pull America down. Why would anyone want to emulate that? If a nation wants to copy America, it should choose the America worthy of emulation, the pre-1960 America. That would tend to build any nation into a greater nation. It is that philosophy that I want to help America to return to. I can only say to you that someone needs to speak up in India and point out that Political Correctness is a parasite on America, not any part of the greatness of America.

Thank you for stopping by and signing my book with your kind and thoughtful words!


Name: Naeem iqbal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pakistan
Time: 2000-02-03 02:16:00
Comments: Dearest Al bro, it's me again, from long ago and far away. Its not so much as feminism but the "westernisation" of the world that I have problem with. I don't know if you are aware but the whole world is under immense pressure to subscribe to whatever YOU folks currently feel is "right" and "wrong". People seem to feel almost guilty if their definition of right and wrong is not matching yours. Even thousands of years old religions are being reinterpreted to bring them in line with what the MIGHTY WEST considers to be right at present. Hindus have already reinterpreted their holy book to somehow allow homosexuality in their religion. ( nope for thousands of years homosexuality was NOT allowed in Hinduism, and many Hindus are extremely uncomfortable with the current shape of their religion ) And self-professed Muslim "scholars" are now cropping up every where to mold and distort the meaning of Quaran to make it "palatable" in today's ( west dominated )world. I m a non-practicing, non-believing Muslim, hence I'm not emotionally involved in this issue, but I know one thing: Islam is Islam . and Quaran was not written to please NOW. And I do know what Muslims have believed to be Islam for generations. And it ain't what the "scholars" are saying it is. To give an example, Islam does give a husband a limited right to hit the wife ( not beat the hell out of her ) in certain circumstances. But since DV nowadays is all the rage in the west, and even giving your wife a hard glare is the ultimate crime in all the universes that ever were or ever will be, Islamic "scholars" have no choice but to give the words of Quaran entirely new meanings to disallow even the remotest possibility that a husband can even lightly slap the wife who is in hysterical fits. And it very easily can be done. You see, Quaran is written in 14-15 hundred years old Arabic which even Arabs themselves now don't completely understand. many words have become obsolete or their meanings have changed substantially. The line of reasoning "scholars" are using is that since Islam is a "good" and "humanitarian" ( whose definitions of good and humanitarian? You guessed it! ) religion it cannot allow "bad" ( again the definition of rich and mighty ) and if something appears to be "bad" it is because Muslim religious leaders have misinterpreted those difficult and obsolete words of Quaran. Allah simply could not have thought along the lines other than those followed by NOW members. Frankly, I find this whole scenario quite funny. The scholars, mostly women, have used such strange lines of reasoning that at times I have found myself doubled-over with laughter. Using the same lines of reasoning it can be argued that a horse is actually an elephant. Why Al, why? You folks, or in other words, NOW, has taken over the world. I m standing far enough away to avoid the sparks and close enough to enjoy the show. Why not do the same buddy ?

If this were all some academic process that only mattered to a few eggheads, I would agree with you that it qualifies as a very entertaining display of absurdity, which merits nothing but laughter as a response. Unfortunately, these twisted lines of reasoning are descending upon our lives with real impact. The Leftist "standard of ethics" has suddenly been raised to the level of divine inspiration. Our society has been forced to kneel and worship at the altar of the god of egalitarianism as if it were the highest divinity of the pantheon of all possible gods. The amazing thing is, as you have pointed out, that religions that are very old, and once very respected by their adherents, are now being disassembled and reformed in the shape of this new god. Old morals and old standards are cast aside. Old gods and old beliefs are abandoned. Now the universal acceptance of the phony Leftist religious system is sweeping the world, metamorphosing into apparent continuations of all the other religions. Christianity is being replaced with it, even though the old name is retained, the beliefs are being exchanged with the new religion's. As you pointed out the Hindus and Muslims are seeing the same transformation in their own doctrines. It is really quite remarkable that these religious people who have clung so emotionally and unswervingly to their religious beliefs for so long, would suddenly just throw them aside in favor of some new, and unproven belief system, especially one which is so obviously flawed. History tells of the Islamic people boldly protecting their beliefs with their lives and their swords. What has happened? Propaganda is more powerful than the sword!

BTW, since it has become come clear that some readers of this guest book do not yet under stand The Axioms of Life Subscribed to by the Chauvinist Corner - See Axiom #1), I should at this point note that I, and I am sure you, do not support beating wives. It is a theological point that we are discussing here. I point this out lest some confused soul misunderstand the conversation as it passes over their heads.

Thanks for paying a another visit to my web page. You are always welcome my friend.


Name: Amit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cleveland Ohio
Time: 2000-02-01 10:53:00
Comments: Nothing can happen, unless of course we get out of our "Gentlemanly frame of mind". Al, if their is one criticism that I want to point out, it is that you are gentlemanly too. Unless we treat these dykes as "Guys", they will never learn. But you do handle the abuse with a lot of patience. I hope my cynicism doesn't rub off on you.

You have cut me to the quick. :-) I am used to being called all sorts of names, and accused of all sorts of horrible things, but never before have I been accused of the appalling crime of being too Gentlemanly. Alas, I stand guilty as charged. I am a civilized man, and not the barbaric caveman that feminists have always accused me of being. However I am something that they can never accept and cannot effectively defend against. I am a man who is willing to speak the truth. People have a natural tendency to like the truth. In fact they often even love the truth. They also have a tendency to despise lies, and especially those who have lied to them. Why do the Leftists become so franticly hostile when anyone says anything that is not Politically Correct? The bloodlust is in their eyes as they go for the jugular of anyone who has the effrontery to speak the truth in public. Why is that so? Because they are defending a house of cards, built upon lies. Even the smallest wisp of a breeze of truth threatens to knock their house down. That is why they cannot tolerate any open discussion of the truth. It is why a man who speaks out against feminism in his workplace will be fired for it. It is why a man who speaks his mind in an interview in Sports Illustrated is suspended from his job for a few months. No breath of truth can be allowed to circulate around the feeble, dark house, lest disaster set upon them.

Do not confuse a Gentlemanly man with a weak man. It is no coincidence that military tradition requires of an officer that he be an "officer and a gentleman." That characteristic has never stopped the military man from fighting bloody battles when necessary. We gentlemen are not wimps.


Name: Paul Sineder
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Finland
Time: 2000-02-01 00:42:00
Comments: I agree with an assessment here that your guest book is worthy of repeated visits. Are you aware how many site owners sign their own guest books and forums with the kind of entries "they" would like to make their site appear "successful", "popular", and "achieving what it is supposed to achieve". You are obviously not doing that, for if you did your site would also have been reduced to a worthless, manipulative, devious garbage designed only to send you on ego-trips. Bye.

Thank you for that observation. If I had to stoop to such tactics, it would be a waste of my time operating this guest book, and a complete waste of time for you to read it.


Name: Dan Frost
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York
Time: 2000-02-01 00:32:00
Comments: Al, Do you think it is possible to be a feminist without having certain warped sense of "justice" and "fairness"; absolutely no sense of proportion; and extreme emotional vulnerability ? Feminists write all sorts of comments at others' sites, but when you write a couple of witty lines at theirs they wanna crash your computer. Imagine living with such a mindset!

When dealing with those charlatans on the Left, I am continually reminded of the great fairy tale, "The Emperor's New Clothes." What a beautiful depiction of the Leftists is made in that story. The Emperor, and all his people were sold a complete lie. Fabric was woven out of thin air, and purchased by the Emperor, and later it was displayed by that same foolish man. He was told that this material was so special that only wise men could see it. Just like the feminists, who sell their egalitarian fables as if they were real and true. What blew the lie out of the water in the fairy tale? Why, all it took was one small child speaking the truth. Can you imagine what the "tailors" who were selling this lie to the emperor, would have been willing to do to shut that kid up before they were paid? That is a perfect picture of the Leftist at work. He is weaving his lies and selling them to the people, and living in mortal fear of the truth being discovered. Naturally he is violently hostile to anyone speaking out with the truth, because he know he is doomed if the truth ever becomes known. That is why they want to crash your computer.


Name: Sam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arlington, Virginia
Time: 2000-01-31 13:45:00
Comments: Al, every time I come back and read your responses to the posts here, I find myself thinking "You took the words right out of my mouth." It makes me wonder. Maybe some minds, like yours and mine, were just meant to grasp the truth about sex differences.... Or, more likely, some people are seriously in denial of the truth. In any case, I really enjoy reading your responses. They are rational and to the point. Also, I would like to add something to your response to Katia's post. As you suggested, men dominate the fields of engineering and some of the hard sciences because, quite frankly, the male brain is meant for these difficult fields. And even though women do quite well and tend to outnumber men in law classes, it is noteworthy that in the fast-growing fields of patent, internet and computer law, which require degrees in technical fields, men far outnumber women.... We are all equal in our humanity, but equality of potential is an alien concept in nature as well as in human societies. It is high time that people be able to speak the truth about these things publicly without being labeled "nazi" or "fascist" or whatnot. Once we as a society break this taboo on discussions about biological sex differences, we can move on to an even more perniciously taboo topic: racial/ethnic differences. Keep up the good work, Al. The more that people visit and read your web page and pages like yours, the greater the chance that they will finally see the light.

Thank you for your kind assessment of my posts. And I appreciate your additional insight concerning Katia's post. You are quite correct. The Left has a cutting name for every offence that you can commit against their philosophy. They will open up their little red knapsacks and pull out a readymade hate word to throw at you in reply to any point that you make. That way we will never be able to speak about the facts concerning the issue, and instead we will spend all of our time denying the implications in the name that we have been called. It has worked for them for decades. They will keep using the tactic as long as we let it work. We must reach the point where we no longer care what they call us, and just continue ladling a healthy dose of the truth upon their lying heads until they are exposed for what they are.

This page is not about the races of man, or ethnic differences within the races of man. Should you wish to discuss that topic I am sure there are web pages out there for that. On this page, we are on the issue of feminism and there I will hold my focus.

Thank you for dropping in. -Al-

Name: Katia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-30 10:18:00
Comments: Oh by the way, those nice little facts up there about children growing up in single-mother households, why don't you post statistics on children growing up in single-father households. No wait, that woiuld defeat your purpose of relying on the woman to do all the work.

As is typical of all feminists you missed the point, completely missed the point. Those facts about single mothers demonstrate completely and undeniably that single mothers do a poor job in raising children. If the statistics were gathered on single fathers, even though they are far smaller in number, I would expect that they were doing a poor job of it as well. That is making my case that much stronger. My page is not intended to show that men are better people than women, or better parents than women. Patriarchy and chauvinism does not say that men are better than women, merely different than women, and therefore by definition, women must have a different role in society than men have. It is the joining of men and women together in families that provide the only natural way for children to be raised. It takes the soft and nurturing woman combined with the strong and unbending man. The child needs both of these things to grow to his highest potential, and to have all of his needs met. Only a feminist would care whether a single mother or a single father is better, because their movement demands actions that will fracture families and leave children in broken homes. What is important for people to understand is that single parents of either sex are not going to do the job well. The optimum situation will include the real mother and real father together for the entire process of raising the children, in other words, for life. Anything else will be less, significantly less.


Name: Katia
Referred by: From a Friend
From: South Carolina
Time: 2000-01-30 10:07:00
Comments: I find this site very destirbing. You paint a woman to be a weakling. Someone who depends on the support of others. Your arguments are rather biased and one-sided. You say 'look back at a time when marriages stayed together, and children were raised right' ok. I'm looking back. I go hundreds of years. I am thinking you are refering to the pilgrim type days. When people went to church 8 hours every sunday. They where very religious back that sir. Do you spend 8 hours at church every sunday? Woman were respected back then also. Becuase they did something no man could do. Everything. They could raise the children and milk the cow. And if something should happen to the husband, they could take over the family business. Men respected woman back then, they were not mere objects. You say that woman tend to be more nurturing than career oriented. That they have patience with the children. That they are weaker and depend on men. And are driven to keep a tidy household. Well, frankly, that is bullshit. I don't have a desire to get married. I have a plan for myself, and my career. I don't need a man to support me, and I find nothing appealing about a relationship. I am not a tidy person, I clean so that I will be able to function properly and not kill myself trying to get down the stairs, but my place is not what you would call tidy. I cannot stand children, and even when I was a child I couldn't stand children. I have very little patience with them. So what now? I am nothing like you say I am. You want the truth so I am here to give it to you. You are scared. your scared what will happen, when men and women are treated 100% equal. Your afraid you will have to do the hard worl, you will have to clean and raise the kids. Your afraid that your job might be in serious jepordey, because a woman can now do the same job just as well as you, if not better.

A point of distinction that I am continually forced to make to the unperceptive feminist, is that when I use the term, "women," I am speaking of the vast majority of women. Normal women. It is not intended to say that there are not women who are not normal, who are even masculine in their views and attitudes. Of course there are such women but that does not lessen the truth of my statements. While exceptions never "prove the rule", they do not throw it out either. What is important is that what I say about "women" applies to the prohibitive majority of women, even though some misfits are left out.

I find it interesting that you could even question the fact that women are more socially dependant than men. It is documented beyond any reasonable questioning that women are biologically driven to be "sociable." From birth, as documented in the book Brain Sex, women are people oriented, and far more interested in close personal relationships than men. If you use the term "chick flick" today, anyone will know that you are talking about a relationship movie, a movie which women will love and men will avoid. Your protest on this point is absurd.

As for being weaklings, that has two aspects to it, and one of them is true and one false. So, let's separate them out. If you say that women are physically stronger than men, you are either trying to promote a lie or you are mentally deficient. Anyone who has watched boys and girls grow up into men and women, will realize that men are physically stronger. In addition to that men are stronger in the areas of competition and aggression. These facts are clearly demonstrable beyond any doubt to an open minded individual. If you are saying that because these facts are true, by definition women therefore are "weaklings" then I would have to agree with you, only because you have defined the term so poorly.

The fact is that women are also strong, in a feminine way. They will attempt to face down a much bigger and stronger man if he threatens their children. Women have demonstrated great strength in all the areas of motherhood, and family preservation, in the face of great adversity. Women are not weaklings.

The fact that you are not driven to be a wife and mother is far from surprising. The fact that you are not interested in a relationship with a man is not surprising. As I have said many times before, society cannot be built around the needs and wants of a the abnormal, lesbian or merely masculine minded women. Society must be build around the normal men and women. To destroy the lives of the vast majority of people in order to make a small minority happy is absurd, and that is why feminism is absurd. Of course some women want nothing to do with a normal life, just like some men want to wear dresses. That is completely beside the point.

How often you go to church is of no concern to me. In the 1950s most women were at home with their children and they were not Puritan fanatics. So, this attempted point of yours is both absurd and irrelevant.

Perhaps the most amusing thing that you said is that you are not "an extreme feminist." You don't like kids, you actually think women can do the same job as men to the same level, and you don't want a man in your life. That is pretty funny.

Women are not in all the advanced classes in greater numbers than men. They are in the area of law, and some similar types of courses but in the areas of engineering and the sciences they are not. And of the women who are in those classes many of them will be leaving their professions in order to raise their families. Women are not becoming stronger, they are becoming more confused, because they have been exposed to the government sponsored propaganda at an increased level for a longer period of time. As far as my job is concerned, you could not be more wrong. There are hundreds of men in my company doing a job similar to mine, and only one woman. There are no new women knocking at the door to do the job either. It is a technical field and it requires a masculine brain to do it. Most women do not have it, just like most men do not have the feminine brain required to raise kids well. If you look at the engineering department or the software department of my company, the number of women is also very small, and my company is one of the most ardent celebrators of diversity of all sorts, including gender related diversity.

So, where does that leave us? It appears that you have no idea what you are talking about. No matter, feminists are usually in that condition.


Name: John Singleton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-29 18:55:00
Comments: Al, I have visited many men’s forums/guest books on the net, but I find myself attracted only to yours. I think the main reason is your emotional sturdiness. It is obvious you can handle criticism without getting hurt and taking it personally. Just being intelligent and well-intentioned is not enough if you are going to stay in this business successfully. You must also possess that elusive and rare bird known as emotional stability. Your replies, full of retorts and rebukes, are intelligent and fun to read, but nowhere indicate you have lost sleep over one half, semi-disagreeable line. Continue. And you can count I will keep coming back.

Thank you John. I do not lose sleep over what feminists say, because I am quite confident that they are wrong. My confidence is based on biological grounds, as well as on the evidence of precedent: throughout history the vast majority of folks had my view on the subject. I have my own experience of dealing with women in real life, and there is no doubt that women are completely different creatures than men. From that it must follow that women should have different roles than men in our society. Anyone who challenges that must have an ulterior motive, and they are usually quite blatant in exposing it.

Thank you for dropping in and sharing your kind words. I look forward to hearing from you again.


Name: Love
Website: candyflesh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-29 11:15:00
Comments: Wow, for an apparent "chavenist" you're not much of a man. Anyone who'd blame everything from school shootings to divorce must really not have much confidence in himself. You seem to try to grasp at irrelevant points to try to prove yourself. In fact, you don't appear to be educated at all. It's a damn good thing no one listens to idiots like you.

For someone who is standing in judgement of educational quality, you certainly have a great deal of trouble expressing a clear thought. You cannot spell the word "chauvinist", you leave your second sentence dangling, leaving one to wonder what you are babbling about, (Blame? Blame whom?) and you make a "logical" leap concerning my confidence which is impossible to follow. But you are going to stand in judgement of other people's education. Very amusing indeed.

Perhaps you can follow the reasoning behind your first two sentences, but there is a certain lack of continuity there. If I read you correctly, you are attempting to equate a lack of manhood with someone saying that women are important to society. You appear to be saying that understanding the facts of what is going on in our society is not a masculine quality in your mind, such as it is. That is like saying a tree is not a tree because it has bark and branches.

And since you have nothing left in your mental arsenal, you stoop to name calling. My condolences. Perhaps in a few more years you may grow out of it.

Name: Ches
Website: cypheric
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 2000-01-29 06:16:00
Comments: I found your views to be generally repugnant. It's not that I believe they're not thought out arguments, because you've obviously done research and spent some time on this site. It's just that I think you are misguided. There are inequalities between they sexes and they are treated differently. It shouldn't be this way. Each individual should be treated on his or her own merits in a purely utilitarian and pragmatic manner. I think that I personally would be wasted in a life of making house and caring for babies as these skills are not ones that I possess. Instead I should use the skills I do have to benefit the community in which I live. This is a morally superior standpoint in my opinion and a much more efficient use of the human resource.

Anyone who has been raised in the United States of America, and probably any Western nation, and who has subjugated their opinions to the media and the school system, will of course find my views to be repugnant. The honest ones will do as you have, and admitted that my site is well thought out, and researched. But they will hate it because it goes against their own personal brainwashing. Once you take propaganda to heart, you will defend it to the death, or until you can be deprogrammed.

There are of course inequalities between the sexes. For the brainwashed egalitarian, that is terrible. The idea that men and women should be different is just horrible. The very world view of the feminists is shattered by the fact that girls and boys are not interchangeable. And since they are not the same, society has never treated them the same. Outrageous!

But is it? Is it outrageous to allow a woman to do what she wants to do and stay at home with her children? Feminists think so, but I do not. Is it outrageous to allow a business to hire whomever it wishes, for whatever reason it wishes? Not in a free country it isn't! Forcing a so called free society to twist into an unnatural egalitarian nightmare is what is truly outrageous.

If only the Leftists would practice what they preach instead of forcing their view of life upon others, all would be well. If every person were treated as their talents, and desires demanded, feminism would die on the vine as the vast majority of women did what came naturally to them, instead of being forced into doing what the feminists want them to do. Since you wish to use humans as resources, as if they were machines or property, you would find that you get a lot more out of a society of people in the long haul, if they reproduce themselves. You see, if you just forget about the future generations, and focus on your selfish wants today, as any child tends to do, you may have a lot of fun today. You may have a great career, and make lots of money for yourself, and society may even have a temporary financial bump. But the price in the future will be a society that collapses into crime, poverty, and chaos. The children are trained at home as to what kind of adults they will be. It is up to the parents to be there to do the training.

The feminist only looks at how much of a loss to society it is to have a woman not performing the role of a man. Of course that is a loss to society of some certain amount. However, where the feminist completely fails to use their brains is in an area where, if you can believe the name they chose for themselves, they should be extremely focused. What is the loss to society if a woman does not perform the role of a woman? I believe that women have performed a vital function throughout history. I believe that society itself is impossible without that role being performed by women. I believe that if women do not perform the role of rearing the next generation, and of holding the family together, society will not be possible to maintain for an extended period of time. In other words, it will be a much greater loss to society to have a woman not perform the role of a woman, than it will be to have her fail to perform the role of a man.

As long as there are men, their role in society will be filled and executed adequately by men. If women try to fill the male role as well, and abandon the critical traditional role of women it will be disastrous for our society, and as any student of history knows, things do not go well for women in a chaotic society. When law and order break down, women will be treated as resources in a most appalling way. I wish to avoid that for our future generations. If you wish to speak of morally superior views, that is it.


Name: Analyser
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-29 01:17:00
Comments: I find myself agreeing with one of your guests who claims that feminism will die only when its time is ripe. It is true indeed. What you seem to forget is that the only constant in this universe is change. Change, change and change. Change for the sake of change and nothing else. This universe has an insatiable taste for change. And "power-shifts" are just one example of the change. Throughout history power has changed hands between nations, races, religions. Now it is between genders. Do you really believe people have become so blind they cant see the unfairness of this man-hating trend better known as feminism? No, my freind, they can. But this is a "change" which will come because the "time" for this change has arrived. And when the time for this trend to end will come, it will leave as illogically as it arrived. When a woman gets raped do you say "Whats the fuss, honey? The guy just made love to you. Isnt that what you wanted anyway? Isnt that what allllll women want? You should be thankful to the guy. He did it without you asking" Nope you dont say it! No more than you would find it funny 100 years ago if a woman cut off her sleeping husbands dick. The point is dont look for logic in anything. When the time for change will come people's attitude will also change--and totally illogically.The government and media which you hold responsible for this trends spectacular success are merely pawns in the grand scheme of things. And when the time for another change will come some equally illogical chain of events will bring abput the change. Call me a lazy, impractical, wishful-thinker/daydreamer. But your site will achieve nothing until.......the time is ripe. And when the time will come your site will not be needed. Take care my brother and frined

I am sure that it brings you great comfort in resting your future, and the future of your country upon the whims of Fate. I however, think that it is the right and obligation for all good men to oppose falsehood when it is forced upon their fellow citizens. When a man fails to oppose evil and destructive activities, he as guilty of perpetuating those acts as if he performed them with his own hands.

I feel that your point of view would make us little more than ants, who think that it was merely fate who has dealt them a mean and fiery blow, when actually it is the farmer who has poured the gasoline down their hole and lit the match. It is not some random action of fate that has taken over our government and our media, and sitting still while hoping that they will change their activities on their own is like hoping the Sun will not rise tomorrow. My web page may not be enough, and it may not solve the problem, but it is important, and it does serve a purpose. Sitting on my hands will certainly not get the job done.

Remember that this feminist movement was not some spontaneous illogical popping of some random cosmic gas bubble. It was planned and choreographed, along with the other Leftist movements, with full support of the media. It continues to be perpetuated by the government and the media. George Orwell strikingly showed what kind of power the media have in his book 1984. He highlighted the fact that whoever controls historical "fact" and the information disseminated in the mass media, controls the minds of the masses. People cannot remember what happened even a few weeks ago, and they rely on the media to tell them what their own history is. Any lie that the media choose to hammer home, over and over again, will be accepted by the masses. ANY LIE. That is a lot of power, my friend.

Thanks for dropping in.


Name: Rick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: springfield va 9 miles form d.c.
Time: 2000-01-26 12:14:00
Comments: I love your web site it should be required reading but there is no way to foward your articles to my friends e-mail adresses or did I just miss something?

I do not have my page set up to forward articles to people. It sounds like an interesting idea that I may look into. In the mean time, if you go to an article you like, you can hit CTRL-A (or "Select All" in the "Edit" menu) and then hit CTRL -C (or "Copy" in the "Edit" menu). You then will have the article stored in your clipboard on your computer. You can then paste the article using CTRL-V (or "Paste" from the "Edit" menu) into an email to send along, or you can paste it into a text editor so you can save it as a file to send out later. I hope this helps.


Name: Veteran's Wife
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-01-26 11:33:00
Comments: TO AL,

Fem-utopias' walls
are a cracking;
time for God's Goths,
to go a sacking.

God's Barbarians--
of all races--
tired of trash,
rubbed in their faces.

Welcome back! Excellent bit of poetry. Right to the point. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Name: Krysta
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Here
Time: 2000-01-25 15:51:00
Comments: All I gotta say is thank God my boyfriend isn't a sexist scum like you are! He has MUCH more class than you'll ever have. The world can do without scumbags like you.

You have to get it straight in your mind. It is very difficult to be both the scum and the bag which holds the scum. I know it is a tough concept for some minds to grasp. Perhaps if we started with something simpler…

It is nice to know that you have set yourself up as judge as to which individuals are fit to exist in this world and which are not. We can all rest easier now. Especially someone who is so eloquent, and who can express such deep thoughts in such a compelling way.

Thanks for stopping by.


Name: John Kapitaan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Columbus
Time: 2000-01-25 10:47:00
Comments: We're reminded again and again of feminists who wanted to know why men make up most of the hardened criminals. Maybe because when men kill, their actions are labeled as crimes rather than mental illness. They have no "post-partum depression" to fall back on, even though they, too, might snap from the pressures of parenthood. And when they do, they will get hard time in brutal prisons, not therapy and job training. What say, Al?

You are correct that women are treated differently by the criminal justice system. I think the reason for that is that women are not considered the same as men by the courts, or by society in general. Society knows that women are different than men, and have different drives and motivations. That is why our legal system originally built up its double standard to be able to treat women in a softer manner, as becomes the gentle sex. I happen to agree that women should be treated differently than men, because they are different.

The feminists have the luxury of doing hypocritical things like what you have pointed out. Feminists admit that men are naturally far more aggressive than women are in the area of crime, shown by the much higher incidence of violent crime by males. There is no debating this. Yet the dishonest feminists fight tooth and nail to avoid the obvious fact that men, to the very same extent as in criminal behavior, are more aggressive in every area of life, including all areas of business. The media of course never bothers to point out the major flaws in the feminist dogma. The media just quotes feminists unchallenged, allowing them to spread whatever lies they feel will help their cause.

Thanks for dropping in!


Name: Bo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-25 07:40:00
Comments: Al, you seem to be an avid prolifer, just wanted to know your stance on death penalty. Bo

No Bo, I am not an avid "pro-lifer." Let us define our terms. I am an avid anti-abortionist, fighting against the pro-abortionists, who are incorrectly labeled "pro-choice." This deceitful practice of finding some label which sounds great but does not accurately reflect your point of view, I find repugnant.

What I am against is intentionally taking the life of an innocent person, whether born or unborn. I have no problem whatsoever taking the life of a murderer or rapist, because they have earned that just punishment upon their own heads. I hope this clears things up for you.


Name: Amit
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 2000-01-24 18:45:00
Comments: Dear Al, You might not remember, but I used to write to you regularly last year. I must congratulate you on your determination. I have since moved from India to America as a graduate student. It's a battle that we have already lost, not because we are weaker, but because we still have not gotten out of our "Gentelmanly mode"--ask any woman, Men are still expected to "pay" at dates, support the wife and children, undertake lifethreatining jobs, die in the army, become criminals and rot in jails as the whole societies' attention and sympathy is solely for "disadvantaged women"---It is a heart breaking sight to see MEN(MOSTLY bLACK) SLEEPING OUT IN THE OPEN IN THIS FREEZING COLD ! most single mothers ,however, continue to eat up our tax dollars,while the men have to fight for survival, The no. of young men in US jails is disturbing ,and why they take to crime, you well know.The moral degredation in this country and as a result of the popularity of US culture amongst the rest of the world, is disconcerting. Let it go Al, let history take it's own course, there's nothing you or I can do about it, not atleast untill men stop fighting each other. Only then can we fight the unjust and almost tyrannical laws that are so biased against men, then a mEN'S MOVEMENT WILL START--I ASSURE YOU.Till then, I just have to tolerate secondrate female MBA students at My university's businesss school as the univ. has to maintain a "healthy" ratio of men to women.We cant fight it till we unite ourselves, and it is not in the nature of man not to fight for territory, money and, sadly, women. All the same,I wish you all the best . Amit

Welcome back Amit! What? You thought I would have gone away and given up? NO way!

All movements must start somewhere. Why not here? When men and women have their noses rubbed in the truth, some of them will realize that what is going on is just plain wrong. That is what fires up the folks who are willing to make changes happen. For decades it is has been the Leftists who have been making change in our society, and you can lay the responsibility for the decadence of our society today upon those very people. We must now find people who are willing to work just as hard to undo that damage. Then we will have a movement.

Thanks for coming back for another visit and sharing your thoughts with us.


Name: Stephanie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-24 09:29:00
Comments: You say that you respect women; yet, did you realise that one of the webpages you promote on your site advocates Polygamy? How in the world does polygamy show respect for women? A woman, according to you, is expected to be faithful and true to her one man, yet by promoting Polygamy you are saying that the same standard does not apply for men! And please do not try to defend this with the argument that this is all taking place within the holy bonds of matrimony. It is disrespectful and wrong. If a woman is expected to look up to her husband and give him her respect and DEVOTION, then it is only right that she is given the same in kind, and you cannot be giving a woman the same amount of devotion if you are bedding another one. You are a hypocrite if you condone this way of life.

I think that it is pretty sad that the only thing that you can find to complain about concerning my page isn't even something on my page. If you look at my links page you will find that I do not endorse the pages listed, I merely state that they are interesting. Apparently I was correct because you obviously spent more time on one of them than on my page.

To put your mind at rest, I am not polygamous, and I never will be. If that is not good enough for you, oh well.


Name: Me
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-21 19:10:00
Comments: I never cared much for the issue of feminism or antifeminism before I saw this website, and I started to like it and agree with some of your views until I started reading your guestbook. You never argue with any statement made by people that support the basic idea of your views, while you vigoursly attack anyone that opposes them. Okay, this site proposes an argument, but still. For example in post #20, Sam says "The Buddha is even thought to have said something to the effect that women are absolutely incapable of spiritual enlightenment." This is like saying women don't have souls. I doubt you are a Buddhist, and I doubt that you agree with this belief(at least I hope not). Yet, you made absolutely no attempt to stand up for women. This was a perfectly good opportunity for you to be a man and protect other women and society from stupid opinions like that. This leads me to believe that in a society run by chauvanists that claim to have women's best interest at heart, men would say nothing against misogynistic ideas. You never do. Another example- the post about the book sexploytation- you did not say one word against that book. Have you ever read it? You would disagree with at least half of it if you did. Anyway, what I have learned from you is that women wouldn't need feminism if men would treat them right. You never draw the line between masculinity and misogyny, and that is not treating women properly.

Hi Me, it is I.

There is a simple and obvious reason why I vigorously attack the lies of the feminists. Feminism, along with the other Leftist causes, is destroying this country. The USA of today is unrecognizable from the same country of the 1950s, and especially of the land of the Founding Fathers. That is a disaster in my opinion. In addition to that, the feminists have pro-feminist propaganda being spewed forth on every television show, radio show and newspaper. You will never see one thing negative put out about feminism in any of those media. Now, don't you think that I have the right to have one place that will not accept that disgusting philosophy unchallenged? Well, whether or not you agree, I do have that right, and I am going to exercise it. Here, feminism will not have a free ride like it gets everywhere else.

Do you care what the Buddha says? I don't. Your objection seems rather strange to me because Sam did not make that statement as if it were his view. He was making the point that galloi was saying something completely absurd to say that women were spiritually superior, and that his idea of god was female. What Sam said was correct. Why should I argue with correctness? Sam certainly did not say that he believes that women have no soul or that they cannot be enlightened. He was showing examples of religious thought that completely disagreed with galloi. I don't see the problem. (I happen to think my wife is a goddess if that counts for anything.)

If you have read Sexploytation I would love to hear your commentary on it. The part that was posted in my guest book was correct in what it said, and it was not hateful towards women, just feminists. I have not read the book beyond that post in my guest book. I never said that I have.

So, you have not made your case. In every case when women have been attacked in my guest book by the feminists I have risen to their defense. When housewives have been ridiculed, or stay at home moms belittled as being lazy, etc., I defended them vigorously. If the most you can come up with is a statement by someone, someone who doesn't even agree with Buddha, who says that Buddha thinks women have no souls, you are standing on very weak ground indeed.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Name: Andrea
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-21 14:44:00
Comments: Although I disagree with absolutely everything that you stated on your page, I am just going to state my opinion on one thing. You said that you believed that a woman should stay at home. I am not even going to ask you why you believe this is so. Did you know that many medical advances were made by women? What would've happened if they remained "at home"? Or what about specific economical and political advances? What would've been different had they remained "at home"? There is no problem with women working and after I reading all that you typed, you still did not fully back up your reasoning for saying that a woman's place is to serve her husband and raise children. Honestly, the way you described everything, you seemed afraid that women would rise above men. As in everything, it's all about power. Centuries ago, the world was ruled by men, and basically still is today. It is a fact that men are physically stronger than women and I acknowledge that. However, it has not been proven that men are mentally more intelligent than the opposite sex. Many tests that have tried to determine which sex was more intelligent were abused and modified to suit the other (usually for the male advantage). In essence, like I stated before, I believe that women have the same right to work as men do, and it is extremely unfair for one to try to keep women from doing what they want, which in many cases is to work.

It is my opinion that there has not been one medical advance made by women that would not have been made by a man if the women were not tying up the research money and facilities. Certainly there have not been any advances that would justify what we have done to our children by having women leave the raising of their young to strangers or the blind luck of latch keys. Economics? You certainly have to be kidding. Politics? They have fallen over so far to the Left that the original ideas that this country was founded on are gone completely. So, no, there is nothing that women have added to the workplace that men could not have done better. And the abandonment of the children is unforgivable, and carries with it a price that we all must pay.

I never cease to be amazed at the absurd things that feminists keep coming up with. I do not fear any woman rising above men. That will never happen unless the government forces it to, and then it is the government that made it happen not the "superiority" of women. It is a fact of biological life that men, even with only equal intelligence, will be the leaders and "on top" in the power game. They are physically bigger and stronger, which in the long run would be enough, but they are even more importantly, more aggressive and competitive. Even if the intellect and the physical strength were equal, the power will go to the more aggressive. Men are BIOLOGICALLY made to rule and women are not. Men are vastly superior in the math and science areas, as is consistently shown in all tests. It is also true that men dominate every field of endeavor, from cooking to writing, from entrepreneurial wizardry , to software development, and that is without even mentioning the total domination that men have at the top in sports. In all cases if a woman can be said to "hold her own with the men," it is considered a great compliment, as I have often heard stated by feminists. That pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

Nowhere on my page have I suggesting that women do not have the right to go out and apply for work, or to work if they can be hired on their own merits. I have said that it is a bad idea, and my page lists many reasons why that is so. But the only RIGHTS that are being violated are being violated by the feminists! The very basic RIGHT to hire whomever you desire to work in the company that you yourself created, has gone away, thanks to the Leftists. The same is true for the RIGHT to promote whomever you like for whatever reason you choose. The Leftists seem to think that a man who creates a company, did it for them, and not for his own reward. But contrary to the Leftist drivel, self determination is what a capitalistic system is all about. Leftist socialists think that the government owns all businesses and therefore should control them all, especially the hiring practices. The feminist movement for the most part did not try to move women into starting their own businesses on their own, but instead used political power to force businesses owned by men to give part of those businesses to women. That is called stealing, for anyone honest enough to care.

Perhaps one day a feminist will stumble onto this page and actually realize what this is all about. It is about the abuse of political power, and the removal of our freedom as citizens of the United States. We once could choose how we were going to live our lives, and now the government chooses for us. The feminists think that is great, that is why this page will never go away.


Name: Paige
Website: don't bother.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wisconsin
Time: 2000-01-21 08:13:00
Comments: Dear Sir,
I know that no matter what I say, I will be cut down by your (slightly erroneous) views. Therefore, I will keep this brief. The destruction of the 19th Amendment would be disasterous to the nation. We would be limiting one half of the population from their rights as human beings, no less, no more.
Also, I would like to hear your wife's own personal views. I'm not saying she would agree or disagree with you, but it would be interesting.
By the way, the evil feminists got me early. I'm 16 and agnostic. Just thought you would want to know.
Let everyone hold their own views. Thank you for your time.

Dear Paige,

You started right off with an error. No civilized person is "cut down" on my web page. (Those who are rude or hostile may be treated in like fashion, but that is a different issue.) I expose the fallacies of the Leftist mind. For those who associate their own value and being with those absurd ideas, it is, to them, as if they were personally being cut down. Try not to take this personally.

The removal of the 19th amendment from the constitution would be the single most positive thing done for our country in the lifetime of any person living today. The vast majority of women would have their rights protected by a democratic system where only men voted. So, your claim is false on the face of it. Women did not have the vote for most of the history of the USA and their rights were always protected. The steady trend towards the oppressive chains of socialism we see today is closely tied to the female vote. The liberal politician relies heavily on the female vote to work their destruction upon us all. (e.g. Bill Clinton was elected and reelected by the female vote!) Women, in the long run, will suffer more from this left-sliding trend than will men. In any case, we all will be living lives that will be much less fulfilling, as the totalitarian government continues to grow, fueled by the female vote.

My wife has proofread every single article on my web page and she loves the page. The page, and especially the lead item, the poem "A Woman's Place" is dedicated to her. She is a happy homemaker with an IQ that is above the mean for medical doctors, and she has a web page of her own which is today drawing about 2500 visitors a day. She is a very special woman, and I am a lucky man because she is mine.

There are many atheists and agnostics that agree with my point of view. There is certainly nothing requiring religion to understand the basic scientific truths of biology. Men are more aggressive, tending more towards leadership, more competitive and stronger than women are. These are biological facts, not religious dogma. I have one section of my page that is dedicated to exposing the hypocrisy and absurdity of anyone claiming to be a "Christian Feminist" because that is an indefensible position. It is just as true for the other major religions of the world. Most religions came from mankind trying to understand the world around itself. The answers they found were based upon long standing experience of how humans reacted to the situations of life. If you look at the "rules of the road" created by the world's religion, as to how men should treat each other, completely aside from any view or concept of God or gods, they are an attempt to make sense, and order out of the chaos that humans are capable of producing. The leftists are attempting to tear down that sense and order that America displayed so thoroughly in the 1950s, and pull our society ever closer to the chaos. But, it is a fact of historical life that when a society draws too near to chaos, the rigid rule of totalitarianism raises up to restore order, painfully and cruelly. That is what I am fighting hard to avoid, and those of your point of view are fighting hard to bring to reality.

As feminism becomes more successful, the rights of women, along with those of men, will be further curbed. Why? Because it takes a big, strong, oppressive government to be able to force unnatural things upon people. If you noticed, since the big, strong, oppressive Soviet Union fell, the countries that it was unnaturally controlling through oppression, are now fighting like cats and dogs trying to snap back to normality for themselves. That is always the ultimate result of oppression.

When you say, "Let everyone hold their own views," I am left to wonder what you mean. Do you mean that you are glad that I have the views I have because they are mine, and you are celebrating them with me? Or do you mean what the average Leftist does, that is all those who have been converted to the Leftist ideals must be left alone, to have their "own" ideas, while the non-conformists' views of the non-Left are attacked with great vigor? I have seen how the Left, "leaves folks alone" to have their own ideas. There are law suits, bombs, beatings and other "benign" ways of leaving people alone who disagree with the Left. Couple with that the steady stream of propaganda from the television, movie, and newsprint media, and we see that the Left is hard at work attempting to make sure that no one who disagrees with them will be left alone to "hold their own views."

Thank you for dropping in and signing my guest book.


Name: Sam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arlington, Virginia
Time: 2000-01-19 13:57:00
Comments: Hello Al. As you may remember, I have posted here before. Since you have received some negative postings here recently, I thought I'd post something in support. I must say that the comments of poster #17 raised my eyebrows. Women are superior? The soul is female? God is a woman? Geez, I must have been living under a rock all these years to be ignorant of these things. I was under the impression that, not only Christianity, but ALL of the major world religions-- Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism-- are rigidly "patriarchal". The founders of these religions or their key exponents have been, without exception, men. And most of these exponents have little or nothing positive to say about "female spirituality." In fact, the Buddha is even thought to have said something to the effect that women are absolutely incapable of spiritual enlightenment. However this may be, history teaches us again and again that MEN are the truly creative force, intellectually and spiritually, of all human societies. The rightful role of women is helping men and nurturing children to perpetuate future generations. I want to make utterly clear my own position that I am from the bottom of my heart, categorically, PRO-MAN and PRO-PATRIARCHY, and will do my part in ensuring the preservation and propagation of patriarchy and patriarchal institutions throughout society.

Welcome back Sam, and thank you for sharing your insight as well as your support! There is nothing that I can add to an excellent post like that. It is upon folks like you that the future of our country is dependant.


Name: Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 2000-01-16 08:10:00
Comments: thank you, keep up the good work.

Thank you Paul! I will endeavor to do so.


Name: wendy
Website: the official #systemofadown website
Referred by: From a Friend
From: new york
Time: 2000-01-15 16:32:00
Comments: this page is sad. there are some valid points here and there, but overall they are just half-truths and prove that men are indeed just bitter about the progress women have made in history. we're all human. all equal. give it up, already.


It is interesting how many times I have heard Leftists tell me, and those like me, to give up, as if standing up for the truth is no longer worth it because the government is on your bandwagon today. I remember what happened in the 1960s. The vast majority of Americans of the 1950s agreed with my position today. If the Left had just given up simply because they were in the minority at the moment, today we would be living in a tremendously better society than we live in now. Our future would be much brighter, and the vast majority of Americans would be happier. But the Left did not give up, unfortunately, and were able to wreak their damage upon our society. And then you have the gall to say, "give it up." Not a chance. What has been done can be undone, and will be undone.

You say this page is sad. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard President Clinton, your soul mate, say the very same thing about anyone who ever told the truth about him. He thought it was so very sad that someone would stoop to saying something or other about him, as if it were not true. Then later, it always turned out to be the truth! But he deflected the truth with the line, "I think it is sad…" just like you are trying to do.

What is truly sad, is what has become of the American family. Today, over 80% of our children are no longer raised by their real mother and father in the same home. That is thanks to feminism, coupled with other Leftist ideas. You can call this fact anything you like, but that will not change the fact that it is the truth! The number of single mothers, and the resulting children who are left unattended, and who get into trouble because of it, is outrageously high. Again that is the truth, and it is because of feminism.

What men are bitter about is not "progress" that women have made. Women are women today just like they were one hundred years ago or a thousand years ago. They will never be men, no matter what people like you try to do to change that fact. Therefore, they have not progressed. They have stayed the same, just like men have. The only thing that has changed is that we have a government which has decided that the freedom of the ones, who make up the majority in our society, to run their own lives as they see fit, is not as important as having those same people kneel to the god of Leftist ideals. You applaud that oppression, and pretend that you do not understand why both men AND WOMEN are bitter about having totalitarianism forced down their throats!

We are indeed all human, but we are not all equal! That absurd lie is wearing very thin. Look about you and you will see that some are smart, and some are not. Some are rich and some are not. Some are strong and some are not. In a free society, those who have money are not treated the same as those who are poor. That is as it should be, because that creates a drive in the poor, if they are intelligent, to strive and improve their lot. If we were all truly equal, we would all live in the same sized house, in the same type of neighborhood, and would be driving exactly the same kind of car. But we do not do that, because we are not equal! We are all different, as individuals, and as sexes. You may or may not learn to accept the facts of life as they are, but that will never change them. If you, and your feminist friends had a whit of concern for women, families, children and America, you would "give it up." But you don't so my page, and others like it will continue to exist, and the right will prevail in the end. Tough break for your side.


Name: galloi
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: utopia
Time: 2000-01-11 11:38:00
Comments: i am a male, but i know that women are superior. your war on all that is good makes me very angry. your brand of fascism is contemptable, as you would destroy the dignity and wellbeing of all that i care about. personally i am working hard to ensure that all forms of patriarchy are destroyed. traditional institutions, and particularly christianity are disgusting, ugly, immoral, and spiritually repressive. the soul is female, god is a woman, and all things female are inherently spiritual and supreme.

So, how long have you had this inferiority complex? Didn't your mommy like you?

Think about what you are saying. Traditional institutions are what made us what we are today. These institutions have created a society where women are no longer sold on a slavery block, or merely legal property of their husbands. They have rights, and they have respect because of those traditional institutions. Patriarchy brings with it responsibilities, and obligations. A man who is a leader in his home, is also responsible for the wellbeing of all those in his household. Traditional institutions, such as Christianity, force a man to treat his wife lovingly, and faithfully.

That which we are doing today, in tearing down our traditional institutions which made us what we are, will make us something different tomorrow, with different traditional institutions. One of those new "traditions" that folks like you are so eager to create, is a totalitarian government. It will make us all play nice with one another by jailing or killing us when we decide to go against its wishes. It is clearly the intention of Bill Clinton, and all of the Leftists, both Democratic and Republican, to increase the government's ability to force people to obey. If you choose not to obey the party line, you will suffer the consequences. Of course they do it in the name of "dignity and wellbeing" don't they? Of course they do. They do it in the name of the women. They do it in the name of the children. They do it in the name of the poor. They do it in the name of the elderly. People are fooled into ignoring what the government is really doing, by having their attention drawn to whom the government is supposedly doing it for. In the mean time more and more restrictive laws are being forced upon us, and our way of life is being destroyed. The "dignity and wellbeing" of the average American who either lived in the 1950s, or is descended from Americans who lived in the 1950s, is under severe attack by folks like you. The new institutions are hostile to their way of life, completely hostile. They will terminate it altogether if given enough time, and if people like me do not stand against them.

So, while you worship your goddesses and ignore your gods, while you snivel and worm your way through life as an inferior being, wishing to be what you worship, but never being able to reach your goal, you have lost your chance to be what you were designed to be: a REAL MAN. My condolences.


Name: Lesley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UK
Time: 2000-01-06 16:25:00
Comments: I am a 20 year old female and think feminists are hypocrites. Most of them just sit and bitch about men and how bad they are. When I watch shows like Jerry Springer, Oprah etc., I see females who have kids with the guy and say every child needs a daddy and why is he not with the baby she gets all the pathetic ladies applauding her but the reason he ain't with his kid is cos the mummy wont let him see the kid or the mummy just happens to be a total bitch to him when he is around the child. I think a lot of women use their kids to get at men. They are the ones who say they want the money from the dad when she runs of with another guy but at the same time women have always said that the baby needs a mummy. I don't understand. I actually know friends who have been raised with their dads and they are fine actually from what I have heard, most kids raised by single dads are fine but now a lot of kids are on drugs getting into trouble etc and you always hear that they been raised by single mother with no dad at all and I have actually heard females say it's the dads fault cos he wasn't there. If he wasn't there then who raised the kid??? THE MOTHER probably. So, instead of ladies bitching about the males try to think about the situation you are bitching about. I also find that if a woman don't know who the dad of her child is she is pathetic (unless she was raped). All the females feel sorry for her especially when you see this on TV when the male gets tested to see if he the dad. The show host always gives the lady sympathy but she is so low. How can a guy be a dad if he don't know he a dad at all? Women want praised for being a single parent all the time. They all look proud of the fact. If a guy a single parent people think he is a low life he gets pulled down more than a woman would.

Hi Lesley!

You covered a lot of ground there and made some very important points, concerning the importance of fatherhood, and some sort of moral restraint that should be shown by women. The Jerry Springer Show is one of the most moral-free outlets for depravity in existence today. It is only rivaled by other, similar talk shows. They get the most outrageous, sick, and twisted people they can find to come and talk about their lives as if they were normal. One of the worst things about all of those shows in the USA is that they are shown at a time of day when all the latch-key children, abandoned by their working/single mothers, are home from school and unattended. Children might as well be watching X-rated movies as to watch that filth.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us!


Name: Dale Summers
Website: Summers' Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlanta, Ga.
Time: 2000-01-05 19:12:00
Comments: I really enjoyed your writings. I guess we agree on most subjects except abortion. We are 180 apart there.

Well, I am glad that we agree on so much.

However, since you chose to bring up a point of disagreement, that is what I will discuss. It troubles me that the act of killing babies, as an accepted medical practice, could even be considered something to be seriously discussed, let alone actually be supported (and performed!) by otherwise civilized adults. My article on abortion was directed to the single point that is quite focused, and in my opinion, is totally unassailable from logical attack. My contention was that a child who is developed to a certain point is just as valuable (and therefore an equal claimant for legal protection) as is another child developed to the exact same point. My opinion, as stated in the article, is that killing a child - a viable, fully developed child - is an atrocity, and the fact that your opinion lies 180 degrees away from that, is more than unfortunate.


Name: Feminazi (just kidding)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-01 17:55:00
Comments: If possible, how do I get to the rest of your guestbook?

If you go to the bottom of this page you will find two buttons, one labeled "OLDER ENTRIES" and the other labeled "NEWER ENTRIES". Click on the "OLDER ENTRIES" button. That will take you to the first few entries. Go to entry #1 and click on the link there to move to the rest of my guest book.


Name: John
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-28 04:28:00
Comments: Speaking of political correctness, other day I read with interest that they are making it illegal for cab drivers in New York to refuse Black passengers. Now I have nothing against Blacks ( I'm not even white ) but it is a F-A-C-T that the crime rate among Blacks in New York is muuuuuuucccccchhhhhhh higher than any other group, and I can fully understand if at times some cab drivers want to avoid black "passengers". Imagine the predicament of the driver who is stopped by three half-inebriated black men in the middle of the night. Now, laws like this are not just preposterous but down right unfair and dangerous. Frankly, if I were a cab driver in NY I would seriously be considering giving up my profession. What surprises the wits out of me is what has happened to these lawmaking folks. I mean is there any room for truth and reason anymore? Or is everything now based on fashion, impression or what 'feels' right? I know racial issues is not even the topic of this page but political correctness is hence the post.

Our law makers have lost their credibility, their honor and their minds.


Name: Jim
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-21 16:31:00
Comments: My dear Al, Though I may not agree with every single thing you say ( which is to be expected ) I admire your honest and forceful no-apologies-offered style. Your responses in the guestbook have depth and the weight of reasoning behind. Must say you know what the hell you are talking about ( however unfashionable that may be ). By the way, sometime ago I remember watching one of those American talk shows which are so politically correct they transform into one pathetic lie. In that particular show a guest was speaking against the excesses of modern feminism in your own no-apologies-offered style. The scared ( for his job and career )host had to bring every last ounce of his celebrity weight ( along with the moral support of the booing pro-feminist crowd) against him to neutralise his presence. Just wondering was that you by any chance? Also, I am interested in visiting your other sites. Please supply the URLs in your reply. Cheers-Jim

Thanks for dropping in and for your kind words. I have not been on any talk shows, so that was someone else that you saw. The last talk show that I used to watch regularly was Phil Donahue before Oprah hit the air. It finally dawned on me that there was nothing to be gained by watching those shows. They loaded up the audience with liberals, with just a handful of conservatives thrown in to laugh at. If they had a guest who was not PC, they usually would have a very PC guest on at the same time to "balance" the show. No balance was needed for the leftist guests of course, when they were promoting their books, etc. Any serious discussion that started to go in a direction that made the conservative point of view look good was terminated with a lying promise that the point being made would be gotten straight back to after the break. It never happened. The net effect of all television talk shows is to push the audience towards the left, always. Even the mislabeled Politically Incorrect show was hosted by a self-proclaimed liberal. How can that be Politically Incorrect?

I watched one guy who came on the Donahue show who did it right. He was talking on the subject of homosexuality, and how he was against the lifestyle. Instead of trying to make a logical case against the deck, that Donahue always stacked against anyone from the right, he came out in a silly costume, that included rubber gloves and other protective clothing that visually got the point across that male homosexuality was a very unclean and medically dangerous lifestyle. I still remember the show, and I'll bet there are others out there who do as well. He specifically stated that there was no way that Donahue would allow an individual with traditional views to actually state his case and make any points, so he was making his point in other ways. Even still, I think the net result was not to make a great deal of ground with the viewing audience, but it did highlight the absurdity of watching talk shows to "educate" yourself about any topic.

My other web pages are on a different, and also politically incorrect topic. This page is dedicated to my wife and so I keep the two topics separate, to avoid distracting from the message here. If you wish to visit my other pages, email me with your request and I will send you the URL to my main page on the topic.

Cheers -Al-

Name: Thinker
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-19 02:28:00
Comments: Dearest Al, I consider myself a feminist by 60s definition and not feminist at all by 90s definition. I do believe some counter argument to today's radical-feminism is needed, but I also believe this shouldn't transmute into a movement of hatred. I don't know if you will agree but a female of a specie is always more precious than the male. We men make love to women ( which is essentially fun for us )then leave them with a mammoth of a task for months, then a painful delivery, then breast feeding and what not. How can it ever reasonably be argued that a woman's life (even now when lots of laws in western countries favour them to some degree) is easier than that of a man? And any real (and in some cases I admit unfair) advantages that women have acquired they have only acquired in the last few decades, and that too only in certain parts of the world. I doubt if we still have any real reason to complain. Also it seems highly unlikely that women will be able to continue indefinitely this trend. The 'feminization' of men that they insist on ( the same new-age, sensitive, weeping, vulnerable man routine ) has already triggered a chain of events which will soon make men see themselves as weak, oppressed gender hence the destruction of today's gender-feminism.

Well Mr. Thinker, we have some points of agreement and some of disagreement. In the agreement category, we are in accord on the fact that the female of the species is precious. In fact there is no debating that the female is the most important component of any species, but that is only true because she bears young. Take that away and she is far less. So, for a mother, she is indisputably the most precious of our species. This is what my page is all about. The fact is that a human child is not born, ready to go. It is not going to be finished with its need of a mother until it is an adult. (Even then a mother is a very important thing to an adult child.) Since a woman's special worth is in her role as mother, it is there that we should entice her to be, where we can focus upon her our attentions, adoration and special praise, not in the workplace where she makes a second rate worker bee.

Also in the agreement column, we are agreed that this façade of feminism cannot last. It is contrary to the biological reality of mankind and will therefore self-destruct at some point in the future. The only thing that has allowed it to progress this far is the iron fist of the government forcing Americans to accept feminist ideas against their will. Once we are rid of that, feminism as we know it will evaporate into the thin air from whence it came. That by the way is not hate, it is reality and nothing more.

In the column of disagreement, we find that our view of the roles of the sexes is not meshing. It is important, for the perpetuation of the species that men start the process off. So, they are naturally driven to do that, sometimes to the exclusion of nearly everything else. It is fun but necessary, which is no doubt why it biologically came to become fun in the first place. Where our views diverge is what the female goes through. A normal female is flushed with excitement when she finds out that she is pregnant. When she is in a good marriage, her husband is excited with and for her. He dotes on her, and follows the progress of the baby's development with her. She shares with her friends her joy and they all discuss the process with her. It is a social event that females all share with each other. It is what she is on earth for, and she knows it. It is instinctual. It is fulfillment that a job could never come close to supplying. There is all sorts of primping and preening that goes on, and a baby shower to top it all off near the end. When that painful delivery is over, she brings home a little child that every woman, friend or stranger, will fawn over and make a fuss about how cute it is. Again it is a social event and as basic as breathing.

Where you error is thinking of women as being men. They are not. They do not view life through the same eyes. They do not have the same needs and desires. The book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus is a very interesting study in the different ways that the sexes view life. For a man, pregnancy would be hell, for a normal woman it is at the root of her life's instinctual ambition. For a man, children are little bits of chaos that need to be whipped into shape. For a woman they are little darlings that can do little real wrong. (Of course there are moments even for a mother where children are a real pain, but not in the same way that they would be to a man.)

Since men and women live different lives no matter what they do, (even career women are fundamentally different than career men) there is no way to say who has an "easier" life. If a man loves to do work that is very physical, it is "easier" for him to do hard manual labor than to sit quietly behind a desk all day. The man behind the desk may enjoy that work and so it is "easier" to him than hard manual labor would be. What is "easier" is that which you are good at and that which you enjoy. So, the fact is that many women, who stay at home with their children and are supported by their husbands, have an easier life than many men, even though these women may work many more hours doing their job. Some men love what they do for work and they may have it "easier" than a woman who is a single mother and working a job she hates. Who has an "easier" life is the one who is happy, and that is the simple fact. You cannot judge a woman's happiness by what would make a man happy because on average it is not the same thing at all. In the end, it is not who has the "easiest" life that is truly important but who has fulfilled their duty to the next generation, by first producing it, and then raising it.

Thanks for dropping in and sharing your thoughts.


Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-16 13:19:00
Comments: Hey Al, here's a book you and your readers might find interesting...



April House Publishing

By Matthew Fitzgerald


Excerpt From Chapter Three "The Failure Of Feminism"


Feminism is a failed social movement because it perverts nature. It fails to understand that men and women are intrinsically different, both physically and mentally. Warped by hate and greed, women are the sorriest kind of short-term thinkers. Like a spider spinning a web in a sealed tomb, they are oblivious to any reality wider than the scope of their self-focused egos and glandular "logic". Like spoiled brats, women demand privileges which, once granted, they come to expect as rights and always cry for more. The feminist movement is more characterized by overindulgent self-pity than heroics.

Feminism is a blueprint for deceit and despair, for a beleaguered present and a barren future. It rankles women to confront the truth about gender equity face to face: that equality means equality, and nothing less. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. True equality means being slaughtered on the front lines; it means paying a fair share in dating and marriage; it means back-breaking hours at the office to earn a "man's salary". To compete for an equal paycheck a woman must have intelligence, drive, and ambition, not just a pair of breasts; to earn 20% more she must work 20% harder, as men have to do. All of this quarrels with the ease of traditional female whoredom. And so women blame men because now they are paying the price of the male worker: 60 or 70 soul-killing hours a week at a job which smothers them; interminable rush-hour commutes; jaw-clenching stress; ulcers and heart disease and early death; non-involvement in family life; divorce; and no time for "communicating". Suddenly women are opening their eyes and realizing that Lucy Ricardo and June Cleaver and Laura Petrie had the world literally by the balls-a little housekeeping and occasional sex for a life of comfort in the suburbs, spinning away the afternoons playing bridge or gossiping with the neighbors, while their husbands slaved at the office and worried about the bills.

But women were determined to make it in a "man's world". The feminists had brainwashed them and sold them a bill of goods. Their journey has led them on a circular path, like a dog chasing its own tail, from awareness to protest to victory to unvarnished reality. The fist clenched in righteous indignation of the early struggle has transformed itself into an accusatory finger shaking with rage. Women have found out-the hard way-that the "man's world" is hard work, and they don't like it a bit. "Liberation" has come to mean slogging home alone from a power-bitch job and falling asleep in front of the television set, just like their fathers did. Only now there's no one there to scream at them for more money or more attention. The jailers have become the jailed.

Slowly women are beginning to brush away the wool the feminists have pulled over their eyes. What women are looking for now is a way out of the prison their greed and self-indulgence has built for them. What they want is the cozy life their mothers led. They are tired of working and want to be taken care of again. You've come a long way, baby, only to arrive back at the starting point, but it's too late. By usurping men's jobs, by blatantly stealing men's money, by arrogantly abusing their sexual power, women have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Disgusted by female behavior, men are finally wising up. A backlash is coming which will shake society to its foundations. The winners will be men, who will finally be free of the shackles of female domination. Women will be the losers, casualties in a senseless war they waged against nature itself.

It sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Name: Observer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Space/Time constraints dont apply
Time: 1999-12-15 06:07:00
Comments: I can see having a site like this is loads of fun. I wish I had enough time/motivation to have one like this. Just remember the more extreme and spectacularly unopposed a trend the sooner it starts to plant the seeds of its own destruction. Believe me, if you can feel, the seeds of destruction of this trend have already been planted, and by no one else but women themselves. You just enjoy your site. It is hardly needed, though. Regards, Observer.

While I agree with you that feminism is inherently doomed, because biology cannot be ignored, and the excesses of the feminist movement have made it appear ridiculous to any objective observer, there remains the problem of the government interference in our lives, in support of the hopelessly flawed feminist ideals. Our government has continued to grow this century, taking evermore power from the people, unto itself. It grows fat and oppressive. It looks for causes like feminism to use as an excuse to grow even more powerful and to justify even more oppression. All the while the feminists prance around and think that they are winning something for themselves, while they are merely the dupes of the Leftist power brokers. My page is needed, and a thousand more like it. Somehow Americans have to be awakened to the fact that their freedom is evaporating before their very eyes, and they better do something about it soon!

Thanks for dropping by.


Name: Elisabeth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-14 18:48:00
Comments: I think you are basing your whole page on the fact that YOUR marriage works wonders that way and that YOU and YOUR wife are happy the way that YOu guys do things.What youseem to leave out ,in my opinion , is that everyone is different ,has different goals ,ambitions ,purposes ,etc...While this pattern of life has been succesfull for you and your family ,it may not be the same for other families.I am 45 ,I am a business owner.I own my own restaurant and I have worked very hard at that. I have always worked even though my husband was making good money and I didn't HAVE to work.I wanted to.I was a restaurant manager for years and after gaining enough experience ,I opened my own place which is now very succesfull.I also have 2 children.They are both very smart ,well adjusted young adults.My son is 22 and has been with the same girfriend since he was 16.He is graduating college this year.My daughter is 17 ,and off to college next year.She is a brilliant student and has been awarded a scholarship.My children have never ever been neglected nor did they ever feel that way. My husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary last october and we are still like newlyweds. I think every family does what works for them and it shouldn't be anyone else's business what they do and the way they choose to live their lives. As long as everybody is happy and well adjusted ,it's a success !

As with most feminists, you think wrongly. I do not base my page upon only my own marriage, or even mostly upon my own marriage. My own marriage merely makes a clear example of how great a traditional marriage can be. There were millions of such marriages before the 1960s Liberal invasion of this country, and the fact is that the vast majority of those marriages held together! Divorce was the exception not the rule. It is not just the way we do things, or what makes us happy, that is important. What is important, is what makes marriages last, and thereby protects children, and also what prepares the next generation for perpetuating our society, and culture.

The self-centeredness of the feminist is absolutely the defining attribute of the movement. What make you happy is all that counts. To hell with your children, your husband, the society, your culture, the future of all your descendents. Only worry about what makes YOU happy.

What built the USA was a huge majority of the population who thought of others. They worried about creating strong families before worrying about what made themselves happy. They worried about their own children and their spouses more than their own self-fulfillment. They worked hard, and gave much, and in return they had solid families that lasted for life. They had neighborhoods that were crime free. They had honor and they gave to charity even when they had far less money than people do today. Those people built America, and the Left is doing all that it can to tear it down.

There are examples of children who have lived through having two alcoholic parents. (Often these parents remained married for life, call them a success if you like.) These children had to fend for themselves most of their lives, and many have grown up to be "well-adjusted," and "very smart," even "brilliant". They have won scholarships. They have even gone on to have alcohol free lives, and permanent marriages. Does that make a case for being an alcoholic parent, as a positive or even an acceptable thing? Only to someone who was enamoured with the idea of promoting alcoholism. It is just what you are trying to do with your example for feminism.

I will take you at your word that you have been a restaurant manager for your 25 year marriage. It follows therefore that you had absolutely nothing to do with raising your children. I have known several people in the restaurant business, and it is one of the most time consuming jobs there is, more like having two fulltime jobs. In order to do that you had to abandon your children completely to somebody else. Perhaps your replacement was an adequate substitute for a mother, or perhaps your kids just grew up young, and learned to fend for themselves, like the children of alcoholic parents have to. No matter how they managed to replace you, it does not in any way make a case for the neglect that you are guilty of in not being there for your children. However, you are happy, personally fulfilled, and since your kids managed to avoid joining the huge numbers of children who have had their lives completely destroyed by self-focused women like you, you feel justified in your selfish behavior.

Since, because of your demanding job, you have not seen your husband for 25 years, no doubt you feel like strangers more than newlyweds. Look at the millions of marriages that are ending in divorce because of feminism. The vast majority of marriages of today end up in that category. I recently read that over 80% of our kids are living in homes without both of their real parents present. That is as a direct result of feminism. That completely trumps your attitude that it doesn't matter what people do, as long as they are happy. When 80% of our children are impacted by a movement's distorted ideals, then it does matter, and it matters a great deal!


Name: Jesse
Referred by: Lycos
Time: 1999-12-14 14:37:00
Comments: Wow, I am suprised you crawled out of your cave to make this website. Bah, people like you are still arguing over who belongs where, who is subserviant to who. My mother worked while my father changed my soiled diapers on the bathroom floor because McDonald's was not equiped with proper changing facilities in the Men's room at the time. My aunt has three kids and stays at home while my uncle is a trucker. We're both happy families. What does it matter who does what, as long has you're happy?

There must be a cloning device out there somewhere, that is producing exact replicas of liberals. They all sound the same.

Perhaps someone like you would not care to notice but there are far more children today who are left in their dirty diapers, or are being changed by short tempered strangers who are far more like to be abusive to those crying babies, because of what mothers choose to do. (If you had the opportunity to check, you would find that most men's restrooms still don't have changing facilities today, and I can't remember ever seeing one of those men's room baby changing stations actually in use my entire life.)

Personal happiness first of all is not the only important thing in life. Secondly, immediate personal happiness, may actually lead to long term misery. Hedonism may be a lot of fun. It may generate tremendous personal happiness in the short term. Many folks jump into an adulterous affair because they are looking for personal happiness. Are they happy? For the short term, I am sure that they are. But in the long term, it can lead to great misery in the form of divorce, or even death, if a jealous spouse finds out. Happiness is transient, and can only be properly evaluated at the end of one's life, when that which has remained will have been separated from that which was only temporary .

My web page is not about any one family. It is about a movement. This movement has ripped our families apart, and left our children without their fathers, or much of their mothers. This movement has led us into socialistic ideas and it is assisting the government in stealing the rights and power of the individual citizen for itself. This has led to oppression of both men and women, and will only lead to more of the same in the future. This process must be stopped, and therefore the feminist movement must be opposed and stopped. If that surprises you, it is time you wake up to what is going on, so as not to be more unpleasantly surprised by events in the future.


Name: Lynda
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-10 22:13:00
Comments: Why do female atheletes upset you so much? So what if they are second rate? So are kids on little league, and people in events such as the special olympics. Sports is not simply an issue of physical ability. Discipline, dedication and enthusiasm also contribute to the value and enjoyment of sports. I'm sure you'll agree that women can be equal to men in these concepts. Plus, any one with common sense knows that women want to compete with each other even if they do not want to compete with men. Even in very patriarchial societies such as ancient Greece, women competed against each other in their own sporting events. In addition, I personally have always thought women bring a bit of grace and asthetic value to sports. So, If you have something against women in sports, then don't watch them.

Nowhere on my page did I say that women should be restricted from playing sports or with playing with dolls or playing with anything else that strikes their fancy, in the area of entertainment. Your implication that I did is totally unfounded. My only objection to female athletes is when the feminists try and claim that they are the equal of male athletes.

I agree with you completely that Little League is great entertainment. So are the Special Olympics. Also, I enjoy watching females run around in skimpy sporting outfits as much as any man does. Very entertaining. Kids or women playing sports and having a good time is just fine. Nothing on my page says otherwise.

I will not grant you that women are the equal to men in enthusiasm for sports, at least competitive sports. It is no coincidence that female professional sports are over loaded with lesbians. That unnatural masculine orientation of the brain is what supplies them the competitive drive that they have. Girls of course can be competitive, but males are more competitive. Playing hurt, and playing past the point where you know you are going to be hurt is very common among even average male athletes. Winning is more important than it has any real right to be with most males. My wife often says that she just doesn't understand the male drive to win. She wants to win, but having fun is what really counts to her. That is the normal feminine approach to sports.

Professional sports are just a matter of physical ability, at least as the baseline starting point. If you do not have the physical ability, you cannot play the sport no matter what other attributes you may have. That is why women will never be good enough to play real professional sports. Here is where we run into difficulty.

The feminists want to force schools to spend as much money on female athletic programs as male athletic programs. That is absurd, because females on average, do not participate in sports as often or as enthusiastically as males do. Also, at the schools where they sell tickets for sports, usually the male sports draw in more fans because the level of play is superior. Therefore the feminists are acting in a less than fair (big surprise!) or intelligent (another real shocker!) manner .

In the Olympics it is completely absurd to count women's medals as equal to men's for the same event. If women want to take home a gold medal for the 400 meter run, they should have to run the fastest time in that event. Otherwise it is like having a gold medal in a Special Olympics event being counted as equal with a gold medal for the best men's time. You know that this is true and that saying that does not in any way deprive women from playing all the sports their little hearts desire. It is the prestige of being equal, without being equal that feminists want and that is what I am against. The Greeks understood this. They had a completely separate competition for women. It had nothing to do with the men's Olympics. I don't know why feminists are so much less intelligent than the Greeks were.

Women do bring grace to all that they do. That is why watching women's tennis, with the short little skirts, is so popular. Female ice skating is also very graceful and fun to watch. (And you have to love those outfits!) It is like watching dance or some other graceful activity. I certainly don't have any problem with that, and nothing on my page says that I do. It is only when feminists are trying to equate male sporting ability with female sporting ability that I do have a problem with it.


Name: Shelly
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: a rich neighborhood
Time: 1999-12-09 14:08:00
Comments: I just thought I should tell you what losers you are. Don't get me wrong- I love to date chauvanists, because they are so easily manipulated They think I am weak and incapable opening my own car doors ect. They act like servants and buy me presents whenever I cry. Best of all, they don't thimk I am capable of arguing or having rational discussions, so I get to bilk money out of them without even listening to their stupid opinions. Hey, its your call- If you think women are sex objects and supporting nuturing types, then vixens like me will think you are nothing more than bank accounts and pay chaks. Plus, there are plenty of young pretty girls just like me, and we could not care less about emotionaly supporting anyone but ourselves. You guys think you're tough and manly- Yeah Right! You guys are just afraid of women.

Thanks for the laugh. Me a loser? You don't have a clue. I have been happily married for over 23 years and my wife is my best friend. I open her door for her and she likes it. It is a sign of respect for her, not because she can't do it herself but because I want to do it for her. The thing is, unlike leaches like yourself, a good woman not only receives special attention but she gives it. Marriage is a two-way street, and all you one-way type people crash and burn at some point in your lives. What goes around, comes around.

The prostitute has always been out there to sell sex for favors, and if that is what you wish to be that is no skin off my nose. While there will always be women like you, as well as the men who are just as morally bankrupt to use women, that means nothing to society in general. You see, to offset your self-centered damage are all the wonderful women who really do care about their husbands and their children. These women are the backbone of society, something someone like yourself would never understand.


Name: Sylvie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Canada
Time: 1999-12-05 19:36:00
Comments: I am a 40 years old mother who was an full time homemaker not totally by choice but to please my husband who is a "chauvinist". Since I got married, I never worked ouside the home and I did all the cleaning and the cooking for my husband and family. Now I realize that I did this not because that makes me happy but because I was raised to please people around me. Of course, young kids need their mother at home most time and parenting is a big responsibility. But why a mother should do ALL the housework? And don't forget that kids grow up and it comes a time when a mother can think about her carrier. My children are 16 and 18 years old so they don't need me at home all day long. But I still feel responsible for all the care taking and the housework because of the pressure around me. While I don't agree with all the feminists ideas, I know that they are the ones who will support me the most right now. There is certainly not a chauvinist who will try to understand my frustrations, even not my husband. I have a wonderful daugther and a wonderful son but this is not because I am at home all day every day. Some working women have wonderful children and can be good mother too. Of course my husband is happy to have me at home because he has no (or almost no) cleaning or cooking to do, but how can it be that good for myself, the family or the society? This is not to say that all I did was useless and that my husband is a bad man, but I think that I would feel better if I had a life outside the home and if I had more support for that. I know that chauvinists will never understand my point of view and they are happy to not having another "carrier woman" around them, but at least I can share my opinions in a chauvinist's guestbook. Don't be angry if I don't show your webpage to my husband, I don't want to reinforce his chauvinist views :)

You have two children at home and you don't have them helping you with the housework? What have you been teaching your kids all these years? My sons certainly helped my wife out with the housework while they were home, and when they left the housework became proportionally that much less.

Labor will have to be divided up some way in a household. In my household, I earn the money and my wife spends it. It works out well for us. One thing that I never do is take my wife's efforts for granted. I think many husbands do and that can turn a happy task into pure drudgery. I literally thank my wife several times a day for all the things that she does for me. It is not just a pat routine, or a meaningless "thank you" either. She knows that all her efforts are appreciated. And she lets me know that the work I do for the family is appreciated as well. It is a joint effort. Equally important roles but different roles.

I do think that most women do not know how much men chafe in their roles. Most men tend to keep their problems to themselves. There is always some pain in obligation. For women supervising kids can be thankless work, but it is nearly always rewarded at some point in your life.

Feminists could not care less about you. You are merely a pawn in their power struggle. If they thought killing you would further their cause they would neither hesitate to do it, nor lose one second's sleep over having done it. It is clear that rape is only an issue if it furthers their agenda. Otherwise they are completely unconcerned about it. On every issue that they speak to, you will find that they are only interested in how that issue will increase their political power. They are perfectly willing to draft women into the military (proven by their attempts to do just that) when they know that most women are unwilling, unfit and will be killed, raped and abused in huge numbers. They do not care about what happens to women. It is power and nothing else that they are focused on.

You don't have to show your husband my web page, he sounds like he has his priorities right already. However if you think he is not appreciative enough have him read Women, the Foundation of Civilization. I certainly do not claim that all chauvinists are the best they can be. Traditional marriage is something that you have to work at. Where feminism failed was when it chose to focus on pulling down the traditional family instead of trying to focus on improving the efforts of both sexes in making traditional marriage work better.

My wife and I were waiting in line the other day, at a store, and the clerk asked us, "Are you newly weds?" After 23 years of marriage that is still the way we strike people. If a marriage is done right, there is nothing better on earth. Of course the converse can be just as true. A bad marriage can be hell. That is why our society should be focusing on making good marriages, instead of bad ones.


Name: Rhonda
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Austin tx
Time: 1999-12-05 19:31:00
Comments: I agree with you in lots of ways. I believe in God and the bible...and I personally think that women should be able to do anything they want in the way of carreers and w/their lives. If they want to be a corp executive making lots of money more power to them! But of the things God put women in this earth to do was to be mommy's. If you have a baby you should do everything you can to stay at home and raise that child,and youre right....theres no one at home these days to watch the children..make sure they have about the childs make that child feel loved. So I agree w/that part. My mom stayed at home w/me ,until we were old enough for school anyway, and my parents made many sacrifices. You dont have to have the 2nd car ,biggest home etc..... I do disagree w/you on voting!!! While women do rule w/emotions I believe we are smart enough to make the right choice in how we vote. We have a right to have a say so in who's running our country because we live in it. We are citizens. What happens here affects us. We have to know whats going on,we cant just sit back meekly and be told how to live and what to do. Whats next....if this abolish 19th amendment gets passed? Will you then say we shouldnt be citzens?


If you are saying that women have the right to try on their own to do whatever they want, I agree with you. If you are saying that the government should be assisting that pursuit in anyway, through laws, state financed programs, or court rulings, we are in complete disagreement. Therein lies the disaster that feminism holds in its hands. The absurdity of feminists is beyond ludicrous. You just have to laugh at them to keep from crying. The idea that men would be afraid of equal competition from women is too funny for words. Where men are upset by feminism is exclusively because of the federal government putting lethal pressure on companies to play the feminist game, by the feminist rules. Without that pressure, feminism would have died the miserable death that it deserves.

The facts are there for anyone to see. As women have taken over our democracy, being in the majority, we have moved quickly to the political Left. It will destroy our freedom, our society, our culture and our people. The sad thing is that women are the ones who are going to suffer the most when our standard of living falls down to levels that the Soviet Union considered normal for most of its existence. That is what the female vote has done for us this century. You and all other women are going to pay the highest price for that mistake.

For most of the history of the United States, women did not have the vote. Women were still citizens and protected under the law. So, your assertion that I am trying to take your citizenship away is completely groundless. The vote has done nothing to help the majority of women and has done much to harm them. You will see that harm increase greatly in the future. The Western democracies have treated women better than any other society in the history of mankind. By the female vote turning those societies into socialistic entities, the high standard of living that was possible before will fall away, and what will be left is a dreary life for all, especially women. "Women and children first" will be replaced with "every man for himself." You will not like it.


Name: Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-02 03:10:00
Comments: Hi again Al. I just wanted to tell you about a case over here in the U.K. regarding feminist values. Maybe you saw it in the U.S.? Anyway, a female lawyer had two baby sons a couple of years apart. Both died of cot death. But it was later found that the mother had smothered the children to death, because she did not want them to "get in the way of her career"! I have yet to see the feminist groups on the news campaigning for her freedom, since of course by their thinking she has the "right" to do such things. A feminist who runs a webpage recently told me that "recent evidence indicates that the differences between men and woman are caused by society rather than nature"! Surely no-one could believe such an obvious nonsense? See you later, Paul.

It is amazing that the hypocritical media even mentioned the story. This is quintessential feminism: kill the kids so you don't have your career held back. That is what abortion is all about. This the very same process at work. While feminists may be too frightened to come out directly in support of this murderess, you know they sympathize with her completely.

Oh, there are a great many brainwashed, fanatical feminists who actually believe that all the differences between men and women are because of the way they are raised. I have these mental defectives visit my page from time to time. They ignore their own experience, and every study that has ever been done on children's behavior, and just assume the world is the way that they wish it was. The Book Brain Sex is filled with evidence beyond debate. Girl babies immediately react to people and things differently than boy babies do. This is before any outside pressures have been applied. From then on the differences only become more obvious, with the chasm climatically widened beyond any possible confusion at puberty. Societal views about men and women came from biology. Biology forced society to act as it does, society did not force males and females to act the way they do, in the area of basic sexual differences.

While this is a settled matter scientifically, politically the feminist does not care about objective reality at all. She will continue to pursue her political agenda regardless of scientific fact, or the destructive results of her activities. If it takes killing all women, the feminist will be happy to do it, as long as all of the women died for the feminist cause.

Thanks for dropping by again,


Name: Caveman Al
Website: The Chauvinist Corner
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-12-01 15:04:00
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